Logo of CIF
The Central Instruments Facility logo symbolizes the wheel, one of the most useful instruments for mankind. It is make into 12 blue segments presenting the 12 academic departments and centers those uses the facility. The names of departments and centers are written in yellow. The area of each segment is same and it symbolizes the fact in CIF everyone has equal opportunity irrespective of their department or centre. In the center white segment (the white colour has all colours in itself), that is linking all the segments, represents the Central Instruments Facility. The short most popular acronym CIF is written in there. Each segment representing the department may be visualized as the path. All these paths (departments/centers) lead to CIF for the sophisticated instruments and it a common meeting point for all these research. One can also visualize in the other way i.e. From (using) CIF one can peruse the research in different areas.