Picosecond Time-resolved and Steady StateLuminescence Spectrometer, Make: Edinburg Instruments, Model: Lifespec II & FSP 920.
Working Principle:
Pico Second Time Resolved Fluorimeter
Make: Eddinburg Instruments, Model: Lifespec II
Working Principle: Lifetime Fluorescence spectroscopy investigates the change in Fluorescence over time of a sample when irradiated with UV Visible or near IR light. This decay in Fluorescence can be measured over a wide time range: from picosecond to milliseconds. The acquisition and analysis of the time resolved fluorescence is based on the technique of time Correlated Single Photon Counting.
Location: 106-B, CIF Building
In-charge Email Id :- ashimmalakar@iitg.ac.in
Instrument In-Charge- A. Malakar
In-charge Email Id :- ashimmalakar@iitg.ac.in
Instrument Co- InCharge- C.Borgohain
Office Contact Number: 03612583107
Instrument Status: Not Working