250 KN Servo Hydraulic Universal TestingMachine, Make: BISS, Model: MEDIAN 250
Working Principle:
Make: BISS Model : MEDIAN 250.
Working Principle:Universal Hydraulic Servo-controlled Machine 250kN capacity, computer controlled, to perform static tensile tests on metallic materials. The following tests can be performed by the associated software system as per ASTM standards: Tension, compression and ¾ point bend test, m Low cycle fatigue tests, High cycle fatigue tests, Fatigue crack propagation tests, K1c and J1c fracture toughness tests, Creep tests, Stress relaxation tests, shear tests, Constant true strain rate tests.
Location:- CIF-002-B
Instrument In-Charge- Dr.Ashim Malakar
Instrument In-Charge- A. Malakar
In-charge Email Id :- ashimmalakar@iitg.ernet.in
Instrument Co- InCharge- DM. Baruah
Office Contact Number: 03612583107
Instrument Status: Working