CS 533: ML for EDA
Welcome to CS 533 Course page
The Class will strat from 2nd January 2025 (Thursday) in 5G2.
Attendance is Mandetory in the Course.
IMPORTANT: Any malpractice will lead to F grade without any explanation.
Class Timing and Venue:
Slot G in timetable for Electives
Wednesday: 12PM-12:55PM, Thursday: 12PM-12:55PM, Friday: 12PM-12:55PM
Venue: 5G2, Core 5
Teaching Assistants
ML for HLS: HLS steps - Scheduling, allocation, binding, RTL generation, ML for resource estimation, ML for Scheduling, ML for Design space exploration in HLS;
ML for logic optimization: Two-level (K-map, Tabular method), Multiple level (Algebraic model), Logic representation using and inverter graph (AIG), Optimization (ABC as a case study). ML techniques (Supervised and Reinforcement) for logic optimization (ABC as a case study)
ML for Verification, Test and Security: Assertion-based verification, ML for verification, LLM-based assertion generation, LLM based test pattern generation, LLM for EDA, LLM for Security.
Text Books
[MLEDA] Machine Learning Applications in Electronic Design Automation, Springer, 2022 (Editors: H. Ren and J. Hu)
[Micheli] G. De Micheli. Synthesis and optimization of digital circuits, McGraw Hill, India Edition, 2003.
[Sherwani] N. A. Sherwani, Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, Bsp Books Pvt. Ltd., 3rd edition, 2005.
Various Research Papers.
C. M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
R. S. Sutton and A. G. Brato, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, MIT Press, 2018
Grade Calculation
Lecture No | Date | Topic | Resources |
Project Presentation Schedule
Evaluation Schedule