Chandan Karfa


  • Prof. R. Karri, New York University, USA

  • Prof. D. Mukhopadhyay, IIT Kharagpur, India

  • Prof. P. Mishra, University of Florida, USA

  • Dr. S. Garg, New York University, USA

  • Dr. C. Pilato, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Professional Responsibilities


Journals: IEEE TC, IEEE ESL, IEEE TCAD, IEEE TVLSI, ACM TODAES, IEEE TECS, ACM JETC, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, IET Computers and Digital Techniques, Journal of Systems Architectures (JSA), Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research, IEEE IoT Journal

Conferences: ETS 2020, DAC 2020, DAC 2019, ISEC 2019, VLSID 2019, ANTS 2018, INDICON 2018, DAC 2018, VDAT’17, ISED 2017, ISED’14, ISVLSI’11, TechSym’10, VDAT’08, VLSID’07.


  • Invited Talk on ‘‘Research Opportunities in EDA’’ at Assam Engineering College on 6th January 2024 and at NIT Agartala on 14th March 2024.

  • Invited talk on ‘‘is your Compiler Secure?’’ at VLSID 2024 Conference 10th Jaunary 2024 at Kolkata.

  • Expert lecture on ‘‘Open source HLS Tools" ‘‘in OpenROAD for Low-Cost ASIC Design and Rapid Innovation’’ workshop organized by Novel Integrated Electronics (NINE) Lab, IIT Guwahati.

  • Invited talk in International Conference on Devices, Sensors and Systems 2024 at Tezpur University on 11th february 2024.

  • Talk ‘‘Security Aspect in Healthcare Devices’’ in One Day SERB, DST, Govt. of India sponsored workshop entitled ‘‘Security and Privacy in Healthcare Services’’ on September 9, 2023 at IIIT Guwahati.

  • Expert lecture at IIIT Guwahati on ‘‘How to protect your IP from Piracy?‘‘ on 13th April 2023.

  • Invited talk on ‘‘"Hardware Accelerator Design from C/C code with High Level Synthesis’’ at Two Days Workshop on ‘‘Embedded Machine Learning on System-on-Chip (SoC)’’ on 21st Dec 2022 at Tezpur Univerity.

  • Speaker in the Workshop on PROGRAM EQUIVALENCE (PEQ 2022) in ISEC 2022.

  • Invited Department Speaker(Computer Science and Engineering) in Research and Industrial Conclave 2022, IIT Guwahati.

  • Speaker in AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Faculty Development Program (FDP) Topics in Hardware Security

  • Guest Lecture on ‘‘IoT: Research Directions’’ on 11th June 2021 in FDP on Future Internet Technology at Dept. of Information Technology, JIS College of Engineering, West Bengal.

  • Invited talk on ‘‘RTL Logic Attacks’’ on 19th March 2021 in CAD for Assurance Webinar supported by the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA), Hardware Security and Trust Technical Committee (HSTTC).

  • Webinar on ‘‘C Based VLSI Design’’, 19th October 2020, Mizoram University, Aizawl.

  • Guest Lecture on ‘‘Code Optimizations’’ at Chandubhai S. Patel Institute of Technology, CHARUSAT, 21st October 2020.

  • Keynote in ‘‘Emerging Trends in VLSI Design and Testing’’, IIIT Guwahati, 14-16 February 2020.

  • Invited talk in a Workshop on Real-time System in CIT Kokrajhar on 17th May 2017.

  • Tutorial in 11th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference (ISEC) 2018

Administrative Responsibilities

  • CSE Departmental Undergraduate Programmme Committee (DUPC) Secretary from 14th June 2024.

  • Faculty Advisor for the BTech 2022 batch.

  • Member, Departmental Undergraduate Programmme Committee (DUPC) since July 2022.

  • Warden, Lohit Hostel, from January 2022 to December 2023.

  • Member, CSE Department Admission Committee, from January 2020 to December 2022.

  • Warden, Umiam Hostel, July 2021 - December 2021.

  • Associate Warden, Umiam Hostel, from July 2019 to June 2021.

  • Associate Warden, Dibang Hostel, July 2018 to June 2019.

  • Department Data Collection Coordinator, from July 2018