
  • The team from AVS Lab mentored by Dr. Chandan Karfa won the First prize in 2023 HeLLO CTF competition.

  • Pradnesh Prasad Kalkar received the President of India Gold Medal and Divyam Singal received the Governor of Assam Gold Medal (UG) from CSE in the 25th convocation of IITG held at 04.07.2023.

  • Anasua Mitra received the Best Ph.D. thesis and Anuj Khare received the Best M.Tech thesis from CSE in the 25th convocation of IITG held at 04.07.2023.

  • Dr. John Jose included in the Executive Committee (ExeCom) of IEEE India Council for the year 2023 as Vice Chair, Industry and Academia Collaboration.

  • MTech student Anuj Khare and Dr. Amit Awekar received the best short paper award at the ACM CoDS COMAD 2023 conference for their paper "Surface Name Errors in Wikipedia"

  • The team from AVS Lab mentored by Dr. Chandan Karfa won the Second Prize in 2022 HeLLO CTF competition.

  • Alakesh Kalita has received the INAE Innovative Student Projects Award 2022 for his PhD Thesis work.

  • Prof. Hemangee K. Kapoor featured in People of ACM.

  • Priyanka Panigrahi has won the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF) India 2022.

  • Abhijit Das received the Best Ph.D thesis and Arshdeep Kaur received the Best M.Tech thesis from CSE in the 24th convocation of IITG held at 17.06.2022.

  • Syam Sankar is awarded Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) for December 2021 cycle.

  • Dr. John Jose is nominated as Vice- Chair of IEEE India council.

  • Dr. John Jose and Dr. Chandan Karfa received the 2021 Qualcomm Faculty Award.