Media Lab Guwahati
The Media Lab is an interdisciplinary center within Department of Design for experiments with digital forms of design and learning. The main focus is on film, video, audio, new media, digital culture and technology. The outcome of projects is often not defined before they are started. They allow for tinkering, sites of non-formal learning practices, where learning by doing is stimulated. The purpose is to promote the creative use of new technologies by providing a collaborative environment for research and experimentation at the intersection of art, technology and culture.
Featured Projects

Study in Distributed system in Nature and Blockchain
This is creation of ‘nature’ of a system by observation of processes in plants. Here is the ‘Meta’ study which is study of observations and contemplation on biological studies. ‘Nature’ is whole and fragmented, from fragments can be created a behaviour as living systems in human-techno-social systems.
View Project »Emergence of Data
The digital interfaces of the modern world still rely on old metaphors and action grammars. The usage of digital systems however has evolved exponentially. This project is about the potential of data as art, as information, and as an interface.
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Enhancing museum going experience for School Children
The future lies in the hands of the young and I agree that this saying hits the nail on the head when it comes to children visiting museums. Children are never too young to learn about our cultural heritage and the collections that represent its physical manifestation. Museums simply need to be more enjoyable and more appealing to children. Therein lies the greatest potential.
View Project »Narratives of Virtual Reality
The new age VR film making is still being approached in the 2D format. The focus is much on the content and not on the film making techniques Thus the new degrees of freedom possible are not properly acquainted with This project is about exploring new visual grammar for generating Virtual Reality content.
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