Workshop Schedule
Date: 29th November, 2012 :- Pre-workshop Speech
Speaker: Prof. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan
Topic: Computer-aided Detection, Modeling, and Analysis of Retinal Vascular Architecture for the Diagnosis of Retinopathy[Abstract]
Venue: Conference Centre, IIT Guwahati
Date: 30th November, 2012
Venue: Conference Centre, IIT Guwahati
Programme Details
08:30 A.M. - Registration
09:00 A.M. - Inauguration
10.00 A.M. - Tea
10:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. - Lecture-1
Topic: Computer-aided Detection of Subtle Signs of Breast Cancer in Mammograms[Abstract]
Speaker: Prof. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan
11:30 A.M. - 12:30 A.M. - Lecture-2
Topic: Biomedical Image Denoising
Speaker: Asst. Prof. Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula
01:00 P.M. - 02:00 P.M. - Lunch
02:00 P.M. - 03:00 P.M. - Lecture-3
Topic: Cardiovascular Signal Processing
Speaker: Prof. Samarendra Dandapat
03:00 P.M. - Tea
03:30 P.M. - 04:30 P.M. - Lecture-4
Topic: Color Image Processing with Biomedical Applications [Abstract]
Speaker: Prof. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan
04:30 P.M. - 05:30 P.M. - Lecture-5
Topic: Biomedical Image Denoising
Speaker: Asst. Prof. Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula
08:00 P.M. Onwards- Dinner