IIT Guwahati
Research Scholar Forum, EEE | December, 2017 | Issue: 2 | Download PDF
What's in this issue:
RSF Future Events
- RSF tournaments (badminton and cricket) will be organized in the even semester.
- Research conclave will be held with great pomp and zeal. Research scholars are encouraged to submit their papers, as a few papers may be published by Springer.
- Research Scholars' Day will be celebrated for the first time in our department. There will be technical as well as fun events, terminated by a gala dinner.
- Latex/ Webpage workshop will be conducted according to the demands of the research scholars.
- Hands-on workshop on technical writing will be organized.
- Movie screening will be done time to time.
Created By RSF-EEE Team 2017
E-mail us at: rsfeee@iitg.ernet.in
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