New Media Studies
Study of History of modern visual and media cultures. Conventions and techniques of old media: rectangular frame, mobile viewpoint and montage. Relationship between language of multimedia and nineteenth century pro-cinematic cultural forms; Functions of screen, mobile camera, and montage in new media as compared to cinema; Theory of Cultural Interfaces. Study of Principles of New Media. Discrete representation, Numerical representation, Automation, Variability. Concept of new media object. Changing relationship of representation. Database as a genre of new media. Logic of remediation. Concept of digital dialectic. Digital Cinema and the history of moving Image. The new language of cinema. Forms of new media: Installations, Sound art, Net art. Free software movement and open source. New media art installation and cross-media practice. Media art as an intercommunicative process. Interactivity and interface: Models of interactive systems. Computation as an expressive medium. Aspects of Tactical Media. The Cyborg Manifesto.
Creativity and Innovation
Cognitive issues in creative thinking; Neurobiological studies of human brain lateralization with respect of creative thinking phenomena; Introduction to knowledge engineering and management; Modeling of Design Thinking and Tacit knowledge representation; Fuzzy thinking, vertical thinking, lateral thinking; Management issues in creativity and innovation; group versus individual creativity; Creativity techniques and tools; Brainstorming, Hypnologic imaginary, TRIZ method, Morphological analysis of ideas; Role of creativity in Innovation and Invention; Comparative studies of creativity in the Arts, Sciences, Engineering and Design; Future casting; Case Studies; Issues in Intellectual Property Rights.