About Us
Research and Development Cell
The Research and Development wing of IIT Guwahati plays a key role in the development of the Institute in to a world class Institute which caters to contemporary research needs of the nation through its teaching as well as research programs. We believe that the essential requirements for a world class Institute are world class faculty members, world class infrastructural facilities and students of very high standards.
During the first decade, IIT Guwahati was continuously building infrastructure facilities. Recent years have seen a quantum leap in research activities in the Institute in terms of consultancy projects, sponsored projects or in the form of collaboration with reputed Institutes/organizations.

These are nurtured by national funding organizations, industries, or NGOs. The research and development activities through sponsored projects are implemented in various departments. The research activities of the Institute are mainly those which are (a) of strategic importance to the nation, (b) catering to the needs of large/medium/small industries in the country, (c) catering to the needs of the rural sector by dissemination of technology and training of the rural people, and (d) academic research, including training students in research methodology.
The Research and Development (R&D) Office is committed to provide all necessary help to the Institute to achieve the highest level of scientific and technological standards. We invite meaningful participation in R&D activities, not only from the faculty and the students but also from government agencies, business, and multinational companies from India and abroad. The main functions of R&D Office are:
- Providing support to the faculty members in the preparation of research proposals to various funding agencies, conforming to the Institute’s guidelines.
- Channelizing research proposals from proposers to the funding agencies through the Institute.
- Registering sponsored research based and short term sponsored courses which are approved by sponsors/funding agencies.
- Monitoring and tracking of budgets and utilization of funds received from sponsors. Preparation of Utilization Certificates and Statement of Expenditures.
- Regulating expenditures and administration of projects (project staff appointment, travel, etc.) on behalf of the Institute.
- Processing of purchase matters for the sponsored research and consultancy projects.
What we do

Involvement in ground breaking research
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati have taken the first successful step in treating peripheral nerve damage which can result from traumatic injuries caused by accidents, physical conflict, bullet wounds as well as during surgical intervention, and many more such innovative work in the field of science and technology
Doing out of the box discoveries
As an 'Institute of National Importance' for engineering, Special impetus is laid to theoretical and applied research. The institute has 1113 PhD students and 325 faculty members working constructively to further the net research output of IIT Guwahati.