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Sr. No. Name of Projects/Consultancy Projects registered/undertaken under the name of Centre for Sustainable Water Research(CSWR)* *Name of PI Name of Co-PI *Funding Agencies Status
1 Drainage Network Design for Kalbhog River and other Natural Drains for releasing Storm Water from Guwahati International Airport Prof. Subashisa Dutta, Dr. Hrishikesh Sharma GUWAHATI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LIMITED Ongoing
2 Physical and Mathematical River Modelling Study for Brahmani River Delta Rejuvenation Prof. Subashisa Dutta, EXECUTIVE ENGINEER JARAKA IRR DIVISION Ongoing
3 Preparation State Specific Action Plan for Assam - Stage II Prof. Suresh Arvindakshan Kartha NERIWALM Ongoing
4 Mathematical Hydraulic Modeling for upstream and downstream stretches of River Ganga at Sangam, Prayagraj Prof. Suresh Arvindakshan Kartha Prof. Rajib Kumar Bhattacharjya PRAYAGRAJ MELA PRADHIKARAN ALLAHABAD Ongoing
5 Peri-urban water regimes and nature (PeriNature) Prof. Anamika Barua Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) Ongoing