and Electrical Engineering
The B.Tech program aims at providing a strong foundation in theoretical, practical and design aspects of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). The curriculum covers all areas of electronics and communication engineering under the broad categories of electronic circuits, electronic devices, signal processing and communication. The syllabus comprises of theory and laboratory courses under these categories. The theory course can be either a core or an elective course. Each theory course has a laboratory component, which provides a balanced mix of quality teaching of theoretical concepts and experimental verification of the learnt concepts.
There are exclusive laboratory courses aimed at imparting the design knowledge of electronic circuits. The design laboratory project in the sixth semester and the project work in the seventh and eighth semesters are aimed at providing opportunities to the students and guiding them to develop new electronic systems useful for real applications using theoretical, practical and design knowledge learnt so for. The elective courses are aimed at imparting knowledge in the specialized and state of the art topics in the broad categories mentioned above. Thus the B.Tech program offered by the department provides an ample opportunity for the aspiring students to become Electronics and Communication Engineers with sufficient knowledge to take up the Engineering profession.
The department has started the B. Tech. programme in Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE) from the year 2008. The programme aims at producing engineers with sound knowledge in electrical engineering and a strong background in electronics.
Dr. Rishikesh Dilip Kulkarni Email: dupceee @ iitg.ac.in |