and Electrical Engineering
1 | Metamaterials Engineered Microwave Devices
2 | Design of a CMOS integrated circuits for an in-band full-duplex radio
3 | Development of High-power Grid-friendly Conductive and Static Wireless Chargers for Electric Vehicles
4 | Moving Beyond Static Balance: A Novel Modular Dynamic Balance Board Concept for Balance Neurorehabilitation
5 | Design and Development of a Robotic Vision System for Underwater Trash Detection using Subsea Inpainting and Textual Artifact Analysis
6 | Design and Development of a Motion Planning and Control Scheme for an AUV swarm with Application to Underwater Surveillance
7 | Development of Wireless Power Transmission System (WPTS) for powering insect scale mico air vehicle (MAV)
8 | On feedback controllers for LQR control of multi-input index-1 DAE systems
9 | Optimal antenna selection for Intelligent reflecting surfaces aided communication systems
10 | Machine learning techniques to reduce CSI overhead in an IRS aided communication system
11 | Generation of non-diverging circular airy orbital angular momentum beams for next generation wireless communication technology
12 | Flexible Resistive Random-Access Memories for Wearable Electronics [As part of Smart Wearable Advanced nanoSensing Technologies in Healthcare ASICs (SWASTHA)]
13 | SCO - Smart Cabin for Office for monitoring well-being of office staffs as well as ambience
14 | Development of non-edible green vegetable oil as a potential liquid dielectric for Nanofilled natural ester impregnated surface modified pressboards for suppressing partial discharges in transformer
15 | iDT-NaPaMeGs: Inverse design tool for nanoparticle meta-grid based photonic devices using computational electromagnetics and deep learning
16 | AI enabled advanced aquaponics ecosystem for the self-reliance of SC community in central and lower Assam
17 | Development of signal and channel models, circuits, and antennas for next generation Wireless systems with emphasis on vehicular communications
18 | Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program - Idea to Innovation (INUP-i2i)
19 | Fabrication and demonstration of a state-of-the-art C-band optical modulator in silicon photonics platform for 400G networks
20 | Smart contactless technology development for smart fencing
21 | Design and Development of a Digital Holographic Microscopic Imaging System for Detection and Recognition of Underwater Microorganisms and Particles
22 | Testbed for vision-based control of unmanned vehicles
23 | Timing Synchronization in Cell-free massive MIMO Systems
24 | Integrating Massive MIMO in Dense Cooperative Cellular Deployment
25 | Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites for Solar Energy Conversion
26 | Flexible Memristors Using 2D Layered Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites
27 | Development of non-edible green vegetable oil as a potential liquid dielectric for power/distribution transformer from the renewable source
28 | Establishment of Silicon Photonics and Microelectronic Devices Laboratory
29 | Large Area Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells
30 | Image IDGP : Image based for Identification of lndividual Breads and diseases of Pigs and Goats
31 | Development and performance analysis of nanofluid based dielectric fluid as an insulant and coolant in power transformers,
32 | Multiple Object Tracking, Learning and Detection with Dynamic RGB(D) Imaging Sensors
33 | Multimodal Broadcast Analytics - Structured Evidence Visualization for Events of Security Concern
34 | Electrical Machines Virtual Lab
35 | Dual Mechanical Port Based Electric Vehicle Power train
36 | Remote Triggered Lab in Electromechanical Energy Conversion
37 | Development and Efficient Characterization of Floating Body (FB) and Dynamic Threshold (DT) CMOS Partially Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator (PDSOI) Standard Cell Libraries
38 | Development of Medical Image Processing Laboratory
39 | Development of Text to Speech System in Assamese and Manipuri Languages
40 | Speech-based Multilevel Authentication System
41 | Development of Phonetic Engine in Indian Languages
42 | Advanced Embedded Systems Laboratory
43 | Development of Robust Document Image understanding System for Document in Indian Scripts (OCR)-Phase-II
44 | Development of online handwritting recognition system for Indian language (OHWR-phase-II) - Deployment of an application and improvement of engine performance. - Development of Assamese handwritten character recognition system
45 | Virtual Lab in Electronic Instrumentation
46 | Digital VLSI Design Virtual Lab
47 | Design, fabrication and testing of low analog front-end chip for heart rate detection
48 | Speech-based Access for Agricultural Commodity Prices in Six Indian Language
49 | Establishment of new National MEMS Design Centres
50 | Analysis and Development of matched feed for offset parabolic antenna system
51 | Characterization and Compensation of Acoustic and Linguistic Mismatch for Robust Automatic Recognition of Children's Speech
52 | Design of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNFET) Based Amplifiers
53 | Information extraction from Multipolar radar data
54 | Development of an Indian Sign Language Recognition System for Hearing Impaired Students of India
55 | Special Manpower Development Programme in VLSI Design and related software (SMDP-II)
56 | Speech Signal Processing Virtual Lab
57 | Signals and Systems Virtual Lab
58 |
Metamaterials engineered microwave devices: size miniaturization and performance enhancement of microwave devices using metamaterials based sub-wavelength resonators and components
59 | Robust Control of a Robotic Manipulator using Sliding Mode Controller
60 | Navigation and Path Planning of Mobile Robots and Extension to Multi-Agent Systems
61 | Multi-Modal Broadcast Analytics – Structured Evidence Visualization for Events of Security Concer
62 | Design and Implementation of a Blind Assistance System using FPGAs and Sensors
63 | Digital Preservation, Analysis and Technology Development of the Languages of the North East
64 | Acoustic and Tonal Features based Analysis of Mizo
65 | Emotional Speech Processing using Source, System and Suprasegmental Features
66 | Reducing Cache Access Time in Tiled Chip Microprocessors
67 | High Performance Computing using GPU
68 | Development of VLSI Architectures for Digital Signal Processing Algorithms
69 | Advanced DSP in Biomedical Engineering
70 | Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) Fiber Optic Link
71 | Real Time Control of Stiff Systems
72 | Algorithm development for the analysis of multi-polar satellite data
73 | Design and Development of an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) System
74 | Optimal Controllers for Nonlinear Systems UsingNeuro-Fuzzy Approach and Application to Under-actuated Systems
75 | 'Tiny6' a project under Regional Program ICT-Asia bringing together French and Asian researcher having skills in areas of sensor network and IPv6
76 | Introduction to Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
77 | New Techniques for Image-Compression and Motion Compensation
78 | Keyword spotting in continuous speech Indo-Swiss Joint Research Project between IIT Guwahati, IIT Madras & IDIAP Switzerland
79 | Efficient downloading, transmission, error correction, encryption of IRNSS data
80 | Modeling, Simulation, and Prototype development of Continuous-Phase Single/ Multiple Cycle Modulation Scheme applicability for high data rate long range low power wireless communication system
81 | Investigation of Diversity in Radar Imaging Parameter
82 | Research in Ultra Wide Band Radio Technology and its Application
83 | Study and Development of Sensor and Trigger Mechanism for shutting down of electronic systems in heavy lightning situations
84 | Study of Source Features for Speech Synthesis and Speaker Recognition
85 | Effect of Fading Correlation on the performance of Equal Gain Combining Diversity Receiver in Hoyt Fading Channels
86 | Size miniaturization and performance enhancement of microwave devices using metamaterials based sub-wavelength resonators and components
87 | Gesture based Interface for Control applications
88 | Development of Person Authentication system based on Speaker Verification in Uncontrolled Environment
89 | Two Dimensional Layered Materials Based Gas-Sensors Realized by Using a Standard Office Printer
90 | Development of high power density solid state transformer using direct AC to AC power electronic conversion (Ongoing from 2018)
91 | AI and IoT based Attack Detection and Authentication Scheme for Cyber Security in Grid Connected Power Electronic Converters (Ongoing from 2021)
92 | Water Filtration, Advanced-oxidation and Capacitive-deionisation Treatments for removal of Emerging Contaminants in Water (Ongoing from 2021)
93 | Optimum Power electronic Converter for efficient integration of variable DC and variable AC power sources (2015-17)
94 | Reducing Cache Access Time in Tiled Chip Multiprocessors
95 | Point Relaxation And LUT Based Efficient Circuit Simulator For Novel Devices
96 | ARM Embedded System Design Lab
97 | High Performance Computing using GPU
98 | FPGA Based Solution for Algorithmic Trading Platforms
99 | Electronics and ICT Academy
100 | Development of ESD I/O Pads for CIS/CCD Image Sensor for 0.18um SCL Foundry
101 | An Energy Efficient IOT Processor built using an Optimized NearThreshold Voltage Standard Cell Library
102 | Center for Embedded System Design
103 | Smart Contactless Technology Development for Smart Fencing
104 | AI enabled advanced aquaponics ecosystem for the self-reliance of SC community in central and lower Assam
105 | Centre for depression diagnosis and medication adherence
106 | Technical Consultant for RVM under Swachh Bharat Mission
107 | Empowering Girls to Reduce the Gender Gap in IT and ITES Sectors in South Asia Region: Training and EContent Development Programme (Jointly with IIITDM Jabalpur)
108 | Development of Human Resources for Enhancement of Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation (DHREETI)
109 | Study to identify and develop sensor and triggering mechanism for shutting down of electronic systems in heavy lightning situations
110 | Feasibility study of the wireless power transfer
111 | Metamaterial enhanced wireless power transmission system, MHRD, IMPRINT India
112 | Feasibility studies and optimization of electromagnetic pulse welding of tubes for nuclear reactor application
113 | Dynamic charging of drone using metamaterial including sensors used in IoT for control and communication
114 | Interlayer exchange coupling based robust, non-volatile, scalable and reconfigurable PUF hardware
115 | Artificial synapse for brain-inspired neuromorphic electronics hardware based on skyrmion-domain
116 | Study and optimization of stray field in magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ)
1 | Consultancy project on Privacy Preserving Face-biometric Retrieval
2 | Ultrawideband (UWB) radar for oil-tank imaging
3 | Design and Development of Remote Ignition with Pilot Burner Flame Detection System for open ground flares
4 | Eckovation AIML Course Design and Training
5 | NER II Transmission Limited-Multi circuit branching
6 | Third-party enquiry on 1x100 MW
7 | Loss separation in a high-speed induction machine (Stage-2)
8 | Privacy preserving Face Biometric Retrieval
9 | Loss separation in a high-speed induction machine (Stage-1)
10 | Consultancy project on Losses in Induction Machines (Phase 2)
11 | Losses in Induction Machines (Phase I)
12 | Consultancy for Development of Detailed Project Report for Smart Grid implementation in Guwahati City
13 | Langmuir Probe biasing unit and Probe I-V data acquisition
14 | Consultancy project on station heat rate evaluation for NTPS and LTPS
15 | Developing suitable pedagogical methods for various classes, intellectual calibers and research in e-Learning
16 | Speech Data Acquisition and Guidance