and Electrical Engineering
The primary objective of the Department is to impart education and training at the undergraduate, postgraduate and research levels on electronics & communication engineering and electronics & electrical engineering with special emphasis on design aspects of electronic systems. The emphasis on the design aspects implies that, while the basic theoretical and analytical skills of the students are adequately developed, the programmes are oriented in such a way that students acquire an overall design perspective and aptitude. All the academicians in the department are dedicated to finding solutions to the challenges of research and development in the field of engineering besides the basic aim of preparing the students to become the next generation of leaders in their chosen area of study.
The faculty members and the students of the Department of Electronics and Eletrical Engineering (EEE) carry out research in all the areas related to EEE. The Department has a sizeable number of M.Tech, PhD and Dual degree [MS+PhD] students actively engaged in research. Sponsored reaserch projects have been undertaken in collaboration with the government and reputed private organizations. The research activities in the Department are broadly identified under the following groups: