• header-logo.png Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
    Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
header-logo.png Department of Electronics
and Electrical Engineering

Syllabus (Elective): M.Tech

Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems

Code: EE653 | L-T-P-C : 3-0-0

Dynamic systems, Types of dynamic models, Frequency domain based modelling, Time domain based modelling, State space modelling of discrete time systems, Modelling examples of various practical systems. Simulation diagrams of state space models, Simulation of dynamic systems using MATLAB SIMULINK toolboxes.


  1. N. S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
  2. A. Johnson and H. Moradi, New Identifications and Design Methods, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
  3. S.Majhi, Advanced Control Theory-Relay Feedback Approach, Cengage Asia/India Pvt.Ltd, 2009.