Journal Publications
1. Kechu, Opangienla, Som, Bidisha, Benites, Luis and Maehara, Rocío, "CAN CULTURAL DISTANCE BE A FACTOR IN BILINGUAL PROCESSING? REPORT FROM PRIMED TRANSLATION RECOGNITION TASK OF RONGMEI-MEITEI BILINGUALS", Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, Mouton De Gruyter, vol.60, Issue no.3, pp.349-377 [2024],
2. Omid Khatin-Zadeh . Hassan Banaruee . Florencia Reali . Carlos Tirado .Susana Ruiz-Ferna ́ndez . Yuki Yamada . Ruiming Wang . Robin Nicolas .Tariq Khwaileh . Malina Szychowska . Johanna Vestlund . Juan C. Correa .Danyal Farsani . Natalie Butcher . Bidisha Som . Ivan Volkonskii .Koen Plevoets . Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos, "Metaphors of time across cultures", Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, Springer [2023], DOI: 10.1007/s41809-023-00125-3
3. Opangienla Kechu & Bidisha Som, "Is task specific control among balanced bilinguals a result of nature of acquisition and language use?", Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, Springer, vol.7, Issue no.8, pp.23-42 [2022]
4. Nicholas A. Coles , David S. March, Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos , Jeff T. Larsen, Nwadiogo C. Arinze, Izuchukwu L. G. Ndukaihe, Megan L. Willis, Francesco Foroni, Niv Reggev, Aviv Mokady , Patrick S. Forscher, John F. Hunter, Gwenaël Kaminski, Elif Yüvrük , Aycan Kapucu, Tamás Nagy, Nandor Hajdu, Julian Tejada, Raquel M. K. Freitag, Danilo Zambran, Bidisha Som, Balazs Aczel, Krystian Barzykowski, Sylwia Adamus , Katarzyna Filip, Yuki Yamada, Ayumi Ikeda,Daniel L. Eav, Carmel A. Levitan, Sydney Leiweke,Michal Parzuchowski, Natalie Butcher, Gerit Pfuhl ,Dana M. Basnight-Brown , José A. Hinojosa, Pedro R. Montoro,Lady G. Javela D , Kevin Vezirian, Hans IJzerman, Natalia Trujillo , Sarah D. Pressman, Pascal M. Gygax , Asil A. Özdoğru , Susana Ruiz-Fernandez, Phoebe C. Ellsworth , Lowell Gaertner, Fritz Strack, Marco Marozzi and Marco Tullio Liuzza, "A multi-lab test of the facial feedback hypothesis by the Many Smiles Collaboration. ", Nature Human Behaviour, Springer Nature, vol.6, Issue no.12, pp.1-12 [2022], DOI: 10.1038/s41562-022-01458-9.
5. Das, Deepshikha & Bidisha Som, "Language learning, cognitive theory and multilingualism: A proposal for India.", Lokratna, Folklore Foundation of Odisha, vol.XIII, Issue no.1, pp.0-0, ISBN.2347-6427 [2019]
6. Som, B, "Structure of Bodo motion verb: Salience of PATH component", IJDL, Dravidian Linguistics Association, vol.48, Issue no.2, pp.118-136, ISBN.0378-2484 [2019]
7. Som, B, Kalita, R & Mishra, R K., "CULTURE CUES FACILITATE OBJECT NAMING IN BOTH NATIVE AND SECOND LANGUAGE: EVIDENCE FROM BODO-ASSAMESE BILINGUALS.", Journal of Cultural cognitive Science, Springer Nature, vol.2, Issue no.1, pp.45-57, ISBN.2520-1018 [2018]
8. Kaur, S & Som, B., "Priming effects across Bodo-Assamese Bilinguals: The effect of age of acquisition and level of proficiency", International Journal of Mind Brain and Cognition, vol.4, Issue no.01-Feb, pp.87-112 [2013]
9. Som, B., "Towards a Cognitive Linguistic Understanding of Folk Narratives", Lokaratna, vol.4, Issue no.NA, pp.54-63 [2011]
10. Som, B., "Language, Categorization and Cognitive Structures: The Case of Great Andamanese", International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, ISDL, vol.40, Issue no.1, pp.175-190 [2011]
11. Abbi, A, Som, B & Das, A., "Where have all the Speakers gone? A Sociolinguistic Sketch of the Great Andamanese", Indian Linguistics, vol.68, Issue no.03-Apr, pp.325-343 [2007]
12. Som, B , "Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics special issue on Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics and Language Cognition", Conceptual Structure vs. Lexical structure: The case of Great Andamanese, vol.33, Issue no.2, pp.119-127 [2007]
Conference Proceedings
1. Koyel Mukherjee, Bidisha SOm, Abhishek Srivastava., "Exploring Visual Morphology: An enquiry whether visual elements provide meaning conceptually or with individual components.”", Visual Language Conference (VisLang’24, Tilburg University, Netherlands [2024]
2. Emily Thomas, Bidisha Som & Abhishek Srivastava., ""The Elusive bilingual advantage: Investigation into working memory"", International conference on Culture, Cognition and Globalization: The vitality of languages., IIT Patna [2023]
3. Emily Thomas, Bidisha SOm, Abhishel Srivastava, ""Decoding the bilingual advantage: Mixed evidence from four executive control tasks".", AmLaP 2023, Basque Center for on Cognition, Brain and Languages [2023]
4. Emilu Thomas, Bidisha SOm & Abhishek Srivastava., "Inhibitory control in bilinguals: Testing the Adaptive Control Hypothesis.", AmLap Asia, Chinese University of Hoing Kong. [2023]
5. Taznin Hussain & Bidisha Som, "Does there exist any correlation between the age and severity rate among the autistic children: Analysing and interpreting the long term effectiveness of early intervention"", ICOLSI, Aligarh Muslim University [2023]
6. Vasundhara Srivastava and Bidisha Som, "Is there a Midway Always? : SPR evidence for the absence of partial selective access in Hindi-English bilinguals", Proceedings of the International Symposium of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech (ISMBS-2019), Institute of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech Chania 73100, Greece, vol.NA, Issue no.NA, pp.130-135, ISBN.ISBN 978 - 618 - 823 [2019]
7. S. Narzary Maharaj Brahma Bobita Singha, Rangjali Brahma, Sunita Barman, Sukumar Nandi and Bidisha Som., "Attention based English-Bodo Neural Machine Translation System for Tourism Domain", 3rd International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), pp.335-343 [2019], doi: 10.1109/ICCMC.2019.8819699.
8. Borah, B., Pathak, D., Sarmah, P., Som, B., Nandi, S., "“Survey of Text based Chatbot in Perspective of Recent Technologies.”", Mandal, J., Mukhopadhyay, S., Dutta, P., Dasgupta, K. (eds) Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Singapore, vol.1031 [2019]
Book Chapter
1. Som, Bidisha and Shalu Kumari, "‘An adaptive system of language learning’" , Minati Panda, Suneeta Mishra & Judit Baranyi (Eds) : From Principles to Praxis: How linguistic theories interact with language learning and pedagogy , Springer Verlag. The Netherlands. , [2023]
2. Deepshikha Das & Bidisha Som, ""Childhood Bilingualism and Category Formation: Case of Gender"" , Ina Suryani & Dipima Borgohain (Eds). Learning in a Changing World. International Languages and Knowledge Book Series. , Universiti Malayasia Perlis, , vol.2 ISBN.1, [2019] ISBN.978-967-0922-58-4
3. Som, B, "Language as a Part of a Human Cognitive Mechanism: The View from Cognitive Linguistics" , Sudhir Mishra [ed]. Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing , Cambridge Scholar Publishing , vol.NA ISBN.1527507661, pp.17-44, [2018]
4. Kaur, S & Som, B., "Context Effects in Bilingual Language Processing" , Psycholinguistics and Cognition in Language Processing , IGI Global , vol.NA ISBN.9.78E+12, pp.140-168, [2018]
5. Som, B & Mishra, R., "Teaching a second language or Foreign language in the North East: Psycholinguistic and Cognitive Issues" , Awadesh K. Mishra and Kandarpa Das (Eds): Issues in teaching-learning second and foreign languages (with special reference to North East India) , Lakshi Publishers.Delhi , vol.NA ISBN.ISBN 978-81-906622-5, pp.52-71, [2011]