Journal Publications
1. Ng Mawonthing and Debapriya Basu, ""Animals are Killed by Their Spoor and Men by Their Words“: The Rhetoric of Speech and Silence in Phalee Proverbs", Proverbium, vol.41, Issue no.1, pp.50-72 [2024],
2. Debapriya Basu, "“Here doth Shee Mourne:” Epitaphic Compulsion in Isabella Whitney’s Lament upon William Gruffith’s Death", Women's Writing, vol.31, Issue no.1, pp.67-82, ISBN.0969-9082 [2024],
3. Debapriya Basu, "“’Tis for our Selves, not them, we Write”: Generic Crossovers in Women’s Writing of the Long Eighteenth Century", Jadavpur University Essays and Studies, vol.XXXIV, (Eighteenth Century crossovers: Gender, Genre, and Geography), pp.1-25, ISBN.ISSN 09753478 [2020],
4. Debapriya Basu, "Owning the Body of the City in Isabella Whitney's "Wyll and Testament"", Littcrit: An Indian Response to Literature, Thiruvananthapuram: Littcrit, vol.44:02:00, Issue no.86, pp.7-12, ISBN.ISSN 0970-8049 [2018]
5. Debapriya Basu, "Woman Writer Anonymous: The Material Text and The Imprint of Gender in A. L.'s "Litle Boke"", Materiality and Cultural Life in Early Modern Europe, Jadavpur University Essays and Studies, Jadavpur University Press, vol.30, pp.17-34, ISBN.ISSN 0975-3478 [2017],
6. Debapriya Basu, "Gender, Heresy and Law: A Sixteenth Century Execution", eXcommunicated, Journal of the International Society for Heresy Studies, vol.3, Issue no.2, pp.N/A-N/A [2017],
7. Debapriya Basu, "Authorial Identity and the Melancholia of Self-fashioning in Isabella Whitney’s "A Sweet Nosgay"", Apperceptions, Shantiniketan: Visva-Bharati, vol.6, pp.43-53, ISBN.ISSN: 2321-1261 [2013]
8. Debapriya Basu, "Wanton Words: Isabella Whitney and the Perils of Print", Jadavpur University Essays and Studies, Jadavpur University Press, vol.24, Issue no.2, pp.27-44 [2010],
Conference Proceedings
1. Sheetal Madhav Gokhale, Debapriya Basu, Ravi Mokashi-Punekar, "The TIME IS A CIRCLE/CYCLE Metaphor in Denis Villeneuve’s Film ‘Arrival’ (2016)", ICORD, Springer, vol.3 [2023],
2. Debapriya Basu, "Disnarration: The Unsaid Matters", All Things Done Unto Edifying: Anne Dowriche and the Play of History, Orient Blackswan, pp.54-68, ISBN.ISBN 9788125062387 [2016],
Book Chapter
1. Debapriya Basu (tr.), "The Termination of Sri Gauranga’s Leela (Dineshchandra Sen), The Early Poets (Iswar Chandra Gupta), The Sign of the Epic (Ramendrasundar Trivedi)" , Critical Discourse in Bangla , Routledge , [2022]
2. Debapriya Basu, "‘[A]s sometimes Poets dream:’ Liminality and the Female Writer in the Poetry of Anne Finch" , Dream and Literary Creation in Women’s Writings in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries , Anthem Press , [2021]
3. Sukanta Chudhuri ed., Debapriya Basu, Purbasha Auddy, "Data Management and Hyperbibliography" , Bichitra: The Making of an Online Variorum , Springer ISBN.ISBN 978-3-319-23677, pp.59-92, [2015]
4. Debapriya Basu (trans.) Ipshita Chanda and Jayeeta Bagchi (eds.), "Shaping the Discourse: Womens Writings in Bengali Periodicals 1865-1947" , The Spiritualism of Hindu Marriage , Stree ISBN.ISBN 978-81-906760-5, pp.36-40, [2014]
1. Anne Askew, Debapriya Basu ed., "The Examinations of Anne Askew Online", N/A, University of Amsterdam [2015],
2. Debapriya Basu, "Bichitra: Online Tagore Variorum ", English Bibliography and English Master List, Jadavpur University [2013],