Debapriya Basu 

Debapriya Basu 

Associate Professor 
Education: PhD
+91 361 2582582
Room No: 217
Personal Website

Research Interests: English Renaissance, Early Modern Women's Writing, Digital Humanities, Bibliography and textual studies, Digital Scholarly Editions, Translation

Journal Publications

1. Ng Mawonthing and Debapriya Basu, ""Animals are Killed by Their Spoor and Men by Their Words“: The Rhetoric of Speech and Silence in Phalee Proverbs", Proverbium, vol.41, Issue no.1, pp.50-72 [2024],

2. Debapriya Basu, "“Here doth Shee Mourne:” Epitaphic Compulsion in Isabella Whitney’s Lament upon William Gruffith’s Death", Women's Writing, vol.31, Issue no.1, pp.67-82, ISBN.0969-9082 [2024],

3. Debapriya Basu, "“’Tis for our Selves, not them, we Write”: Generic Crossovers in Women’s Writing of the Long Eighteenth Century", Jadavpur University Essays and Studies, vol.XXXIV, (Eighteenth Century crossovers: Gender, Genre, and Geography), pp.1-25, ISBN.ISSN 09753478 [2020],

4. Debapriya Basu, "Owning the Body of the City in Isabella Whitney's "Wyll and Testament"", Littcrit: An Indian Response to Literature, Thiruvananthapuram: Littcrit, vol.44:02:00, Issue no.86, pp.7-12, ISBN.ISSN 0970-8049 [2018]

5. Debapriya Basu, "Woman Writer Anonymous: The Material Text and The Imprint of Gender in A. L.'s "Litle Boke"", Materiality and Cultural Life in Early Modern Europe, Jadavpur University Essays and Studies, Jadavpur University Press, vol.30, pp.17-34, ISBN.ISSN 0975-3478 [2017],

6. Debapriya Basu, "Gender, Heresy and Law: A Sixteenth Century Execution", eXcommunicated, Journal of the International Society for Heresy Studies, vol.3, Issue no.2, pp.N/A-N/A [2017],

7. Debapriya Basu, "Authorial Identity and the Melancholia of Self-fashioning in Isabella Whitney’s "A Sweet Nosgay"", Apperceptions, Shantiniketan: Visva-Bharati, vol.6, pp.43-53, ISBN.ISSN: 2321-1261 [2013]

8. Debapriya Basu, "Wanton Words: Isabella Whitney and the Perils of Print", Jadavpur University Essays and Studies, Jadavpur University Press, vol.24, Issue no.2, pp.27-44 [2010],

Conference Proceedings

1. Sheetal Madhav Gokhale, Debapriya Basu, Ravi Mokashi-Punekar, "The TIME IS A CIRCLE/CYCLE Metaphor in Denis Villeneuve’s Film ‘Arrival’ (2016)", ICORD, Springer, vol.3 [2023],

2. Debapriya Basu, "Disnarration: The Unsaid Matters", All Things Done Unto Edifying: Anne Dowriche and the Play of History, Orient Blackswan, pp.54-68, ISBN.ISBN 9788125062387 [2016],

Book Chapter

1. Debapriya Basu (tr.), "The Termination of Sri Gauranga’s Leela (Dineshchandra Sen), The Early Poets (Iswar Chandra Gupta), The Sign of the Epic (Ramendrasundar Trivedi)" , Critical Discourse in Bangla , Routledge , [2022]

2. Debapriya Basu, "‘[A]s sometimes Poets dream:’ Liminality and the Female Writer in the Poetry of Anne Finch" , Dream and Literary Creation in Women’s Writings in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries , Anthem Press , [2021]

3. Sukanta Chudhuri ed., Debapriya Basu, Purbasha Auddy, "Data Management and Hyperbibliography" , Bichitra: The Making of an Online Variorum , Springer ISBN.ISBN 978-3-319-23677, pp.59-92, [2015]

4. Debapriya Basu (trans.) Ipshita Chanda and Jayeeta Bagchi (eds.), "Shaping the Discourse: Womens Writings in Bengali Periodicals 1865-1947" , The Spiritualism of Hindu Marriage , Stree ISBN.ISBN 978-81-906760-5, pp.36-40, [2014]


1. Anne Askew, Debapriya Basu ed., "The Examinations of Anne Askew Online", N/A, University of Amsterdam [2015],

2. Debapriya Basu, "Bichitra: Online Tagore Variorum ", English Bibliography and English Master List, Jadavpur University [2013],

Sl.No Course Code Course Title Level
1 HS 240 Literature and Science Writing
2 EN 002 Preparatory English II B.Tech
3 HS 144 Drama from Aristotle to Goethe B.Tech
4 HS 787 The Material Text and its Other Ph.D Programme
5 HS 568 Digital humanities: theories in practice MA in Liberal Arts
6 HS 202 Modern Western Drama B.Tech
7 HS 563 Early women's writing in english MA in Liberal Arts
8 HS 556 Introduction to Literary Studies MA in Liberal Arts
9 HS 216 Investigating Justice in Detective Fiction B.Tech

The Examinations of Anne Askew Online (
Funding Agency : IIT Guwahati
Principal Investigator: Debapriya Basu
Duration/Starting Year: 01-02-2017 to 0000-00-00
Status: Ongoing

Sl.No Name Year Dissertation Title
1 Bimbini Baruah 2021 “The Famine of Stories:” The Construction of Identity and Exile in the Works of Easterine Kire

No Data Available!

Sl.No Name Year
Sl.No Program Name Email Year Thesis/Project Title Affiliation
1 PhD Sheetal Madhav Gokhale Embodying Conceptual Metaphors in Mainstream Non-linear English Film Narratives: An Analytical Study IITG Dept. of Design

Awards and Achievements

Award Title : Erasmus Mundus EMINTE Post Doctoral

Contribution to Digital Humanities
Awarded By : Erasmus Mundus
01-09-2014 International
Award Title : Inlaks Research Travel Grant

Contribution to Sixteenth Century English Literature
Awarded By : INLAKS Foundation
01-08-2011 International
Award Title : Moore Institute Visiting Research Fellowship

Contribution to Digital Humanities
Awarded By : Moore Institute, National University of Ireland Galway
Award Title : Scholarship award of the Renaissance Society of America to attend the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI 2020) University of Victoria, Canada.
Awarded By : The Renaissance Society of America


No Data Available!

Sl.No Name of Faculty and co-researcher Title Application No Date of Award Year Status


Title: "Here doth shee mourne:" Epitaphic Compulsion in Isabella Whitney's Lament upon William Gruffith’s Death

Name of Conference: Renaissance Society of America 68th Annual Meeting

Fordham University, Dublin Mar 30, 2022 - Apr 2, 2022 No.of Partcipants: 1600 International View
Title: Re-birth Through the Consumed body: The Examinations of Anne Askew (1546-7)

Name of Conference: Renaissance Man: Re-Appraisal and Re-Invention

Jadavpur University Dept. of English, Kolkata Nov 14, 2019 - Nov 16, 2019 No.of Partcipants: 250 International View
Title: '[A]s sometimes Poets dream:' Liminality and the Female Writer in the Poetry of Anne Finch

Name of Conference: "with shut eyes, but acute mental vision": Dream and Literary Creation in Women's Writings in the 18th and 19th Centuries

Centre de Recherches sur les Littératures et la Sociopoétique (CELIS), University of Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France Apr 5, 2018 - Apr 6, 2018 No.of Partcipants: 45 International View
Title: Owning the Body of the City in Isabella Whitneys

Name of Conference: Theorising Space

Department of Humanities, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram Dec 14, 2017 - Dec 16, 2017 National


Name of Conference: Graduate Research Meet 2017

IIT Guwahati Dept. of HSS supported by Oil India and Indian Society of Labour Economics, IIT GUwahati Nov 2, 2017 - Nov 4, 2017 No.of Partcipants: 44 National View


Title: Through the page, darkly: the data in the text

Name of Conference: The Arts, Knowledge, and Critique in the Digital Age in India

IIT Hyderabad, Hyderabad Nov 28, 2019 - Nov 29, 2019 No.of Partcipants: 100 International View
Title: Teaching Literature Online

Name of Conference: Two-day Virtual Conference on Online University Education and English Language Teaching: Scope and Challenges

Vellore Institute of Technology, Online Nov 13, 2020 - Nov 14, 2020 No.of Partcipants: 200 International View


Title: Screening for Meaning: Teaching Literature Online

Name of Invited Lecture: Two-DayVirtual Conference on Inline University Education and English Language Teaching: Scope and Challenges

Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore Nov 13, 2020 - Nov 14, 2020 No.of Partcipants: 150 International View
Title: 47th Foundation Day Popular Lecture Program

Name of Invited Lecture: "Literature and Technology"

Tinsukia Commerce College, Online Aug 21, 2020 - Aug 21, 2020 No.of Partcipants: 50 National

Name of Invited Lecture: Digital Humanities and Cultural Informatics PG Diploma Course

School of Cultural Texts and Records, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Dec 9, 2019 - Dec 10, 2019 No.of Partcipants: 30 National

Name of Invited Lecture: External Examiner MA English Graduation Seminar

Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan Nov 18, 2018 - Nov 23, 2018 No.of Partcipants: 65 International
Title: Desiring Women Editing: Feminist Metacollections in the Wilderness

Name of Invited Lecture: Moore Institute Fellowship Talk

The Moore Institute, University of Galway, Galway, Ireland May 18, 2018 - May 18, 2018 No.of Partcipants: 40 International View
Title: Early Modern Women in Science

Name of Invited Lecture: The Renaissance (Undergraduate Core Course)

Department of English, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Nov 16, 2017 - Jan 16, 2018 National
Title: Women Poets of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century

Name of Invited Lecture: Idea of the Modern (Postgraduate core course)

Department of English, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Nov 13, 2017 - Nov 17, 2017 National
Title: Women Edit Women: Feminist Scholarly Editing in the Digital World

Name of Invited Lecture: HSS Seminar Series

Dept. of HSS, IIT Guwahati, Guwahati May 27, 2016 - May 27, 2016 National
Title: Desiring Women Editing: Computations of Female Literary Scholarship

Name of Invited Lecture: Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Memorial Lecture

Department of English, Acharya Brajendra Nath Seal College, Cooch Behar Sep 5, 2016 - Sep 5, 2016 National


Title: Data from the Margins: Digital Scholarly Editing in the Wilderness

Name of Symposium: UGC Sponsored Two Day International Seminar on Contemporary Trends in Humanities And Social Science

Department of English, Acharya Brajendra Nath Seal College, Cooch Behar Apr 7, 2016 - Apr 8, 2017 International


Title: The Examinations of Anne Askew: An Electronic Edition

Name of Workshop: International Workshop on Archiving and Textual Computing

School of Cultural Texts and Records, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Nov 29, 2016 - Nov 29, 2016 National


Title: Digital Scholarly Editions, TEI-XML and SEO

Name of Workshop: Workshop on Digital Humanities

Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata Mar 8, 2019 - Mar 10, 2019 No.of Partcipants: 25 National View
Title: Talking across the Abyss: Humanities concerns and NLP

Name of Workshop: TEQIP-III Sponsored Short Term Course on Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (NLP)

IIT Guwahati, Guwahati Nov 18, 2019 - Nov 22, 2019 No.of Partcipants: 100 National View
Title: Conducted session on Digital Humanities

Name of Workshop: Current Research Trends in Humanities and Social Sciences

Vellore Institute of Technology, Online Oct 3, 2020 - Oct 3, 2020 No.of Partcipants: 60 National
Title: The Examinations of Ann Askew: An Electronic Edition" and session chair

Name of Workshop: International Workshop on Digitization and Archiving

Sir Ratan Tata Trust and School of Cultural Texts and Records, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Aug 19, 2015 - Aug 21, 2015 No.of Partcipants: 150 International



Name of Short-term Course: Introduction to the Digital Humanities

IIT GUwahati May 27, 2019 - May 28, 2019 No.of Partcipants: 25 National View
Title: UGC

Name of Short-term Course: Machine-Readable Texts in Bangla: Issues and Practices

School of Cultural Texts and Records, Jadavpur uNiversity Dec 7, 2012 - Dec 8, 2012 No.of Partcipants: 25 National


Title: Panel in 2-day virtual conference "Defining Womanhood Through Times of Crises: Literary and Cultural Responses"

Name of Special Panels: Panel discussion titled " Isabella Whitney, Mary Shelley and ‘Sorojini Debi’: Negotiating Female Agency in Times of Crises"

Department of English in collaboration with IQAC, Women's College, Calcutta, Online Sep 12, 2020 - Sep 13, 2020 No.of Partcipants: 300 International View


Title: Dangerous Women Project Submission

Name of Opinion Pieces: Re-forming a Dangerous Woman

Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh Sep 16, 2016 International View
Title: Book review

Name of Opinion Pieces: Story time

The Telegraph Jan 26, 2018 National View
Title: Book Review

Name of Opinion Pieces: Ideas lost in white noise

The Telegraph Oct 13, 2017 National View
Title: Book Review

Name of Opinion Pieces: Failed promise

The Telegraph Jul 27, 2018 National View
Title: Book review

Name of Opinion Pieces: Unwitting testament

The Telegraph Feb 17, 2017 National View
Title: Book Review

Name of Opinion Pieces: The other countenance

The Telegraph May 7, 2021 National View
Title: Book Review

Name of Opinion Pieces: The lightbulb moment

The Hindu Nov 20, 2021 National View
Title: Book Review

Name of Opinion Pieces: Powerful women of the Mughal empire

The Telegraph Sep 9, 2019 National View
Title: Book review

Name of Opinion Pieces: Flashes of imagery

The Hindu Mar 19, 2022 National View
Title: Book review

Name of Opinion Pieces: The princess who loved the enemy: Review of ‘The Princess and the Political Agent’ by Binodini, trs Somi Roy

The Hindu Aug 8, 2020 National View
Title: Book review

Name of Opinion Pieces: The most troublesome of all four letter words

The Telegraph Oct 23, 2020 National View