Liza Das 

Liza Das 

Education: Doctorate
+91 361 2582554
Room No: 209
Personal Website

Research Interests: Literary and Cultural Theory, Comparative Aesthetics, Assamese Literature


1. Liza Das and Uttara Debi, eds., Natural Selection and Literature: A Companion, Prakashika [2005]

2. Liza Das, Gender, Culture and Writing, Anwesha [2005]

3. Liza Das, ed. and introd., Daughter of Brahma, and With Christ in Assam. By Elizabeth E. Vickland., Anwesha [2005]


Virtual English Lab
Funding Agency : MHRD
Principal Investigator: Liza Das
Co-investigator: Pradip Kumar Das, Department of CSE, IITG
Duration/Starting Year:
Status: Completed


Digital Northeast Virtual lab
Funding Agency : MHRD
Principal Investigator: Liza Das
Duration/Starting Year:
Status: Completed


NPTEL II Cultural Studies (Web)
Funding Agency : MHRD
Principal Investigator: Liza Das
Duration/Starting Year:
Status: Completed


NPTEL II Cultural Studies (Video)
Funding Agency : MHRD
Principal Investigator:
Duration/Starting Year:
Status: Completed


NPTEL II English Language and Literature (Video)
Funding Agency : MHRD
Principal Investigator: Liza Das
Co-investigator: Prof Krishna Barua
Duration/Starting Year:
Status: Completed


CD Cell Project on Cultural Theory and Practice
Funding Agency : QIP, CET, IITG
Principal Investigator: Liza Das
Duration/Starting Year:
Status: Completed


CD Cell Project on Critical Development Theory
Funding Agency : QIP, CET, IITG
Principal Investigator: Liza Das
Duration/Starting Year:
Status: Completed


UGC Research Project on Culture and the London Novels of Doris Lessing
Funding Agency : University Grants Commission
Principal Investigator: Liza Das
Duration/Starting Year:
Status: Completed

Sl.No Name Thesis Title PhD Status
1 Dibya Jyoti Borah Trauma and Colonial Encounter in Post-Independence Assamese Novels Completed
2 Pallavi Gogoi The Autobiographies of Maya Angelou: Critical Perspectives on Crime and Deviance Completed
3 Ratan Deka Trauma of Displacement: A Study of Selected Contemporary Assamese Novels Completed
4 Payel Chakrabarti A Study of Media Representation with Reference to Reporting of Violence in Assam Completed
5 Jnana Ranjan Prusty Conflicting Technological Systems in Textile Industry: A Study of Selected Handloom and Powerloom Industries in Odisha Completed
6 Papori Rani Barooah William Gibson's Neuromancer as Cyberpunk: A Thematic Study Completed
7 Md. Sohail Ahmed Metaphors in Jhumpa Lahiri's Fiction: A Study Completed
8 Merry Baruah Bora Family in Selected Novels of Shashi Deshpande Completed
9 Arfan Hussain The Nature of Emersonian Skepticism: A Study of the Major Skeptical Essays Completed
10 Manodip Chakraborty
11 Sudeshna Ghosh
12 Sudeshna Ghosh
13 Sudeshna Ghosh
14 Somiwon A Shishak
15 Shibani Krishnatraya
16 Manodip Chakraborty
17 Dhrubajyoti Malakar Riverscapes, Seasons and Love: A Study of Romanticism in Bhupen Hazarika’s Lyrics Completed
18 Shivajit Dutta Ideological Representation of Creative and Alienated Labour in Assamese Novels from the 1950s to the 1980s Completed
Sl.No Name Year Dissertation Title
1 Biswajit Nath 2013 Alternative Discourses on Development: Perspectives from Syed Farid Alatas

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Sl.No Name Year
No Data Available!
Sl.No Program Name Email Year Thesis/Project Title Affiliation

Awards and Achievements

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No Data Available!

Sl.No Name of Faculty and co-researcher Title Application No Date of Award Year Status


Title: Manodip Chakraborty and Liza Das, Artificial Intelligence and the Mediation of Mimesis Scholarship

Name of : AI of Futures: Critical Posthumanism International Symposium on Posthuman Studies

Centre for Posthuman Studies, Odisha, Odisha Dec 27, 2024 - Dec 28, 2024 International


Title: ‘Global South’ and ‘Feminism’ as Conceptual Categories: Some Reflections

Name of Conference: Comparative Reflections on Gender and Higher Education in India

National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NEIPA), and Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Mar 5, 2024 - Mar 6, 2024 International
Title: On Spatial Dimensions of Partition in Srijit Mukherjee's Rajkahini

Name of Conference: Revisiting Partition: concepts, dynamics and manifestations with special focus on North- east India

Indian Council of Social Science Research, and Institute of Social Change and Regional Development (ISCARD), and IIT Guwahati Aug 23, 2017 National
Title: The Grammar of Shock, Absorption and Loss: Reflections on Trauma

Name of Conference: Language Literature and Cognition

IIT Guwahati Nov 15, 2015 National
Title: Recrafting Human Bodies: Metamorphosis of the Human into the Cyborg in William Gibson’s Neuromancer (with Papori Rani Barooah)

Name of Conference: International Journal of Arts and Sciences

FIAP, Paris Apr 15, 2015 International
Title: Quest for Place in Emotionally Displaced Space: Strategies of Countering Trauma in Jahnabi Barua’s Rebirth and Dr. Bhabendra Nath Saikia’s Antoreep (with Ratan Deka)

Name of Conference: Reflections on Changing Indian Society

M. N. C. Mahavidyalaya Sep 12, 2015 National
Title: Trauma and Mourning: Absent Spaces of Japanese Soldiers in Guwahati War Cemetery (with Dibya jyoti Borah)

Name of Conference: Indian History Congress

Ravenshaw University Dec 29, 2013 International
Title: Class, Literature and Assamese Modernity: Perspectives from Hiren Gohain’s Criticism (with Arfan Hussain)

Name of Conference: Vernacular Modernities

University of Hyderabad Sep 13, 2013 National
Title: The Global, the Glocal and the Postmodern: Perspectives from Selected Works of Hiren Gohain (with Arfan Hussain)

Name of Conference: From Globalisation to Glocalisation

Bodoland University Oct 4, 2013 International
Title: Ethnicity and the Colonial Encounter in Post-Independence Assamese Fiction: A Reading of Rongmilir Hanhi, Iyaruingom and Ejaak Manuh Ekhon Aranya (with Dibya Jyoti Borah)

Name of Conference: Ethnicity, Identity and Literature

IDOL, Guwahati University and Sibsagar College Oct 11, 2012 International
Title: Trauma and the Other: Home and the World in Mamoni Raisom Goswami’s Tez Aru Dhulire Dhuxarito Pristha (with Dibya Jyoti Borah)

Name of Conference: Contemporary Assamese Literature

Central College, Jorhat May 6, 2012 National
Title: Ethnicity, Identity and Trauma: Exploring Displacement in Uma Kanta Sharma’s Ejak Manuh Ekhan Aranya (with Ratan Deka)

Name of Conference: Ethnicity, Identity and Literature

Sibsagar College and IDOL, Gauhati University, Assam Oct 14, 2012 International
Title: Negative Image of Northeast India with Reference to Media Marketisation (with Payel Chakrabarti)

Name of Conference: Journalism in the Age of New Media

Surendranath College for Women, Kolkata Jan 12, 2012 National
Title: A Study of Communication for Positive Imaging through Media Representation (with Payel Chakrabarti)

Name of Conference: Human Factors: Innovation and Usability in Product Development

IIT Madras Dec 17, 2011 International
Title: Communication for Sustainable Perception Aiming at Children (with Payel Chakrabarti)

Name of Conference: Emerging Trends in Communication

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun Dec 13, 2010 National
Title: Effective Media Representation: Referencing the Northeast (with Payel Chakrabarti)

Name of Conference: Research Methodology in Journalism and Mass Communication: Dewesternising Media studies

Tezpur University Nov 27, 2010 National
Title: Eating Out: Perspectives from the Sociology of Consumption

Name of Conference: Cultural History of Culinary Practices in Northeast India

IIT Guwahati Jul 3, 2007 National
Title: Defamiliarising the Familiar: A Reading of Selected Short Stories of Shashi Deshpande (with Merry Baruah Bora)

Name of Conference: Tradition and Transformation

Sahitya Akademi, Gauhati Mar 27, 2007 National
Title: Rasa, Dhvani and Santarasa: The Primacy of Affective Cognition in Sanskrit Literary Criticism

Name of Conference: Biannual Congress of Internationale Gesellschaft für Empirische Literaturwissenschaft, (IGEL)

University of Munich Aug 20, 2006 International
Title: The Birth of Self-Fashioning: Understanding Autonomy through Foucault

Name of Conference: What is Autonomy? Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group and the Ford Foundation

Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata Apr 11, 2005 International
Title: Media Ontology and Democracy: A Theoretical Approach (co-presenter V. Prabhu)

Name of Conference: Mass Media and Challenges of the 21st Century with Reference to Northeast India

Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, NE Campus, Shillong Sep 13, 2005 National
Title: 'Powerful Infidel Heteroglossia’: Reading Contemporary Cyborological Texts through Bakhtin

Name of Conference: Mikhail Bakhtin and the Aesthetics of Transgression

Department of English, Gauhati University Aug 7, 2005 National
Title: Cognitive Shakespeare: The New Direction in Shakespeare Criticism and its Relevance

Name of Conference: 3rd World Shakespeare Conference on Shakespeare across Cultures

Loreto College, Kolkata May 8, 2004 International
Title: From Hard Poetics to Situated Interpretation: Broadening the Scope of Literary-Cognitive Studies

Name of Conference: Cognition and Literary Interpretation in Practice

University of Helsinki, Finland Jul 15, 2004 International
Title: Renegade Renunciate: The Aghora Trilogy of/on Vimalananda

Name of Conference: Traditional Knowledge Systems of India

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Mar 12, 2004 National
Title: Humanism / Heroism: Some Reflections on Edward Said’s Presidential Address to the MLA

Name of Conference: Edward W. Said and the Politics of Culture

Department of English, Gauhati University Sep 25, 2004 National
Title: The Grandeur is for Real: Modernity, Cognitive Science and the Reinstatement of Rationality

Name of Conference: Rethinking Modernity, University of Jaipur, sponsored by Forum for Contemporary Theory and India Studies Program, Louisiana State University, USA

Jaipur university Oct 22, 2003 International
Title: Narratives and Dynamical Systems: Some Reflections on Narratology and Cognitive Science

Name of Conference: Narrative Theory and Practice, Department of English and Foreign Languages, Tezpur University

Tezpur University Mar 6, 2003 National
Title: The Topographical Imperative: Locale as Identity Constructor/Construct in Selected Poetry of the Northeast

Name of Conference: Fifth International Conference of Forum on Contemporary Theory, and India Studies Program, University of Louisiana, Shreveport, USA, on Constructing Identities: Local and Global

Forum on Contemporary Theory Oct 16, 2002 International
Title: Representations of the East: American Evangelist Writing on Assam

Name of Conference: International Conference on International Perspectives on American Studies in Asia in the Pacific Era, Salisbury State University, Maryland, USA, and Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand

Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand Mar 20, 1998 International
Title: Society, Senses and Sensibilities: Doris Lessing and the Encounter with London

Name of Conference: 8th International Women and Society Conference

Division of Humanities, Marist College, New York, USA Aug 8, 1998 International
Title: Evangelical Literature and Orientalist Representation: American Baptist Missionaries in Assam

Name of Conference: Cultural Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Forum on Contemporary Theory, M.S. University, Baroda Jun 11, 1997 National
Title: Problems and Responsibilities of the Working Woman

Name of Conference: Problems and Responsibilities of Women

Women’s Studies Research Centre, Gauhati University Mar 12, 2024 National
Title: ‘Whitey Cockroaches’: Status of White Women in Colonial Culture

Name of Conference: The Status of Women and Social Change

Women’s Studies Research Centre, Gauhati University Mar 31, 1995 National


Title: A Study of Ideological Representation of Labour in the Context of Selected Assamese Novels. Aitihya – The Heritage, Vol XV, Issue I, 2024, pp. 168-180. ISSN 2259-5399.

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Shivajit Dutta

IIT Guwahati, Guwahati National
Title: Ethnicity and the Colonial Encounter in Post-Independence Assamese Fiction: A Reading of Rongmilir Hanhi, Iyaruingom and Ejaak Manuh Ekhon Aranya. Problematics on Ethnicity, Identity and Literature. Eds. A.C. Barua and H.K. Nath. Guwahati: ISEIL / SPS India. 311-16, 2012

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Dibya Jyoti Borah

IIT Guwahati National
Title: Interaction between Patriarchy and Nature / Women in Mamoni Raisom Goswami, ICSSR-NERC Sponsored Three Day International Seminar on Environment Across Disciplines: Perspectives in the 21st Century, Department of English, Bodoland University, 9-11 February, 2022

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Ratan Deka

Nalbari College International
Title: Home Away from Home: Ethnic Identity in the Context of Migration and Assimilation, International Conference on Recent Advances in English Studies (virtual), organised by PG Department of English, Bhatter College, Danten in collaboration with Central University of Haryana and Yonphula Centenary College, Royal University of Bhutan held in July 3-4, 2021

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Ratan Deka

Nalbari College International
Title: Loss and the Hunt for the Land/ Motherland / Homeland in Jangam. 2nd International Conference on The Land In Literature, The Literature of The Land (Special Focus on Northeast India and Southeast Asia), Department of English, Gurucharan College, Silchar, Assam 9-10 February, 2020, sponsored by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies (MAKAIAS), Kolkata

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Ratan Deka

Nalbari College International
Title: Living With / Living Away From Nature: Trauma Psychosis in Mamoni Raisom Goswami’s Chenabar Sont, National Seminar on Environmental Awareness: Issues, Concerns and Challenges, Nalbari College, Nalbari 27 – 28 August, 2016

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Ratan Deka

IIT Guwahati National
Title: Rescue or (Re)-Creation? A New Historical perspective on Rita Choudhury’s Novel Makam

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Theory at Work: Text, History and Culture; Benaras Hindu University, Department of English in collaboration with Sahitya Akademi, and ICSSR, New Delhi; November 9-11,2010. Ratan Deka

Nalbari College International
Title: Tragedy and Trauma of India’s Partition in Savage Anguish, ICSSR-sponsored International Seminar on Language, Ethnicity and Identity: Twenty First Century Perspectives,Tinsukia College, 11 to 12 February, 2017

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Shivajit Dutta

IIT Guwahati National
Title: Ethnicity, Identity and Trauma: Exploring Displacement in Umakanta Sharma’s Ejak Manuh Ekhan Aranya, Seminar on Problematics of Ethnicity, Identity and Literature, Sibsagar College, 11-14 October 2012

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Ratan Deka

IIT Guwahati National
Title: Quest for Place in Emotionally Displaced Space: Strategies of Countering Trauma in Jahnabi Barua’s Rebirth and Bhabendra Nath Saikia’s Antoreep, Reflections of Changing Indian Society in Indian English Fiction, 376-386, 2012

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Ratan Deka

IIT Guwahati National
Title: Narrating Memory and Collective Trauma: A Reading of Rita Choudhury’s Mākām, Women’s Writing from North–East India, 222-229

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Ratan Deka

IIT Guwahati, IIT Guwahati National
Title: Ethnicity, Identity and Trauma: Exploring Displacement in Umakanta Sharma’s Ejak Manuh Ekhan Aranya, in Problematics on Ethnicity, Identity and Literature, 105-111, 2012

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Ratan Deka

IIT Guwahati National
Title: Historical Silence and Makam, Verve 26-29, 2018

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Ratan Deka

IIT Guwahati National
Title: Intertextuality between Rupalim and The Artist’s World, International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies Vol 8, Issue 2, 2021 (April-June): 93-97

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Shivajit Dutta

IIT Guwahati National
Title: Tragedy and Trauma of India’s Partition in Savage Anguish, Perspectives 766-769, 2018

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Shivajit Dutta

IIT Guwahati National
Title: Alienated Labour and its Effects in Umakanta Sarma's In the Forest, the Songs and Shackles, Research Journal of English Language and Literature Vol 9, Issue 2 2021 (April-June) 113-116

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Shivajit Dutta

IIT Guwahati National
Title: Ideological representation of Creative and Alienated Labour in Rupaborir Palas, International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies Vol 8, Issue 3: 76-85, 2021

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Shivajit Dutta

IIT Guwahati National
Title: Ideas of Creative and Alienated Labour, Over-determined Reality and Point of Entry in Dinanath Sharma’s Nadai", Aitijya, vol.13, Issue no.1, pp.180-90 [2022]

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Shivajit Dutta

IIT Guwahati National
Title: Sahitya-Tatwa Aru Matadarshar Kunwali. Uttaran 63-68 [2022]

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Shivajit Dutta

IIT Guwahati Mar 31, 2025 National
Title: Mahim Borar Kathoni Barir Ghatot Nimna-Madhyabitta Shrenir Jeevanadarsha. Dogo Rangsang, vol.9, Issue no.16, pp.132-139 [2022]

Name of Publications by Doctoral Students: Shivajit Dutta

Department of HSS, IIT Guwahati National


Title: Literature

Name of Interns: Swapnaneel Das

IIT Madras, Chennai Jun 11, 2024 - Aug 24, 2024 National
Title: Literature and Political Science

Name of Interns: Ayan Barman

O P Jindal Global University Jul 16, 2024 - Sep 16, 2024 National
Title: Literature

Name of Interns: Sagarika Kalita

Royal Global University Jul 2, 2024 - Aug 2, 2024 National
Title: Literature

Name of Interns: Purbasha Konar (Completed}

University of Calcutta May 8, 2024 - Jul 8, 2024 National
Title: Literature

Name of Interns: Shakshi Agarwal {Completed)

University of Delhi May 8, 2024 - Jul 8, 2024 National
Title: Development Studies

Name of Interns: Tezaswita Choudhury (Completed)

University of Delhi National
Title: Poetics

Name of Interns: Kirti Sharma (Completed)

Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar Mar 27, 2024 - Jun 27, 2024 National


Title: Seminar on Poetry from North East India, Gangtok, Sikkim, 1998

Name of Invited Lecture: The Hills as Metaphor in the Poetry of North-east India

Northeast Writers Forum National
Title: Chair, International Conference on International Perspectives on American Studies and Cultural Studies in Asia in the Pacific Era

Name of Invited Lecture: Chair

Salisbury State University, Maryland, and Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand, Bangkok, 1998 International
Title: Methodology in Gender Studies

Name of Invited Lecture: Resource Person, Research Methodology, Womens’ Studies Research Centre, Gauhati University, 1996

Gauhati University National
Title: Reading in an Age of Electronic Media

Name of Invited Lecture: North East India Book Fair

NEBF National
Title: Missionary Literature in Assam, Indian Council of Historical Research, Northeast Branch, 2007

Name of Invited Lecture: Chair

ICHR National
Title: Problems of Women in Enterprise

Name of Invited Lecture: World Bank Regional Gender Forum

The World Bank, Dhaka, Bangladesh Oct 3, 2005 - Oct 5, 2005 International
Title: Young Social Scientists' Meet

Name of Invited Lecture: Literature and Society: A Marxist Approach

Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development, Guwahati, and Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, OKDISCD, Guwahati Jan 20, 2010 - Jan 21, 2010 National
Title: National Seminar on Feminist Concerns in Indian Writing in English by Women during the Post-Colonial Era

Name of Invited Lecture: Keynote Address

Department of English, Barbhag College Sep 3, 2012 - Sep 3, 2012 National


Title: The Cognitive Turn

Name of Workshop: Intensive Course for Young Researchers, Theory after Derrida, The 3rdTheory/Praxis Course

Forum on Contemporary Theory, Baroda, and the Department of HSS, IIT Guwahati Jun 20, 2005 - Jul 19, 2005 National
Title: The New Integration: Cognitive Science and Literary Studies

Name of Workshop: Integrating Humanities and Social Sciences in Technical Education

Department of HSS, IIT Guwahati Nov 7, 2005 - Nov 11, 2005 National
Title: ICT and the New Pedagogy: Reshaping the Cultural Politics of Education, Power and Curriculum

Name of Workshop: ICT and Development

IIT Guwahati Mar 3, 2007 - Mar 3, 2007 National
Title: Cognitive Approaches to Literature

Name of Workshop: Research Methods

Department of HSS, IIT Guwahati Mar 5, 2011 - Mar 6, 2011 National
Title: Deconstruction as a Method

Name of Workshop: Research Methods

Department of HSS, IIT Guwahati Mar 5, 2011 - Mar 6, 2011 National
Title: Marxist Literary Criticism

Name of Workshop: Research Methods

Department of HSS, IIT Guwahati Mar 5, 2011 - Mar 6, 2011 National


Name of Short-term Course: Industry and Ecology: Perspectives on Development in Northeast India (with Prof Sukanya Sharma)

IIT Guwahati Oct 26, 2007 - Oct 26, 2007 National

Name of Short-term Course: QIP Short-Term Course on Science, Technology and Society, December 13-17, 2010

IIT Guwahati, Department of HSS, IITG Dec 13, 2010 - Dec 17, 2010 National