Journal Publications
1. Upasna Chettri and Sukanya Sharma, "Integrating Folktales in Archaeological Investigations: A Study from Sikkim-Darjeeling Himalayas", Space and Culture, India, vol.12, Issue no.3, pp.83-106 [2024],
2. Jitendra Kumar1 * , Sukanya Sharma2 *, Rajveer Sharma3 and Sundeep Chopra3 1 Dept. of Ancient History, Culture & Archaeology, Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Bihar 803111, India, 2 Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam 781039, India and 3 Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi 110067, India, "AMS 14C Dating of the Sites of Digaru-Kolong River Valley, Assam-Meghalaya Foothills, India", Radiocarbon, pp.1-12 [2024], doi:10.1017/RDC.2024.93
3. Sukanya Sharma, "CULTURAL HERITAGE MANAGERS: AN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE", Legal News and Views, pp.5-7 [2024]
4. Rohit, Sukanya Sharma, "Identifying anthropogenic and palaeoenvironmental markers of Holocene prehistoric assemblages of Northeast India: A case study of Khasi Hills (Meghalaya)", Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol.53, Issue no.104397, pp.1-17 [2024],
5. Priyanka Tamta and Sukanya Sharma, "The Stylistic Treatment of the Sculpture of Goddess Chamunda in the Kamakhya Temple, Assam, India", Purattatva, vol.53, pp.104-115 [2023]
6. Pankaj Singh, Sukanya Sharma, Jayanta Jivan Laskar, "Thin Section Petrography of Neolithic Pottery from Northeast India", Journal of Neolithic Archaeology, pp.149-164 [2023],
7. Manisha Ashraf a b, Abhinandan Saikia c, Sukanya Sharma, "Legacy of co-existence between rhino and people in a protected area in India", Environmental Challenges, vol.9, pp.1-10 [2022],
8. Priyanka Tamta and Sukanya Sharma, "Surya Sculptures in Kamakhya: A Glimpse of Artistic Evolution of Surya Sculpture in Assam", Journal of Bengal Art, vol.26, pp.251-272 [2021]
9. Saurav Khuttiya Deori, Sukanya Sharma, Deep Bora ,Utpal Barua, "Comparative material study of ancient Bricks and Mortars of Sivasagar and Charaideo area, Assam, India", AIP Conf. Proc. 2358, 090017-1–090017-8, vol.2358, pp.090017-1-090017-8 [2021],
10. Priyanka Tamta and Sukanya Sharma, "Understanding the pattern and distribution of sculptural and architectural remains in the archaeological site of Kamakhya", Archaeological Research in Asia, Elsevier, vol.22, Issue no.1 [2020]
11. Pallavi Rani and Sukanya Sharma, "Inspirations of Visual Forms: A Study on Painted Mud Houses of Eastern Jharkhand", Journal of Adivasi andIndigenous Studies, A bi-annual peer-reviewed online journal posted on, vol.IX, Issue no.1, pp.35-55, ISBN.ISSN 2394-5524 [2019]
12. Jitendra Kumar and Sukanya Sharma, "Slope Instability and Reaarange ment of Sealed Sites: A Study in Digaru-Kolong River Valley", Puratattava, Indian Archaeological Society, vol.48, Issue no.0, pp.199-209, ISBN.ISSN No. 0970-2105 [2019]
13. Tiatemjen Tzudir, Tiatoshi Jamir, Sukanya Sharma, "Indian Academy of Sciences", Current Science, Scientific analysis of iron ore, iron slag and soils of termite nest from the site of Wui,Nagaland using Optical Microscopy, XRD, Electrical Furnace Test and FESEM, vol.116, Issue no.2, pp.311-319, ISBN.ISSN: 0011-3891 [2019]
14. Jitendra Kumar and Sukanya Sharma, "Reconnaissance in Search of Sarutaru", Pratna Samiksha, Centre for Archaeological Studies and Training Eastern India: Kolkata,, vol.9, Issue no.0, pp.1-14, ISBN.2229 7979 [2018]
15. Sukanya Sharma, "The Heritage Issue in India", Journal of Space and Culture, ACCB Publications, England, vol.6, Issue no.3, pp.1-4, ISBN.ISSN 2052-8396 (Onli [2018]
16. Pankaj Singha, Eshita Mal, Alika Khare, Sukanya Sharma, "A study of archaeological pottery of Northeast India using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)", Journal of Cultural Heritage, Elsevier, vol.33, Issue no.0, pp.71-82 [2018],
17. Sukanya Sharma, "The People, the Megaliths of Cherrapunjee", in Journal of Heritage Management, SAGE, vol.2, Issue no.1, pp.76-88, ISBN.eISSN: 24564796 | IS [2017]
18. Sukanya Sharma, "The Third Perspective on Shifting Cultivation", Space and Culture India, ACCB Publications, England, vol.5, Issue no.2, pp.21-31, ISBN.ISSN 2052-8396 (Onli [2017]
19. Sukanya Sharma and Pankaj Singh, "Luminescence dating of Neolithic 3. pottery in North East India", Current Science, Indian Academy Of Sciences., vol.113, Issue no.3, pp.492-496, ISBN.ISSN: 0011-3891 [2017]
20. Pankaj Singh and Sukanya Sharma, "Thermal and spectroscopic characterization of archeological pottery from Ambari, Assam", Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Elseiver, vol.5, Issue no.x, pp.557-563, ISBN.ISSN: 2352-409X [2016]
21. Sukanya Sharma, "Re-living an “Abandoned†Space (Editorial)", Space and Culture India, ACCB Publications, England, vol.4, Issue no.1, pp.1-5, ISBN.ISSN 2052-8396 (Onli [2016]
22. Sukanya Sharma, "Memories of a Forgotten Cosmos", Economic and Political Weekly, Sameeksha Trust, vol.L, Issue no.24, pp.30-34, ISBN.ISSN 0012-9976 [2015]
Book Chapter
1. Upasna Chettri, Sukanya Sharma, "The Longchoks of Sikkim and North Bengal: The Need for Heritage Preservation and Awareness" , Policies for Research and Innovation , Springer Singapore , vol.1 ISBN.1, pp.49-70 [2024]
2. Moubani Bagchi, Sukanya Sharma, "The ‘North-East’ Label: Need for a Heritage Education Policy" , Policies for Research and Innovation , Springer Singapore , vol.1 ISBN.1, pp.Pages 17-31 [2024]
3. Eshan Harit, Sukanya Sharma, "Rules, Recommendations, and Requirements: A Study of Regulations on Archaeological Excavation and Exploration in India" , Policies for Research and Innovation , Springer Singapore , vol.1 ISBN.1, pp.Pages 33-48 [2024]
4. Prof. Sukanya Sharma, "Assam from Prehistory to History" , Northeast India Through the Ages- A Transdisciplinary Perspective on Prehistory, History and Oral History , Routledge India ISBN.978-1-032-46864-4, pp.27- 61 [2023]
5. Prof. Sukanya Sharma, "Using Pottery to Study Past Economic Organisations of Northeast India" , Converging Spectrum of Anthropology with Emphasis on Assam and Adjoining Areas , EBH Publishers (India) ISBN.ISBN 978 93 88881 45 6, [2020]
6. Sukanya Sharma, "Rock Art Heritage of Northeast India" , Hominid Adaptation in Prehistoric Northeast India with special emphasis on the Ganol and Rongram River Valley, Garo Hills, Meghalaya , Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts , vol.x ISBN.ISBN 978-81-943803-3, pp.67-80, [2019]
7. Sukanya Sharma, Pankaj Singh and Momi Das, "Rethinking the Past: A Tribute to Professor V.N. Misra,(S.G. Deo, Andre Baptista and Jayendra Joglekar Eds.)" , The Past and Present of the Pottery Craft of Assam , Pune. ISPQS: , vol.x ISBN.ISBN: 978-81-908330-, pp.331-342, [2017]
1. Sukanya Sharma, Ramgopal V. S. Uppaluri, Vipul Dutta, Abhishek Kashyap, "Policies for Research and Innovation", Springer Singapore, vol.1, pp.XXVI, 103, ISBN.1 [2024],
2. Priyanka Tamta & Sukanya Sharma, The Kamakhya Temple and Its Art and Architecture, Kamakhya Devalaya Management Committee [2021]
3. Sukanya Sharma, "Source Book of the Archaeology of the Himalayan region: Arunachal Pradesh", Source Book of the Archaeology of the Himalayan region: Arunachal Pradesh, Centre for Archaeological Studies and Training Eastern India: Kolkata,, vol.x, Issue no.x, pp.x-x, ISBN.ISBN 978-81-930422-0 [2014]
4. Sukanya Sharma, "Celts, Flakes and Bifaces-The Garo Hills Story", John and Erica Hedges Ltd. British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, England. ISBN 978 1 4073 0068 9 [2007]