Congratulation to Priyankoo Sarmah for "Prof. Rais Ahmed Memorial Lecture Award" awarded by Acoustical Society of India
Congratulation to Anamika Barua for "Expert Member of the drafting committee for the National Water Policy 2021."
Congratulation to Anamika Barua for "Technical adviosory committee member for India's 4th National Communication (NC), 4th Biennial Update Report (BUR) and First Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) Projects funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF)."
Congratulation to Anamika Barua for "Expert committee member of the Climate Change Program of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, "
Congratulation to Mithilesh Kumar Jha for "Member, Global Roster of Experts, International Science Council (ISC)" awarded by International Science Council (ISC)
Congratulation to Mithilesh Kumar Jha for "Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) Oct 2009 - July 2012" awarded by UGC, MHRD
Congratulation to Mithilesh Kumar Jha for "Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) August 2012 - July 2013" awarded by UGC, MHRD
Congratulation to Mithilesh Kumar Jha for "University Teaching Assistant, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi October 07, 2009 - July 23, 2013" awarded by University of Delhi
Congratulation to Mithilesh Kumar Jha for "ICSSR Scholarship for Data Collection Abroad, 2012"
Congratulation to Mithilesh Kumar Jha for "Charles Wallace Scholarship, 2012" awarded by CWIT
Congratulation to Rituparna Patgiri for " Zubaan-Sasakawa Peace Foundation Grants for Young Researchers from the Northeast for 2020-2021."
Congratulation to Rituparna Patgiri for "Krishna Raj Fellowship (KRF) by the Centre for Development Economics (CDE), Delhi School of Economics (DSE) in June 2013 for a research project entitled Negotiating Traditions: Maiyyas of Vrindavana."
Congratulation to Visakh Madhusoodanan Subha for "Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex" awarded by University of Sussex
Congratulation to Visakh Madhusoodanan Subha for "Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Anthropology, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex (March 2020- October 2022)" awarded by University of Sussex
Congratulation to Visakh Madhusoodanan Subha for "Fulbright- Nehru Doctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley (August 2016- May 2017) " awarded by US Department of State
Congratulation to Rituparna Patgiri for "National Scholarship in Sociology for Merit from Delhi School of Economics (DSE) for 2012-14. "
Congratulation to Rituparna Patgiri for "Recipient of the Amul Vidya Bhushan awarded by the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, Anand for Outstanding Academic Performance at the Central Board Higher Secondary Examinations held in March-April 2009. "
Congratulation to Dilwar Hussain for "Invited to be a Guest Editor for the collection "Mental health response to community disasters" by the journal "BMC Emergency Medicine" (Springer Nature)"
Congratulation to Shakuntala Mahanta for "GIAN course on Harmonic Grammar" awarded by MHRD
Congratulation to for "Recipient of Dr Yusuf Hamied Faculty Fellowship 2022"
Congratulation to Anamika Barua for "Visiting Faculty to Asian Institute of Technology"
Congratulation to Sambit Mallick for "(Appointed) Member, Programme Advisory Committee (PAC), Department of Science and Technology - National Science and Technology Management Information System (DST - NSTMIS), Government of India, 13 May 2022 - 12 May 2025" awarded by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India
Congratulation to Vasundhara Jairath for "Member of Editorial Board of Springer Nature Social Sciences journal, an international multi- and inter-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal serving the broad social sciences community"
Congratulation to Vasundhara Jairath for "Participant in Brown International Advanced Research Institutes (BIARI)'s fully-funded summer programme on 'Forced Population Displacements and the Making of the Modern World' at Brown University, Providence, USA in June 2018"
Congratulation to for "Research Travel Grants by the Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation, Mumbai in 2014 to visit United States of America"
Congratulation to for "Recipient of Rockefeller Archive Center Grant-in-Aid for 2013"
Congratulation to John Thomas for "Charles Wallace India Trust Visiting Fellowship at Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge, 2020" awarded by Charles Wallace India Trust & Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge
Congratulation to Dilwar Hussain for "Invited to the Editorial Board Member of the Journal BMC Psychology (Springer Nature)"
Congratulation to Dilwar Hussain for "Sessions best paper award (With Koninika Mukherjee) titled Mediating Role of Emotion Dysregulation in the Relationship of Peer Victimization with Social Anxiety and Disordered Eating in the World conference on child and youth, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 4-5 July."
Congratulation to Debapriya Basu for "Scholarship award of the Renaissance Society of America to attend the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI 2020) University of Victoria, Canada." awarded by The Renaissance Society of America
Congratulation to Ranu for "Research Fellowship" awarded by Yale Institute of Sacred Music, Yale University
Congratulation to Ranu for "Ila Dalmia FICA Research Grant 2020" awarded by Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art
Congratulation to Jayashree Mohanraj for "Ruth Crymes Award " awarded by TESOL, Boston
Congratulation to for "The ICHTH Dissertation Prize for 2018" awarded by International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography
Congratulation to Debapriya Basu for "Moore Institute Visiting Research Fellowship" awarded by Moore Institute, National University of Ireland Galway
Congratulation to Debapriya Basu for "Inlaks Research Travel Grant" awarded by INLAKS Foundation
Congratulation to Debapriya Basu for "Erasmus Mundus EMINTE Post Doctoral" awarded by Erasmus Mundus
Congratulation to Shakuntala Mahanta for "Fulbright for Academic and Professional Excellence" awarded by USIEF
Congratulation to Debarshi Das for "Fulbright Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship" awarded by United States-India Educational Foundation
Congratulation to Pahi Saikia for "Indo-Shastri" awarded by MHRD, Government of India
Congratulation to Pahi Saikia for "To conduct GIAN course" awarded by MHRD, Government of India
Congratulation to Arupjyoti Saikia for "Charles Wallace Visiting Fellowship"
Congratulation to Arupjyoti Saikia for "Srikanta Dutta Book Award" awarded by NMML, New Delhi
Congratulation to Arupjyoti Saikia for "New India Foundation Fellowship" awarded by New India Foundation
Congratulation to Dilwar Hussain for "Invited to be in the Editorial Advisory Board Member of the Journal of Social and Political Psychology"
Congratulation to Rajshree Bedamatta for "Nominated as Economist from the National Systems to appear in International Workshop on Food Value Chains" awarded by International Rice Research Institute
Congratulation to Rajshree Bedamatta for "Best Paper Award" awarded by Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Congratulation to Pahi Saikia for "Commonwealth" awarded by Commonwealth & Fellowship Programme, Canada & MHRD
Congratulation to Sukanya Sharma for "e-learning and Education" awarded by Digital Empowerment Foundation
Congratulation to Dilwar Hussain for "Best paper award to a research paper (with Ms Neel Harit Kausik) titled "An intervention based on self-determination theory and nurtured heart approach for students with learning disability"" awarded by 7th InSPA International Conference on School Psychology: School Counselling and Skill Development. University of Mysore
Congratulation to Dilwar Hussain for "Invited to be in the Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Loss and Trauma (Taylor and Francis)"
Congratulation to Dilwar Hussain for "Overall Best Paper Award to a research paper (with Sarika Kaushal) titled "Inhibitors of the Information Technology Success: Insights from Qualitative Investigation"" awarded by International Conference on Management Practices for the New Digital economy ICMAPRANE 2018
Congratulation to Dilwar Hussain for "Outstanding Scientist in Psychology" awarded by Centre for Advanced Research and Design (CARD) of Venus International Foundation (VIF) Chennai
Congratulation to Sambit Mallick for "Fellow" awarded by Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Congratulation to for "Fully funded scholarship for Phd from Utrecht University, The Netherlands (along with tuition waiver)" awarded by Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Congratulation to for "Linguistic Society of America award "
Congratulation to Rosy Saikia for "Indian Council of Social Science Research Data Collection Abroad Grant for fieldwork in Mexico, July-August 2013"
Congratulation to Rosy Saikia for "Inlaks Research Travel Grant for fieldwork in Mexico, March-June 2013"
Congratulation to Upasana Nath for "gold medalist in sanskrit in hslc exam and got 10th position in hs exam" awarded by gold medal by aauniati satra and got 10 th position by AHSEC
Congratulation to Syed Akrama for "Certificate of Achievement - eGovernance" awarded by Government of Maharashtra
Congratulation to Syed Akrama for "Merit Holder at National IT Aptitude Test" awarded by NIIT, New Delhi
Congratulation to Syed Akrama for "School topper, City topper, National and International Merit Holder at International Mathematics Olympiad, 2008" awarded by Science Olympiad Foundation
Congratulation to Manali Karmakar for "Best Poster Presentation at IITG Research Conclave 2018" awarded by Research Conclave 2018, IIT Guwahati
Congratulation to Namrata Borkotoky for "Best Oral Presentation at IITG Research Conclave 2018" awarded by Research Conclave 2018, IIT Guwahati
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