List of selected candidates for summer internship 2024

Summer Internship 2024

(Please read the information below carefully before proceeding)

1. Deadline for online applications: 23rd April 2024

2. Duration of the Summer Internship: 08-05-24 to 10-07-24 (Please check the table below for the specific internship period for each faculty member

3. Online application URL:

The following department faculty members will be taking summer interns this session in July 2024.

SI No Faculty name Stream Internship Topic Starting date End date
1 Sukanya Sharma Archaeology Sciences in Archaeology, Heritage Studies 9-5-2024 28-6-2024
2 Amarjyoti Mahanta Economics Econometrics and Game Theory 15-5-2024 15-6-2024
3 Rajshree Bedamatta Economics Analytics based on National Family Health Surveys of India 15-5-2024 15-6-2024
4 Agnirup Sarkar Economics Supply side shock during COVID-19 8-5-2024 10-7-2024
5 Liza Das English Literature, Fine Arts 8-5-2024 10-7-2024
6 Debapriya Basu English Digital Humanities and Women's Writing 8-5-2024 10-7-2024
7 Priyankoo Sarmah Linguistics Phonetics, Tones, TB Languages 8-5-2024 10-7-2024
8 Bidisha Som Linguistics Language processing, bilingualism 20-5-2024 10-7-2024
9 Nachiketa Tripathi Psychology Organizational Behaviour 9-5-2024 10-7-2024
10 Rituparna Patgiri Sociology Food, Culture, Health, Media, Performance 8-5-2024 10-7-2024


Selection of Summer Intern is entirely up to the respective faculty member(s).

1. No fee is charged from the Intern for the Summer Internship.

1. There is no eligibility criterion, in terms of CGPA.

2. Up to 3 students can intern under a faculty member.

3. On completion of the Internship, certificate is issued by the HSS Department, not IIT Guwahati.

4. Accommodation and mess facility will be provided by IIT Guwahati with a nominal charge. Information regarding this will be made available on this website.

5. This time we cannot provide any stipend to interns.

6. Candidates applying for Summer Internship have to be Indian nationals.

7. Emailing individual faculty after filling up the application form, is not required.

8. Preferably the applicant has to complete three years, i.e., six semesters in the B.A program by the summer of 2024.

9. All eligible candidates, including candidates directly contacting any faculty member, must fill up and submit the google form.



1). Summer interns need to pay hostel room rent @ Rs 200 per day per pax in advance (Room rent once paid is not refundable) in Hostel Affairs Board Account.

2). Summer Interns whose stay period is more than 30 (thirty) days shall have to pay Hostel Amenities Charge @?600 to their respective Hostel Account.

3).Bonafide Students (as interns) of IIT Guwahati will reside in their current hostel and will not be charged room rent. However, they have to pay Hostel Amenities Charge @?600 to their respective Hostel Account.

Amount Payable

Hostel Affairs Board Account

as applicable.

Account Name: HAB Receipts
A/c No: 8652101029343
Bank: Canara, IITG

Payment details need to be provided to the department office


For any clarifications or queries, please email us at


Department of HSS, IIT Guwahati