Venue: Seminar Hall, HSS

Date: 23rd September 2024

Time: 6:00 pm


An examination of the different early career prospects for graduates and postgraduates in the fields of policy planning and evaluation, policy advocacy, governance, and development. The session will particularly focus on governance-based and field-based fellowships like the LAMP Fellowship, Gandhi Fellowship, CMGGF fellowships, as well as early positions in think-tanks and civil society organizations. Ayush is a former Legislative Assistant to Member of Pariament (LAMP) fellow and former Chief Minister’s Good Governance Associates (CMGGA) fellow. He currently works as an independent social impact consultant, and is also an advisor to Public Policy India, a knowledge and career navigation platform active in more than 10 major cities in India. He hosts the Policy Pod podcast on Spotify, where he interacts with stalwarts and veterans from the realms of policy and governance. Ayush has also taught courses at the School of Policy and Governance, Bangalore.