1. Talk by Dr Divya Kannan on Textbooks, Children, and Schooling in Colonial Kerala


2. Talk on “China in Western Indian Ocean: Implications for India” by Dr. Sibapada Rath

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3. Lecture series on Archaeology and beyond: Understanding communities and cultural heritage of bhitargarh by Dr. Shahnaj Husne Jahan Leena

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4. Panel discussion on "In defence of the ordinary: everyday awakenings"

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5. Lecture on Covid-19 Pandemic Response of private healthcare to a medical emergency by Prof. Rama Baru

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6. HSS Alumni Talks presented by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

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7. Lecture on "English in India’s Multilingual Ecology" by Prof. S.N. Sridhar, A Brief Biography

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8. Lecture on Population policy contemporary debates in India by Prof. Mohan Rao

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9. Lecture on Infrastructure of injustice, State and politics in Manipur and Northeast India by Dr. Raile Rocky Ziipao

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10. Lecture on Living with Oil and Coal by Dr. Dolly Kikon

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11. Webinar on Water Politics in the Himalaya by Prof. Anamika Barua

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12. Lecture on Gender and Water Diplomacy by Prof. Anamika Barua

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13. Lecture on “West Asia and India - Responding to the Changing Dynamic”

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14. Placement Record for the Year 2021 (M.A.in Development Studies) Department of HSS

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15. Dr. Dilwar Hussain is invited to the Editorial Board of BMC Psychology


16. Prof. Anamika Barua @Ana_13b on water management in the news:

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17. Joining report of Summer / Winter Trainee

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18. Course Proposal Form

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19. Leave application PhD Scholars

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20. Supervisor Consent Form

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Past Workshop