Globalization and sustainable development: terms, concepts and challenges, inter-generational and
intra-generational effects, human development, indigenous knowledge, governance and sustainable
development; Climate change as a challenge to sustainable development: interrelationship between
climate change and economic development, impact of climate change on natural resources and
livelihood; Mitigation and adaptation to climate change: role of State, civil society, firms, corporate
social responsibility, international environmental agreements and climate change.
1. J.N. Bhagawati, In Defence of Globalization, Oxford University Press, 2006.
2. S.J. Gustave, �Two perspectives on globalization and the environment�, in J. G. Speth (ed.),
Worlds Apart: Globalization and the Environment, Island Press, Washington DC, 2003, pp. 1-18.
3. T. J. Hardy, Climate Change - Causes, Effects, and Solutions, John Wiley & Sons 2003
4. A. Markandya and K. Halsnaes (eds.), Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Prospects for Developing Countries, Earthscan, 2002.
5. W. M. Adams, Green Development: Environment and Sustainability in the Third World. 2nd Ed.,
Routledge, London, 2001.
6. World Bank, Report Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World: Transforming Institutions,
Growth, and Quality of Life, World Development Report, 2003
7. T. Panayotou, Globalization and Environment, CID Working Papers 53, Center for International
Development at Harvard University, 2000