Preamble / Objectives (Optional): This course is an introduction to social choice and welfare. The social choice theory mainly deals with aggregation of individual preferences to get a preference ordering of the society. It is useful in studying election outcome. We will cover voting theory, bargaining, few concepts of cooperative game theory (Shapley Value and Core), fair allocations and matching will be covered in this course.
After completion of this course, the students will learn about aggregation of individual preferences, the ways to divide a surplus between two persons and the case of multilateral bargaining. How to adjudicate a firm when it goes bankrupt among its creditors? They will learn about the different properties of commonly used allocation rules or sharing rules.
Course Content/ Syllabus
Preference Aggregation: Individual Preferences, Properties of Social Welfare Function, Majority and Borda Voting Rules, Arrow’s Impossibility Result;
Liberal Paradox;
Bargaining: Nash Bargaining and Kalai-Smorodinsky Bargaining Solution;
Core (A solution concept of cooperative game theory);
Shapley Value (A solution concept of cooperative game theory);