This Subject Includes

  • Course No: HS 121
  • Course: B.Tech
  • Semester: V
  • Title: Understanding Psychology: Individual and Work Settings
  • Stream: Psychology
  • The nature and scope of Psychology: various perspectives, methods; psychological development: development of self, personality adjustment; stress in day-today life and coping mechanisms; mental hygiene; social cognition: attribution in social context, attribution errors and biases; work psychology: work place design, ergonomics; psychological aspects of human-computer interaction.


    1. Schultz, D., & Schultz, S. Psychology and Work Today. Pearson Books, 2004

    2. Baron, R., & Byrne, D. Social Psychology. Prentice Hall of India (10 Edn),2002

    3. Smith, E., Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B., & Loftus, G. Introduction to Psychology. Thompsons and Wadsworth Co, 2003


    1. Dix, A., Finlay, J., Abowd, G., & Beale, R. Human - Computer Interaction.Pearson Books. 2008