Scope and objectives of social research: Theory, facts, data; objectivity in social research; Research Design: Typologies of Research Design; formulation of research problem; hypothesis; Methods of Social Research: Quantitative research; questionnaire, schedule, survey, sampling, measurement; Qualitative research: Observation; interview method, case study, content analysis, PRA/PLA techniques; Analysis and Interpretation of Data: Quantative, Qualitiative, Statistical methods in social research, Report Writing.
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2. T. May, Social Research: Issues, Methods and Process, Open University Press, 2001
3. E. Babbie, �Adventures in Social Research, 1998, Sage.
4. A. Bryman and Cramer, Quantitative data analysis for social scientist, Routledge, 1990.
5. G. Morgan (eds), Beyond Method: Strategies for Social Research, Sage, 1988.
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8. W.G Goode and P.K.Hatt, Methods in Social Research, N.Y, 1952.
9. P. V Young, Scientific Social Surveys and Research, PHI, 1966