After working for the public sector giant Indian Oil Corporation (Assam Oil Division) Limited for 3 years, Prof. S M Hazarika returned to academics. He worked for a short spell in Jorhat Engineering College, Jorhat; one of the pioneering Engineering Colleges situated in the North Eastern part of India. In the spring of 1997, He joined Tezpur University, Tezpur, India and established the erstwhile Department of Information Technology, Tezpur University.

From October 2009 to March 2010, He have been a Vertretungsprofessur (Substitute `Full' Professor) of Cognitive Systems & NeuroInformatics, FB3 - Informatik, University of Bremen, Germany.
HIs primary research interest is in Rehabilitation Robotics and Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. This translates into interest in bio-mimetic prosthetics; cognition and cognitive vision. From August 2010 to May 2017, He was a Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Tezpur University, wherein He had established the Biomimetic and Cognitive Robotics Lab.
After joining IIT, Guwahati in 2017, he had founded the Biomimetic Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory for research in the area of Rehabilitation Robotics with focus in the development of prostheses and assistive devices.
He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Assam Engineering College, Guwahati, India. In 1997, He has completed M.Tech in Robotics from Center for Robotics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. His M.Tech dissertation explored grasping under ambiguity. He fabricated a 2-finger 4-dof planar hand with active force feedback. His supervisors at IIT Kanpur were Dr. Amitabha Mukerjee and Dr. Sudipto Mukherjee. Dr. Amitabha Mukerjee is a Professor in the Department of Computer Sc. and Engineering, IIT Kanpur. Dr. Sudipto Mukerjee is now with IIT Delhi.
In November 2005, He have been awarded PhD from School of Computing, University of Leeds, England. He had undertaken research leading to PhD within the Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Group, University of Leeds, England between October 1999 and April 2003 on a Commonwealth Scholarship awarded by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, Association of Commonwealth Universities. His PhD thesis entitled Qualitative Spatial Change: Space-Time Histories and Continuity is in the area of qualitative spatio-temporal representation and reasoning. I had completed my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Anthony G Cohn.
On graduation HeI had joined the industry. After working for the public sector giant Indian Oil Corporation (Assam Oil Division) Limited for 3 years plus, he returned to academics. He worked for a short spell in Jorhat Engineering College, Jorhat; one of the pioneering Engineering Colleges situated in the North Eastern part of India.
In the spring of 1997, He joined Tezpur University, Tezpur, India and assumed charge as Head I/C (Founder Head) and established the erstwhile Department of Information Technology, Tezpur University . He left Tezpur University in October 1999 for England. He was in the University of Leeds pursuing research leading to my PhD. He returned to Tezpur University in April 2003 and joined as Lecturer, Department of Information Technology. With starting of the School of Engineering, the Department of Information Technology was merged with the erstwhile Department of Computer Sc. to create the Department of Computer Sc. & Engineering.
From October 2009 to March 2010, He was a Vertretungsprofessur (Substitute `Full' Professor) of Cognitive Systems & NeuroInformatics, FB3 - Informatik, University of Bremen, Germany.
From August 2010 to May 2017, He was a Professor in the Department of Computer Sc. & Engineering, Tezpur University.
His primary research interest lies in rehabilitation robotics and knowledge representation and reasoning. He is interested in qualitative spatial reasoning, biomimetic prosthetics and cognitive robotics. This translates into interest in cognitive vision . He is working on bio-signals controlled extreme upper arm prostheses and have received substantial funding from DIT, Govt. of India for design and development of TU Bionic Hand - a cost-effective bio-signals controlled prosthetic hand.
He has been part of European Science Foundation's COST Action IC0903 MOVE: Knowledge Discovery from Moving Objects. As member of Working Group 1, the emphasis was on development of appropriate `ontology' for identification of motion patterns from massive amounts of data generated by location-aware devices. As part of a DST-UKIERI Project He is working with Prof. John Q Gan, University of Essex, England on a Brain Controlled Wheelchair.