Centre For Excellence
Centre for Excellence in Disruptive Innovations & Product Development for Affordable Rural Healthcare
Disruptive innovations of novel scientific and technological pathways stimulate societal progress. For example, the point-of-care (POC) detection of the concentration of excretory products in blood serum, e.g. creatinine, urea or uric acid, or the nutrients in urine, e.g. different proteins, can help in the prognosis of an array of diseases at the early stage. Frugal innovations around such biomarkers, emulating the principles of glucometer or pregnancy kits, can foster novel biomedical innovations. The figure below shows a typical work-flow for a large-scale manufacturing of such Health Care Technologies (HCT) - idea-formulate-implement-prototype-product. Presently, most of such HCTs are designed and developed abroad, which seldom considers parameters specific to the nation. Manufacturing indigenous HCT considering the demographic conditions, purchase capacity, and user-environment is perhaps the need of the hour.

In this proposal, with the help ofthe proposed high-end facilities, we attempt to develop minimum five such low-cost and portable HCTS for the POC detection of biomarkers in blood serum or urine. The markers will be selected fiom creatininc, urea, uric acid, proteins, electrolytes, en4lm€s, lipids, various cancer biomarkers, and E-Coli, targeting health care solutions for the rural population. The emerging novel properties of materials in the realm of micro or nanoscale science and technology to be exploited to develop the biosensors capable ofsuch detection at a lower cost and at a faster speed.
- Establish high-end research facility.
- Technology development and manufacturing.
- IPR/publications.
- Startups for technology development and rnanufacturing.
- Establishment of e-health clinics - 'remote' health research.
- Collection, storage, security, and analysis of health data.
- Ethical clearance /clinical validation/field trials/cerification