As members of the Water and Sanitation Lab, we are equipped with cutting-edge instrumentation including the TOC Analyzer, BOD Incubator, and Digital Nephelometric Turbidity Meter. Our mission is to advance research and innovation in water quality management and sanitation.


TOC Analyzer

Organic Contaminant Analysis: Leveraging the TOC Analyzer, we conduct thorough analyses of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) levels in water samples. By identifying and quantifying organic contaminants, we contribute to the development of effective water treatment strategies and pollution control measures.

BOD Incubator

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) Testing: Utilizing the BOD Incubator, we measure the rate of oxygen consumption by microorganisms in water samples. Through BOD testing, we assess water quality, evaluate wastewater treatment efficiency, and mitigate environmental impacts associated with organic pollution.

Digital Nephelometric Turbidity Meter

Turbidity Measurement and Sediment Analysis: With the Digital Nephelometric Turbidity Meter, we quantify the turbidity of water, a key indicator of suspended particles and sediment load. By monitoring turbidity levels, we assess water clarity, sedimentation rates, and the effectiveness of sediment control measures in water bodies and treatment systems.