Head, Professor
+91-361-258 3800 | sudipmitra@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Biochar & Bio-Fertilizers development, Soil quality management, Natural Resources Management and Livelihood, Vulnerability & Adaptation in Agriculture sector, DRR.
Associate Professor
+91-361-258 3798 | meena.kh@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Solid waste management, Mechanical composting and vermi composting, Analysis of solid wastes, Biological waste treatment, Water Supply and Sanitation
Assistant Professor
+91-361-258 3799 (O) 5799 (R) | siddharthafp@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Food Processing Technologies, Process biotechnology, Scale up and commercialization strategies in food- and bio-processing
Assistant Professor
+91-361-258 3795 | sagarsd@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Agribusiness Management, Entrepreneurship Development, Startups, Technology and Innovation
Assistant Professor
+91-361-258 3796 | risha@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Thermo-Electrics, Advanced Cookstoves Design and Testing, Renewable Energy, Ergonomics, Biomass Energy, Machine Learning and AI based systems.
Assistant Professor
+91-361-258-3794 | dmandal@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Remote sensing and GIS for agricultural and rural sector, digital agriculture and analytics, UAV and spatial planning
+91-361-258 3967 (O) 291 1175 (R) | kajay@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Solid waste management, Mechanical composting and vermicomposting, Analysis of solid wastes.
+91-361-258 2409 (O) | aks@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Modeling & simulation in Free Surface Flow, Heuristic Method in Reservoir Optimization, GIS based Watershed Modeling
+91-361-2582454 | dasak@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Industrial Design, Rapid Prototyping and Tooling, Space Design, Facility Design, Environmental Graphics, Design for Disabled
+91-361-2582276 | nkishore@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Biofuels, Computational Fluid Flow and Heat/Mass Transfer, Density Functional Theory, Non-Newtonian Fluids
+91-361-2582680 | karuna.kalita@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Rotordynamics, Coupled Dynamics of Electro-Mechanical Systems, Vibration
+91-361-258 2214 (O) 258 3203 (Lab) | lrangan@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Applied Biodiversity
+ 91-361-2582558 (O) 2584558 (R) | mkdutta@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Agricultural Economics, Environmental Economics, Regional Economic Development
+91-361-258-2406 (O) | jawed@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Biological Processes, Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment, Heavy Metal Removal and Recovery, Water Treatment and Supply, Domestic & Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Associate Professor
+91 361 2583435 | pranabm@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Microfluidics | Electrokinetics | Flow Through Porous Media | Two Phase Transport | Microscale Transport of Heat |
Associate Professor
+91-361-258 3129 | pankajk@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Clean Energy Technology (Fluidized bed technology, gasification, AD technology), Energy Storage (Thermal and Compressed Air), Integration of Solar Energy Devices (Thermal and PV), Energy Management
+91-361-258-2211 | rakhi_chaturvedi@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Plant cell, Tissue & Organ culture, Protoplast Isolation and Regeneration, Isolation, Purification and Characterization of plant Secondary Metabolites
+91-361-2582213 | sanjukta@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Food processing and agricultural waste utilisation.
Professor & Founding Head, SART
+91-361-2582659 | sashin@iitg.ac.in
Research Interest(s) : Tribology, Duct Acoustics, Mechanical System Design, Rural Technology