Our long term mission is to:
- Identify the problems of rural sector (socio-economic and environmental related issues) requiring appropriate science and technology inputs
- Develop sustainable technologies, involving the faculty and students of IITG, by blending appropriately modern 'S&T' with traditional knowledge and wisdom, for solving the problems
- Transfer/disseminate the technologies involving government and non-government organizations/institutions for employment generation, poverty alleviation and community development
- Restoring ecological balance by conserving and developing natural resources i.e land, water, vegetative cover especially plantations
- Undertake appropriate teaching (for sensitizing students), research, information/S&T dissemination and outreach related activities and network with other technical institutions, NGOs, government agencies, and rural/SSI industries, for achieving rural development
The centre is determined to accomplish the mission through research projects as well as academic and training programmes.