Program : M.Tech
Code : RT 523
Course Name : Rural Technology and Development
L-T-P : 3-0-6
Credit : 6
Semester : I

Rural Technology and Development
Rural Development: Rural development concepts; indicators of rural development; rural institutions and their administrative structure, functions; emerging issues and determinanats; rural development experiences from the ground-developed vs developing countries; case studies on rural development facilitated by international agencies; Rural Marketing- concepts, organization and functions of marketing, modern and traditional system of marketing; rural credit system, role of rural credit in rural development; evolution and growth of rural credit system in India.

Rural Technology: Technology and development, Appropriate technology development and dissemination, Technology Rating Level, Case studies of different technologies enabling rural development- Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Agro biotechnology, Food and Forest Product Value addition, Mechanization, Waste Management, Rural Energy Solutions; Technology impact assessment, Life Cycle Analysis.

Learning outcome: 1. Students would get a deeper and broader understanding of Rural Development especially in the context of India 2. Understand the structure, function, and integration of the rural society with a thrust on technology driven rural development.
3. Students will be aware of the technological delivery process to a rural society and its challenges. They would also learn the tools for assessment and dissemination of technologies.

1. Singh, K. (2009). Rural development: principles, policies and management. SAGE Publications India.
2. Shukla, J. P. (Ed.). (2014). Technologies for sustainable rural development: having potential of socio-economic upliftment (TSRD–2014) (Vol. 1).
3. R. Chambers (1983) Rural Development: Putting the last first, Routlege-Taylor and Francis group.

1. McCalla, A. F., & Ayres, W. S. (1997). Rural development: From vision to action. The World Bank.
2. Allied Publishers.Campbell, M. J., & Campbell, M. J. (Eds.). (1990). New technology and rural development: the social impact. Psychology Press.