Program : M.Tech
Code : RT 504
Course Name : Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
L-T-P : 3-0-2
Credit : 8
Semester : I

RT 504:  Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Basic principles of rural water supply and sanitation; Water sources, surface and ground water treatment; Specific problem in rural water supply and treatment e.g. iron, manganese, fluorides etc. Water supply through spot sources, hand pumps, open dugwell. Traditional/low cost methods of water treatment and practices; Storm water and sullage disposal, rain water harvesting and uses. Simple wastewater treatment system for rural areas and small communities such as stabilization ponds, Imhoff tank etc. Introduction to rural sanitation; On site sanitation system and community latrines, concept of Eco-sanitation, trenching and composting methods, two pit latrines, aqua privy, septic tank, soak pit. Disposal of Solid Wastes; Composting; land filling, incineration; Biogas plants; Rural health.
Laboratory: Water and Wastewater Quality Parameters: Physico-chemical analysis

1. V. M. Eulers and E. W. Steel, Municipal and Rural Sanitation, 6th Ed., McGraw Hill Book Company, 2009.
2. H. S. Peavy, D. R. Rowe and G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill International Ed., 2013.
3. S. Gupta, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation, Vayu Education of India, New Delhi, 2013.

1. F. B. Wright, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation, E. Robert Krieger Publishing Company, Huntington, New York, 1977
2. K. Verma, Decentralised Governance in Water and Sanitation in Rural India, Academic Foundation, NEW DELHI, 2014.
3. Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization, Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, 2nd Ed, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi December 1991.
4. Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization, Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Systems – Part A: Engineering, 3rd Ed – Revised and Updated, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, November 2013.
5. Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization, Manual on Solid Waste Management, 2nd Ed, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, December 1993.