Program : M.Tech
Code : RT 517
Course Name : Agri-horticultural Produce Processing Technology
L-T-P : 3-0-2
Credit : 8
Semester :

The aim of the course is to make the participants aware of importance and scope of processing of agricultural and horticultural produces. Specific concept of unit- operations involved in processing of such produces would be imparted for enabling the participants in selecting and maintaining processing units. Also techno-management concept of supply chain of the agri- horti-produces would be delivered to not only train the participants to develop supply chains for such products but also to motivate them for developing appropriate technological solutions. The course has no prerequisite. The specific learning objectives are;

  • Knowledge and understanding about the processing, storage, and supply chain of agricultural and horticultural produces.
  • Skills in designing, implementing and evaluating supply chain and processing strategies for agricultural and horticultural produces.
  • Skills in putting the marketing strategies in place and evaluating financial alternatives.

Over view of Agri- and Horti- production in India and its associated problems including produce processing; Conventional food processing techniques and sustainability concerns; Engineering properties and Post-harvest technology of agricultural and horticultural produces; Unit operations used in processing of agri- horti-produces: size reduction and screening of solids, mixing, emulsification and forming, filtration and membrane separation, Solid-liquid extraction and expression, chilling, freezing, thermal processing, extrusion, dehydration, evaporation, fermentation, food storage and packaging technology; Process calculations; Management of by-products from processing of agri- horti-produces; Overview of food safety and quality system, HACCP, hygienic equipment design. Examples of processing of some agro-horticulture products for non-food usage.
Supply chain concepts for fresh and processed agricultural and horticultural produces; system dynamics, supply chain matrices, ICT in supply chain, and Indian scenario of supply chain of fresh and processed produces; Traceability in supply chain; Case studies of development of supply chain of some important food crops.
Laboratory components: Drying kinetics of some agricultural and horticultural products and quality analysis of the final product; Milling of agro products and characterization of the milled products; Beverage preparation from a fruit/vegetable produce and its quality testing; Shelf-life testing of perishable fresh produces with and without packaging; Extraction of functional components from agro-horticulture products.

Text books:
1. Fellows, Peter J. Food processing technology: principles and practice. Elsevier, 2009.
2. Earle, Richard Laurence. Unit operations in food processing. Elsevier, 2013.
3. Dani, Samir. Food supply chain management and logistics: From farm to fork. Kogan Page Publishers, 2015.

Reference books:
1. R.T. Toledo, Fundamentals of food process engineering. Springer Science & Business Media, 2007.
2. S.M. Rahman, Handbook of food preservation. CRC press, 2007.
3. N.I.I.R. Board, Modern Technology of Agro Processing and Agricultural Waste Products. National Institute of Industrial Research, 2000.
4. S.S. Nielsen, Food analysis. Springer, 2010.