
  • Mr. Juan Chowdhury, Dr. Gaurav Kumar, Prof. Karuna Kalita and Prof. Sashindra Kumar Kakoty., “Linear Switched Reluctance Actuator for Power Loom”, Indian Patent Number: 422024 (Granted)
  • Mr. Juan Chowdhury, Dr. Gaurav Kumar, Prof. Karuna Kalita and Prof. Sashindra Kumar Kakoty., “High Force Density Quad Air Gap Switched Reluctance Motor”, Indian Patent Number: 498441 (Granted)
  • Dr. Pranay Kumar Sarkar and Prof. Sashindra Kumar Kakoty , “Bell metal welding process”, Indian Patent Number: 523378 (Granted)

Book Chapters

  • Kumar, A. and Kakoty, S.K., 2019. A variable viscosity technique for the analysis of static and dynamic performance parameters of three-lobe fluid film bearing operating with TiO 2-based nanolubricant. In Manufacturing Engineering: Select Proceedings of CPIE 2018 (pp. 1-16). Springer Singapore.
  • Bhattacharjya, B.R. and Kakoty, S.K., 2019. A study on the anthropometry of the hira community of assam: its use in redesigning a pottery wheel. In Research into Design for a Connected World: Proceedings of ICoRD 2019 Volume 2 (pp. 417-426). Springer Singapore.
  • Das, D. and Kakoty, S.K., 2023. Influence of Texture Geometry in the Steady-State Performance of Dimple-Textured Journal Bearings Under the Effect of Lubricant Inertia. In Recent Advances in Machines, Mechanisms, Materials and Design. iNaCoMM 2023. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (pp. 385-393). Springer Singapore.

International Journals

S.No.YearTitleName of JournalRefereed Journal or NotNumber of Citations
12004“Analysis of Whirl Speeds for Rotor-Bearing Systems Supported on Fluid Film Bearings”Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol 18 (6)Yes43
22013“Optimum Groove Location of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing Using Genetic Algorithm”,Advances in Tribology, Volume 2013Yes31
32000“Effect of Fluid Inertia on Stability of Oil Journal Bearings”Tribology, Trans. ASME, Vol 122(4)Yes30
52000“Effect of Fluid Inertia on Dynamic Coefficients and Stability of Journal Bearings”Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol 214(3)Yes27
42007“Study of quality parameters in vermicomposting”Indian Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 6Yes27
62011“Non-linear dynamic analysis of a flexible rotor supported on porous oil journal bearings”,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 16(3)Yes25
72014"Analysis of dimple textured parallel and inclined slider bearing"Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol 228(12)Yes24
92002“Bulk Reaction Modeling of Lined Ducts With And Without Mean Flow”Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 112Yes17
82007“Performance analysis of pressurized kerosene stove with porous medium inserts”Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol 66Yes17
111999"Effect of fluid inertia on stability of flexibly supported oil journal bearings: linear perturbation analysis"Tribology international, Vol 32(4)Yes16
102019"A feedback mechanism for appropriate technology development and dissemination: Case study approach"Technology in Society, Vol 57Yes16
122002"Effect of fluid film inertia on stability of flexibly supported oil journal bearings: A non-linear transient analysis"Tribology Transactions Vol 45(2)Yes12
132017"A review on linear switched reluctance motor"Rakenteiden Mekaniikka, Vol 50 (3)Yes11
172014"Analysis on micro elliptical textured journal bearing"International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol 2 (2)Yes9
162017"Effect of dam depth and relief track depth on steady-state and dynamic performance parameters of 3-lobe pressure dam bearing"Advances in TribologyYes9
142020"A survey of the anthropometric data relating to five ethnic groups in Assam considering gender and ethnic diversity: Application of the data in designing an improvised pedal-operated Chaak"International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol 76Yes9
152020"Effect of couple-stress parameter on the steady state performance parameters of two-lobe journal bearing operating with non-Newtonian lubricant"Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol 24Yes9
182014"Gas foil bearing analysis and the effect of bump foil thickness on its performance characteristics using a non-linear matrix equation solver"International Journal of Recent advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol 3 (3)Yes8
202014"Dynamic characteristic and stability of cylindrical textured journal bearing"International Journal of Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol 3 (2)Yes7
212014"Design of compact active magnetic bearing"International Journal of Applied Sciences and Engineering Research, Vol 3(3)Yes7
192020"Effect of couple stress parameter on steady-state and dynamic characteristics of three-lobe journal bearing operating on TiO2 nanolubricant"Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol 234(4)Yes7
242006"Bulk reaction modeling of sound propagation through circular dissipative ducts backed by an air gap"J. of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of The ASME, Vol. 128(6)Yes6
232008"Stability analysis of a flexible rotor supported on finite hydrodynamic porous journal bearing using a non-linear transient method"Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol 222(7)Yes6
222013"Performance analysis of gas foil bearing with different foil pivot configuration"Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol 5Yes6
282014"Effect of cylindrical texture on dynamic characteristics of journal bearing"International Journal of Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol 3(4)Yes4
272015"Groove location for optimum performance of three-and four-lobe bearings using genetic algorithm"Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol 229(1)Yes4
262020"Stability analysis of rigid rotors supported by gas foil bearings coupled with electromagnetic actuators"Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol 234(2)Yes4
252022"Computational efficiency improvement of dimple textured hydrodynamic journal bearing using progressive mesh densification method"Journal of Tribology, Vol 144 (3)Yes4
292021"Unbalance response of the rotors supported on gas foil bearing integrated with active magnetic bearing"Journal of Vibration Engineering & TechnologiesYes2
302021"Effect of quenching parameters on mechanical properties of bell metal"Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol 44Yes2
322021"Bell Metal Product Manufacturing Techniques: A Technical Report from Sarthebari, Assam"Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, Vol 102Yes1
312022"Pareto optimization of TIG welding process for joining the bell metal"Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol 37(8)Yes1
332022"Influence of spherical protruded and dimple texture on the journal bearing performance: A comparative theoretical analysis implementing JFO boundary conditions"Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol 74(7)Yes0
342022"The application of ethnographic methods to engineering for global development: the case of the Improvised Betel Nut Cutter"Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol 144(6)Yes0
352023"Effect of lubricant inertia on steady-state characteristics of textured hydrodynamic journal bearing"Industrial Lubrication and TribologyYes6
362023"An Indexing Method for Evaluating Managerial Effectiveness of a Watershed Project and Functional Involvement of Participant Organizations"Ecosystem Restoration: Towards Sustainability and Resilient DevelopmentYes0
372023"Co-creating community-led frugal innovation: An adapted Quadruple Helix?"TechnovationYes24
382024"Harmonising Stakeholders’ Perspectives: a Watershed Project Desirability Index"Water Conservation Science and EngineeringYes1
382024"Effect of lubricant inertia on textured journal bearing implementing mass conserving (JFO) boundary conditions"Industrial Lubrication and TribologyYes0
382024"Bridging the Gap: Assessing Performance and Planned Importance in Watershed Projects Using Participatory Methods"Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series AYes0
382025"Texture parameters' impact on computational efficiencies of Multigrid and Progressive mesh densification methods for solving textured journal bearing problems"Journal of TribologyYes0

International Conferences (peer reviewed)

  • Das, D. and Kakoty, S.K., 2024. Effect of Texturing and Fluid Inertia on Journal Bearing Performance Considering Mass-Conserving Boundary Conditions. CMAME 2024
  • Das, D. and Kakoty, S.K., 2024. Influence of Texture Geometry on the Performance of Textured Journal Bearing Considering Fluid Inertia Effect and Cavitation. RIC 2024
  • Das, D. and Kakoty, S.K., 2023. Influence of Texture Geometry in the Steady State Performance of Dimple Textured Journal Bearings under the Effect of Lubricant Inertia. iNaCoMM 2023
  • Das, D. and Kakoty, S.K., 2023. Influence of Lubricant Inertia and Texture Geometry on Steady-State Performance of Journal Bearing with Protrusion Texturing. VETOMAC 2023
  • Saikia, A. and Kakoty, S.K., 2022. Scale-Down Tea Processing Unit: Appropriate and Sustainable Technology for Small Tea Growers. In Rural Technology Development and Delivery (pp. 99-109). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  • Syed, N.R. and Kakoty, S.K., 2021, December. Influence of Texture Portion and Dimple Area Density on the Tribological Characteristics of Dimple Textured Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing. In Gas Turbine India Conference (Vol. 85536, p. V001T06A001). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Sarkar, P.K. and Kakoty, S.K., 2021. Effect of quenching parameters on mechanical properties of bell metal. Materials Today: Proceedings, 44, pp.4179-4183.
  • Basumatary, K.K., Kakoty, S.K. and Ghosh, M.P., 2021. Effect of Sinusoidal and Non-sinusoidal Periodic Forces on the Stability of Gas Foil Bearing. In Proceedings of the 6th National Symposium on Rotor Dynamics: NSRD 2019 (pp. 495-507). Springer Singapore.
  • Basumatary, K.K., Kalita, K. and Kakoty, S.K., 2020. Sub-synchronous Vibration of Rotors Supported on Gas Foil Bearing. In Advances in Rotor Dynamics, Control, and Structural Health Monitoring: Select Proceedings of ICOVP 2017 (pp. 19-35). Springer Singapore.
  • Kumar, A. and Kakoty, S.K., 2020. Effect of couple-stress parameter on the steady state performance parameters of two-lobe journal bearing operating with non-Newtonian lubricant. Materials Today: Proceedings, 24, pp.473-482.
  • Kumar, A. and Kakoty, S.K., 2019, December. Analysis of Static and Dynamic Performance Parameters of Two-Lobe Journal Bearing Operating With Non-Newtonian Lubricant. In Gas Turbine India Conference (Vol. 83525, p. V001T05A005). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Basumatary, K.K., Kalita, K., Kakoty, S.K. and Garvey, S.D., 2019, December. Vibration Mitigation of Rotors Suspended on Low-Cost Hybrid Gas Foil Bearing. In Gas Turbine India Conference (Vol. 83525, p. V001T05A009). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Bhattacharjya, B.R. and Kakoty, S.K., 2019, October. Presenting an iterative innovation framework perceived for resource-constrained society. In 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (TEMS-ISIE) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
  • Bhattacharjya, B.R., Sarmah, S. and Kakoty, S.K., 2019. Design and Development of Technology Appropriate for Rural Community to Address Sustainability. In Rural Technology Development and Delivery: RuTAG and Its Synergy with Other Initiatives (pp. 95-112). Springer Singapore.
  • Kumar, A. and Kakoty, S.K., 2019. A variable viscosity technique for the analysis of static and dynamic performance parameters of three-lobe fluid film bearing operating with TiO 2-based nanolubricant. In Manufacturing Engineering: Select Proceedings of CPIE 2018 (pp. 1-16). Springer Singapore.
  • Basumatary, K.K., Kakoty, S.K. and Kalita, K., 2019. Stability analysis of a rigid rotor supported on gas foil bearings under different loading conditions. In Machines, Mechanism and Robotics: Proceedings of iNaCoMM 2017 (pp. 61-71). Springer Singapore.
  • Kumar, A. and Kakoty, S.K., 2017, December. A variable viscosity approach for the analysis of steady state and dynamic characteristics of two-lobe journal bearing with TiO2 based nanolubricant. In Gas Turbine India Conference (Vol. 58516, p. V002T05A011). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • Basumatary K. K., Kalita K., and Kakoty, S.K., “Sub-synchronous Vibration of Rotor Supported on Gas Foil Bearing”, International Conference On Vibration Problems, IIT Guwahati 2017, 29th Nov to 2nd Dec, 2017, Paper ID-82
  • Basumatary K. K., Kumar G., Kalita K., and Kakoty, S.K. “A Numerical study on Effect of Electromagnetic Actuator on Rigid Rotor Supported on Gas Foil Bearing” ASME Gas Turbine India Conference 2017, Bangalore, India, 7th to 8th Dec, 2017, Paper No. GTINDIA2017-4607, pp. V002T05A006; https://doi:10.1115/GTINDIA2017-4607
  • Basumatary K. K., Kakoty, S.K., and Kalita K., “Stability Analysis of a Rigid Rotor supported on Gas Foil Bearings under Different Loading Conditions”, Proceedings of iNaCoMM, 3rd International and 18th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms, BARC, Mumbai, 13th to 15th Dec, 2017, Paper ID-23. (ISBN No. 978-981-10-8597-0,ISSN-2195-4356, https://doi:10.1007/978-981-10-8597-0_6
  • B. R. Bhattacharjya & Sashindra Kumar Kakoty, Fostering sustainability in resource constraint society through Frugal Engineering Knowledge in the context of Pottery sector of Assam, International Conference on Frugal Innovation for Sustainable Global Development organized by Centre for Frugal Innovation in Africa, 7-8 November, 2017
  • Bibhuti Ranjan Bhattacharjya, Apurba Deka, Nilkamal Kalita, Sashindra Kakoty, “Technology intervention in supari business for economic up liftmen of rural women”, International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering 2015, At Jawahar Engineering college, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Volume: 5th (2015)
  • T. S. Reddy Ganji, S. K. Kakoty, “Analysis on Micro-elliptical Textured Journal Bearing”, 1st International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences, Hyderabad, 14-15 January, 2014.
  • T. M. Jamir, S. K. Kakoty, “Load Capacity Analysis of Gas Foil Bearing (GFB) for Different Foil Materials”, International Conference on Advances in Tribology and Engineering Systems, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, 15-17 October, 2014.
  • L. Roy and S . K. Kakoty, “Stability and flow optimized bearing configuration of two groove bearing.”, ISTAM, 58th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), 18-21 December, 2013,BESU,SIBPUR (Extended abstract accepted and full paper submitted)
  • B. S. Ramteke, S. K. Kakoty, “Unbalance response of Rotor mounted on Multi Lobe Hydrodynamic Lubrication Bearing.” Accepted in ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2012 August 12-15, 2012, Chicago, Illinois, USA DETC2012/VIB- 70802
  • S. K. Laha, S. K. Kakoty, “On the non-linear dynamics of a flexible rotor supported on porous journal bearing”, VETOMAC VI, 13-15 December, 2010, IIT Delhi.
  • S. K. Laha, S K Kakoty, “Effect of unbalance on the dynamic response of a flexible rotor supported on porous oil journal bearing”, IUTAM Symposium on Emerging Trends in Rotordynamics, IIT Delhi, 23-26 March, 2009.
  • S. K. Kakati, P. Mahanta, S. K. Kakoty, “Development of plant oil stove”, Presented International Conference on Advances on Energy Research, 12-14 December, 2007, IIT Bombay.
  • S. K. Kakoty, S. K. Laha, P Mallik, “Stability Analysis of Two-Layered Finite Hydrodynamic Porous Journal Bearing Using Linear and Nonlinear Transient Method”, DETC2007-34416, 2007
  • Kakati, P. Mahanta, S. K. Kakoty, ‘Performance Evaluation Of Pressure Stoves With Plant Oil And Kerosene Blends’, “In ternational conference on challenges and strategies for sustainable energy, efficiency and environment”, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, IET campus, Sitapur Road, Lucknow on 10-11thof June, 2006 (ISBN 81-224-1910-0, Publisher: New Age International (P) Limited). pp.145-151.
  • S. K. Kakoty and KaraliPatra, “Estimation Of Dynamic Parameters And Stability Analysis Of Multilobe Bearings”, Presented in IPROM 2005, IIT Kharagpur, February, 2005.
  • S. K. Kakoty, M. Kalita and T Thivagar, “Nonlinear Time Transient Stability Analysis of Multilobe Bearings”, World Tribology Congress III, Washington DC, September, 2005.
  • B. C. Majumdar and S. K. Kakoty, “Effect of Fluid Inertia on Stability of Hydrodynamic Bearings”, 1st International Conference on Computational Methods in Fluid Power Technology Melbourne, Australia 26-28 November 2003.
  • V. B. Reddy, R. Tiwari and S. K. Kakoty, “Identification of Bearing Dynamic Parameters from Impulse Response of RotorBearing Systems”, Presented in the Second International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC-2), 16-18 December, 2002, Mumbai, India.
  • S. K. Kakoty and M. Kalita, “Stability Of Rotors Supported on Fluid Film Bearings”, Presented in the Second International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC-2), 16-18 December, 2002, Mumbai, India.
  • K. Kalita, S. K. Kakoty and R. Tiwari, “Multi-objective Optimization in Rolling Element Bearing Design”, Presented in International Conference on Optimization, SIGOPT 2002, February 17-22, 2002, Lambrecht, Germany.
  • S. K. Kakoty and B. C. Majumdar, “Effect of Fluid Inertia on Stability of Oil Journal Bearings considering Time History of Film Shape”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Tribology, Dec.1-4, 1999, Hyderabad, pp 117--123.

National Conferences (peer reviewed)

  • Basumatary K. K., Kalita K., and Kakoty, S.K., “Stability Analysis of Rigid Rotor Supported on Gas Foil Bearing”, Recent Advances In Tribology and Maintenance, NIT Rourkela, 10th Feb to 11th Feb, 2017.
  • P. K. Sarkar, B. R. Bhattacharjya, N. Kalita, S. K. Kakoty, P. Mahanta, A comparative study of biomass dryers developed in India for drying agricultural products, National seminar on Make in India and Rural North East: The Challenges, February 25-26, 2016
  • B. R. Bhattacharjya, Innovative ideas for rural entrepreneurs, edited by S. K. Kashyap in Entrepreneurship Development – The North East India Context, Barbhag College, Nalbari, 2015
  • B. R. Bhattacharjya, Sashindra Kumar Kakoty, Application of anthropometric data in designing of technology for rural work force, National Seminar on Science, technology and Innovation: its impact on communities of N.E. India, September, 2015
  • S. K. Kakoty, S. K. Laha, “Dynamic Analysis of a Timoshenko Beam Supported on Hydrodynamic Porous Journal Bearing”, National Symposium on Rotor Dynamics (NSRD 2011), IIT Madras, December, 2011.
  • S. K. Kakoty, “Combatting sound pollution at drilling rig in Oil India Limited”, Proceedings of All India Seminar on Active and Passive Noise Control, IEI, Guwahati, 13-14 November, 2009.
  • S. Kakati, P. Mahanta, S. K. Kakoty, ‘Performance Enhancement Of High Pressure Kerosene Stove Through Porous Medium Inserts’, 22nd National Convention of Mechanical Engineers on “Energy Technologies- Strategies for Optimal Utilization of Natural Resources ”, The Institution of Engineers (India), 9-10 th September 2006.pp.54-58.
  • P. Mahanta, S. K. Kakoty, C.B.V.Vittala, S.Kakati, ‘Development Of Improved Household Cooking Stove’ TH-101, 13th National Conference of “Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers (ISME)”, I I T Roorkee, 30-31st December 2003, pp.179. (Awarded certificate of merit).
  • S. K. Kakoty, M. Murarka, P Kodati, U S Dixit, “Design of A Modular Mechatronic Wheelchair”, Proceedings of 11th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms (NaCoMM—2003) held in December, 2003 in IIT Delhi.
  • K. Kalita, R. Tiwariand S. K. Kakoty, “Design of Rolling Element Bearings: A Multi Objective Optimization”, The Sixth National Conference on Air-Breathing Engines and Aerospace Propulsion held in Koraput in January 2003.
  • S. K. Kakoty and B. C. Majumdar, “Stability Characterstics of Finite Journal Bearings including Effect of Fluid Film Inertia using Linear and Non-linear Methods”, Proceedings of 10th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms (NaCoMM—2001), IIT, Kharagpur, India, pp 401--408
  • S. K. Kakoty and B. C. Majumdar, “The Influence of Fluid Inertia on the Steady-State Characteristics and Stability of Journal Bearings”, Proceedings of 8th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms (NaCoMM—97), IIT, Kanpur, India, pp B-15 – B-26.