Sponsored Projects


 7.    Title: Beta breaker di-peptides: development of a novel approach for amyloid

          disruption, phase II: At the quest of lead

Funding agency: BRNS

Amount: 25 Lakhs

Status: submitted

 6.    Title: Effect of naturally occurring as well as synthetic cyclic molecules on inhibition

         of beta amyloid aggregation in vivo and in vitro

Funding agency: DBT (twinning program)

Amount: 72 Lakhs

Status: Ongoing since February 2017

Co-Investigator: Dr. Amal Chandra Mondal, JNU, New Delhi

 5.    Title: Diptheria toxin derived peptides for possible therapeutic uses

Funding agency: DST

Amount: 47 Lakhs

Status: Ongoing since October, 2016.

PI: Dr. Biplab Bose, BSBE, IITG

Co-PI: Dr. Bhubaneswar Mandal, CHEM, IITG

 4.      Title: Arresting pre fibriller aggregates of Alzheimer’s amyloid by synthetic


Funding agency: DBT (twinning program)

Amount: 56 Lakhs

Status: Completed

Co-Investigator: Dr. Amal Chandra Mondal, Raja Peary Mohan College, Uttarpara, Hooghly (W.B.)

 3.      Title: Beta breaker di-peptides: development of a novel approach for amyloid


Funding agency: BRNS (Young Scientist Research Award)

Amount: 17 Lakhs

Status: Completed (April, 2009 – April, 2012)

 2.      Title: Synthesis and biological evaluation of a novel class of multi-target-

          directed ligands as potential leads against amyloid diseases

Funding agency: DST (FAST TRACK)

Amount: 19 Lakhs

Status: Completed (March, 2009 – March, 2012)

 1.       Title: A new, cost effective and green improvement of solid phase peptide


Funding agency: IITG (start up grant)

Amount: 5 Lakhs

Status: Completed (Sep, 2008 – Sep, 2010)