GIAN : Introduction

The Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN), an initiative by Govt. of India for Higher Education, is intended to tapping the international pool of talented scientists/entrepreneurs with an objective to encourage their engagement with the institutes of Higher Education in India. The initiative is aimed to augment the country's existing academic resources, accelerate the pace of quality reform, and elevate India’s scientific and technological capacity to global excellence.

All GIAN courses of IIT Guwahati are webcasted

In order to (a) garner the best international experience into our systems of education, (b) enable interaction of students and faculty with the best academic/industry experts from all over the world, and (c) share their experiences and expertise to motivate people to work on Indian problems, there is a need for building up a global academic network. During the "Retreat" of IITs with Minister of Human Resource Development Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani on 29th June, 2014 at Goa, it was decided that “A system of Guest Lectures by internationally and nationally renowned experts would be evolved along with a comprehensive Faculty Development Program not only for the new IITs, IIMs, IISERs but also other institutions in the country."

IIT Kharagpur is designated as National Coordinating Institute and Group Coordinating Institute for IITs / NITs / IIITs / IIEST; IISC Bangalore is designated the Group Coordinating for IISc / IISERs; JNU for Central and other National / State Universities and Law Schools; and IIM Bangalore for Management Schools.

GIAN guidlines for Phase IV Click Here

The proposed GIAN is envisaged to achieve the following objectives: Provide opportunity to our faculty to learn and share knowledge and teaching skills in cutting edge areas.

  • To provide opportunity to our students to seek knowledge and experience from reputed International faculty.
  • To create avenue for possible collaborative research with the international faculty.
  • To increase participation and presence of international students in the academic Institutes.
  • Opportunity for the students of different Institutes/Universities to interact and learn subjects in niche areas through collaborative learning process.
  • Provide opportunity for the technical persons from Indian Industry to improve understandings and update their knowledge in relevant areas.
  • Motivate the best international experts in the world to work on problems related to India.
  • Develop high quality course material in niche areas, both through video and print that can be used by a larger body of students and teachers.
  • To document and develop new pedagogic methods in emerging topics of national and international interest.

Proposal should be in one of the following areas:

  • Physical Sciences
  • Chemical, Bio-Chemical & Material Sciences
  • Mathematical & Computer Sciences
  • Life Sciences & Healthcare
  • Electronics, Electrical, Information & Communication Technology
  • Mechanical Sciences & Infrastructure
  • Earth & Environment Sciences
  • Management
  • Social Sciences
  • Humanities & Liberal Arts
  • Architecture, Design, Planning and Heritage
  • Law and other Interdisciplinary categories
Other areas will be included in the future.

1.2411173: Combustion Theory and Applications

Duration: 25 November - 6 December, 2024

Prof Detlev Markus

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Braunschweig, Germany

Dr. Niranjan Sahoo
Department of Mechanical

2.2411053: Standard Model Effective Field theories and applications to Higgs, neutrinos and dark matter

Duration: 9 - 13 December, 2024

Prof Jose Wudka

University of California Riverside

Dr. Subhaditya Bhattacharya
Department of Physics

3.2411163:Modeling Linguistic Diversity and Prosodic Typology with Machine Learning

Duration:20-24 January, 2025

Dr. Juraj Simko

University of Helsinki,Finland

Dr. Priyankoo Sarmah
Department of HSS

4. 2411168: Product Service System Design: Methods and Tools with a Design and Technology Management Perspective

Duration: 27-31 January, 2025

Prof. Tomohiko Sakao

Linköping University, Sweden

Prof. Pratul Ch Kalita
Department of Design and School of Business

5.2411164: Optimizing transport networks: Recent advancements and R&D needs for network operations and control

Duration:27-31 January, 2025

Dr Ashish Bhaskaar

Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia

Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Maurya
Department of Civil

Department of Civil

6.2411191:Advances in Solar Collector Technologies

Duration:3-7 March, 2025

Prof. Menezo Christophe

Director of National solar Energy,France

Dr. Pankaj kalita
Department of Energy

7.2411165: Explainable AI for Cybersecurity

Duration:10 – 21 March 2025

Prof. Prabhat Mishra

Professor at the University of Florida,USA

Dr. Chandan Karfa
Department of Computer Science Engineering

8.2411169: Improving Traffic Safety by Leveraging Data and Emerging Technologies

Duration:24-28 March, 2025


Heads UNLV's Transportation Research Center,Las Vegas

Department of Civil

Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Maurya
Department of Civil

9.2411184:Spintronics Memory: Physics and Technology

Duration:14-24 May 2025

Dr. S N Piramanayagam

Nanyang Technological university, Singapore

Dr. Tanmay
Department of EEE

10.2511029:From Smart Devices to Smart Contracts: Navigating IoT and Blockchain

Duration:July 14 – July 18, 2025

Dr. Davide Patti

University of Catania

Prof.Tamarapalli Venkatesh
Department of CSE

11.2700016:Secure and Sustainable Computing

Duration:05-09 August, 2025

Prof. Amit kumar Singh

University of Essex, UK

Dr. John Jose
Department of CSE

Dr. Moumita Patra
Department of CSE

12. 2411058: Circular Bio-economy Approach to Valorize Urban Bio-waste and Wastewater

Duration: 17 November - 21 November, 2025

Prof. Irini Angelidaki

Chemical and Biochemical Engineering of Denmark Technical University, Copenhagen, Denmark

Prof. Kaustubha Mohanty
Department of Chemical Engineering

1.2411173: Combustion Theory and Applications

Duration: 25 November - 6 December, 2024

Prof Detlev Markus

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Braunschweig, Germany

Dr. Niranjan Sahoo
Department of Mechanical

2.2411053: Standard Model Effective Field theories and applications to Higgs, neutrinos and dark matter

Duration: 9 - 13 December, 2024

Prof Jose Wudka

University of California Riverside

Dr. Subhaditya Bhattacharya
Department of Physics

3.2411163:Modeling Linguistic Diversity and Prosodic Typology with Machine Learning

Duration:20-24 January, 2025

Dr. Juraj Simko

University of Helsinki,Finland

Dr. Priyankoo Sarmah
Department of HSS

4. 2411168: Product Service System Design: Methods and Tools with a Design and Technology Management Perspective

Duration: 27-31 January, 2025

Prof. Tomohiko Sakao

Linköping University, Sweden

Prof. Pratul Ch Kalita
Department of Design and School of Business

5.2411164: Optimizing transport networks: Recent advancements and R&D needs for network operations and control

Duration:27-31 January, 2025

Dr Ashish Bhaskaar

Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia

Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Maurya
Department of Civil

Department of Civil

6.2411191:Advances in Solar Collector Technologies

Duration:3-7 March, 2025

Prof. Menezo Christophe

Director of National solar Energy,France

Dr. Pankaj kalita
Department of Energy

7.2411165: Explainable AI for Cybersecurity

Duration:10 – 21 March 2025

Prof. Prabhat Mishra

Professor at the University of Florida,USA

Dr. Chandan Karfa
Department of Computer Science Engineering

8.2411169: Improving Traffic Safety by Leveraging Data and Emerging Technologies

Duration:24-28 March, 2025


Heads UNLV's Transportation Research Center,Las Vegas

Department of Civil

Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Maurya
Department of Civil

9.2411184:Spintronics Memory: Physics and Technology

Duration:14-24 May 2025

Dr. S N Piramanayagam

Nanyang Technological university, Singapore

Dr. Tanmay
Department of EEE

10.2511029:From Smart Devices to Smart Contracts: Navigating IoT and Blockchain

Duration:July 14 – July 18, 2025

Dr. Davide Patti

University of Catania

Prof.Tamarapalli Venkatesh
Department of CSE

11.2700016:Secure and Sustainable Computing

Duration:05-09 August, 2025

Prof. Amit kumar Singh

University of Essex, UK

Dr. John Jose
Department of CSE

Dr. Moumita Patra
Department of CSE

12. 2411058: Circular Bio-economy Approach to Valorize Urban Bio-waste and Wastewater

Duration: 17 November - 21 November, 2025

Prof. Irini Angelidaki

Chemical and Biochemical Engineering of Denmark Technical University, Copenhagen, Denmark

Prof. Kaustubha Mohanty
Department of Chemical Engineering

1. 191006L04: Modeling and Simulation in Energy Storage

Duration: 3-9 January 2022 (7:30 - 9:30 PM, IST) (In Virtual Mode)

Dr. Partha P. Mukherjee

Purdue University, USA

Dr. Amaresh Dalal
Department of Mechanical Engineering

2. 191006C02: Spatial Data Science for Disaster Management

Duration: 3-14 January 2022 (9:00 AM - 12:00 NOON, IST) (In Virtual Mode)

Prof. Sudhanshu Panda

University of North Georgia

Prof. Subashisa Dutta
Department of Civil Engineering

3.191006L02: Blast and Shock Resistant Bio-Inspired Functional Materials Design Methodologies

Duration: 10-19 January 2022 (5:30 - 9:30 PM, IST) (In Virtual Mode)

Prof. A. M. Rajendran

University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, USA

Dr. Prasenjit Khanikar
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Niranjan Sahoo
Department of Mechanical Engineering

1. 171006G02: Road Safety Engineering

Duration: 24-28 June, 2019

Prof. Srinivas S. Pulugurtha

North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte), USA

Prof. Akhilesh Kumar Maurya
Department of Civil Engineering

2. 171006L03: Isothermal Near-Net Shape Forging of Aluminum Alloys: Advances and Inventions

Duration: 08-12 July, 2019

Dr. Pavel A. Petrov

Moscow Polytechnic University, Russia

Dr. U.S. Dixit
Department of Mechanical Engineering

3. 171006H03: RNA interference and Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression in Plants

Duration: 11-20 November, 2019

Prof. Bernard Carroll

University of Queensland, Australia

Prof. Lingaraj Sahoo
Department of Biotechnology

4. 171006H01: Engineering Strategies to Restore the Nervous System

Duration: 02-13 December, 2019

Dr. D. Kacy Cullen

Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia VA Medical Center, USA

Prof. Utpal Bora
Department of Biotechnology

1. 171006G01: Advances in Combustion and Gasification Technology

Duration: 29 October 2018 to 2 November 2018

Prof. Yoshinori Itaya

Gifu University

Dr. Pankaj Kalita
Centre for Energy

Prof. Pinakeswar Mahanta
Department of Mechanical Engineering

2. 171006L04: Physical Modelling of Multiphase Processes in Mineral and Chemical Processing

Duration: 23 October 2017 to 28 October 2017

Prof. Geoffrey Evans

University of Newcastle

Dr. Raghvendra Gupta
Department of Chemical Engineering

3. 171006D03: Empirical Mode Decomposition and its Applications

Duration: 23 October 2017 to 27 October 2017

Prof. Patrick Flandrin

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Prof. S. R. M. Prasanna
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Prof. R. Sinha
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering

4. 171006K02: Autonomic Networks

Duration: 30 October 2017 to 03 November 2017

Prof. Sébastien Tixeuil

Sorbonne University

Dr. P. S. Mandal
Department of Mathematics

5. 171006L07: Crystal Plasticity Modelling of Micro-Machining Processes

Duration: 11 December 2017 to 15 December 2017

Dr. Anish Roy

Loughborough University

Prof. U. S. Dixit
Department of Mechanical Engineering

6. 171006F01: Harmonic Grammar Models and Methods

Duration: 16 December 2017 to 22 December 2017

Prof. Joe Pater

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Dr. Shakuntala Mahanta
Department of Humanities and Social Science

7. 171006M01: Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, Flavour Physics and BSM

Duration: 18 December 2017 to 22 December 2017

Prof. K. S. Babu

Oklahoma State University

Prof. P. Poulose
Department of Physics

8. 171006L10: Risk Based Damage-tolerant Seismic Design of Structures - A New Paradigm

Duration: 18 December 2017 to 27 December 2017

Prof. Achintya Haldar

University of Arizona

Dr. Amit Shelke
Department of Civil Engineering

9. 171006K03: Modeling and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems

Duration: 01 January 2018 to 05 January 2018

Dr. Sayan Mitra

University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Prof. Purandar Bhaduri
Department of Computer Science

10. 171006D06: Speech Enhancement for Hearing Aids

Duration: 23 January 2018 to 27 January 2018

Prof. Rainer Martin

Willkommen an der Ruhr Universitaet-Bochum

Prof. S. R. M. Prasanna
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering

11. 171006D02: Brain-Computer Interfaces for Speech Communication: Theory and Applications

Duration: 26 February 2018 to 02 March 2018

Prof. Hugo Leonardo Rufiner

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Prof. S. R. M. Prasanna
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Prof. R. Sinha
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering

12. 171006B02: Biofuel Cell Technology: Fundamentals and Applications

Duration: 23 April 2018 to 27 April 2018

Prof. Piet Lens

IHE Delft Institute

Prof. Kannan Pakshirajan
Department of Biotechnology

Dr. Debasish Das
Department of Biotechnology

13. 171006D05: Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems

Duration: 21 May 2018 to 25 May 2018

Prof. Sanjoy Baruah

university of North Carolina

Dr. Arnab Sarkar
Department of Computer Science

Dr. Santosh Biswas
Department of Computer Science

14. 171006B04: Thermal Processing of Foods

Duration: 28 May 2018 to 01 June 2018

Dr. K. P. Sandeep

North Carolina State University

Dr. R. Anandalakshmi
Department of Chemical Engineering

15. 171006B03: Density Functional Theory for Heterogeneous Catalysis

Duration: 6 August 2018 to 11 August 2018

Dr. Neeraj Rai

Mississippi State University

Dr. Amit Kumar
Department of Chemical Engineering

Dr. R. K. Upadhyay
Department of Chemical Engineering

16. 171006C01: Role of Fluid Flow and Mass Transport in Porous Media for Design of Chemical Reactors for Groundwater Remediation

Duration: 20 August 2018 to 24 August 2018

Dr. Diganta Bhusan Das

Loughborough University

Dr. Suresh A. Kartha
Department of Civil Engineering

17. 171006G03: Urban Traffic Modeling and Control

Duration: 04 September 2018 to 08 September 2018

Prof. R Jaykrishnan

Henry Samueli School of Engineering

Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Maurya
Department of Civil Engineering

1. 161006L02: Multiphysics Coupling in Energy Storage

Duration: 26 June 2017 to 30 June 2017

Dr. Partha P. Mukherjee

Texas A&M University

Dr. Amaresh Dalal
Department of Mechanical Engineering

2. 161006D01: Scalable On-chip Interconnects for many-core Systems

Duration: 24 May 2017 to 30 May 2017

Dr. Maurizio Palesi

University of Catania

Dr. John Jose
Department of Computer Science Engineering

3. 161006D02 : Advanced Sinusoidal Modeling of Speech and Applications

Duration: 26 Dec 2016 to 30 Dec 2016

Prof. Yannis Stylianou

Cambridge Research Laboratory

Prof. S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna
Department of Electronics Engineering

Prof. S. Dandapat
Department of Electronics Engineering

4. 161006B01: Integration of Molecular Design to Process Simulation for the Development of Industrial Chemical Products and Processes

Duration: 12 Dec 2016 to 17 Dec 2016

Dr. Jose Palomar

Autonomous University of Madrid

Prof. Tamal Banerjee
Department of Chemical Engineering

5. 161006L04: Design of Electric Vehicle Systems

Duration: 28 Nov 2016 to 09 Dec 2016

Dr. Kari Tammi

Aalto University

Dr. Karuna Kalita
Department of Mechanical Engineering

6. 161006L01: Electricity Systems and Future Scenarios

Duration: 6 Nov 2016 to 11 Nov 2016

Dr. Richard Blanchard

Loughborough University

Prof. Pinakeswar Mahanta
Department of Mechanical Engineering

7. 161006B02: Reservoir Simulation – Mathematical Techniques in Oil and Gas Recovery

Duration: 18 Jul 2016 to 29 Jul 2016

Prof. Mayank Tyagi

Louisiana State University

Prof. Anugrah Singh
Department of Chemical Engineering

8. 161006L03: Advances in Ultra-precision Machining Processes

Duration: 4 Jul 2016 to 15 Jul 2016

Dr. Saurav Goel

Queen's University Belfast

Dr. Shrikrishna N. Joshi
Department of Mechanical Engineering

9. 151006L03: Infrastructure Projects Planning and Modelling

Duration: 27 Jun 2016 to 08 Jul 2016

Dr. Hemanta Doloi, Australia

University of Melbourne

Dr. L. Boeing Singh
Department of Civil Engineering

10. 151006K01 : Distributed Network Algorithms

Duration: 27 Jun 2016 to 01 July 2016

Dr. Stefan Schmid, Germany

AALBORG University

Dr. Partha Sarathi Mandal
Department of Mathematics

11. 151006L02 : Green Material Forming and Joining

Duration: 06 Jun 2016 to 11 Jun 2016

Prof. Jay S. Gunasekera

Ohio University

Dr. R. Ganesh Narayanan
Department of Mechanical Engineering

12. 151006L01: Boiling Heat Transfer

Duration: 23 May 2016 to 03 Jun 2016

Prof. Vijay Dhir

University of California, Los Angeles

Prof. Gautam Biswas
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Amaresh Dalal
Department of Mechanical Engineering

13. 151006N01: Campaigns, Media & Influence

Duration: 16 May 2016 to 20 May 2016

Prof. Holli A. Semetko

Global Affairs Canada

Dr. Pahi Saikia
Department of Humanities and Social Science

14. 151006A02: Optimization Methods for Engineering Planning and Design

Duration: 04 May 2016 to 08 May 2016

Prof. Fouad Bennis, France

École centrale de Nantes

Prof. Rajib Kumar Bhattacharjy
Department of Civil Engineering

15. 151006A01: Optimization Methods to Groundwater Resources Management

Duration: 07 March 2016 to 11 March 2016

Prof. Konstantinos Katsifarakis, Greece

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Dr. Manish Kumar Goyal
Department of Civil Engineering

Subject: Academic Institutes/Universities will identify one or more subjects to be offered in this MHRD scheme and apply for approval to the coordinating body. This subject typically can be interdisciplinary/ industry oriented/ research oriented in nature and scope.
Subjects may be offered preferably in the Summer and Winter vacation of the host Institute. However, this is not a restriction and the subject can be taught in regular academic schedule without hampering the other academic activities.

Foreign Expert: Each subject should be taught by at least one reputed international faculty jointly with one faculty from the host Institute.
The international faculty should be (a) an expert in the area specified in the subject, (b) working in academic institutions/industries/research organizations/independent researcher of international repute, (c) encouraged to engage in a long term collaborative research program with faculty members of the host Institute.
Association of each Foreign faculty/expert would be restricted to maximum 2 distinctly different proposals.

Note: The proposer is expected to be aware that if the proposal is selected then the International Faculty is expected to accept to participate.

New Proposal Submission Guidelines: After receiving an invitation carrying a specific link for course proposal submission from the Local Coordinator/PI – GIAN, IIT Guwahati (Head, CET) through the GIAN portal, invited faculty members should upload (a) course proposal and (b) consent from the foreign expert in “standard” and "PDF" format on the shared link. Uploaded course proposal will be verified by the Local Coordinator/PI – GIAN. After modification and resubmission (if required), Local Coordinator/PI – GIAN will submit the course proposal electronically to GIAN office for review.

Download GIAN Guidelines Phase IV
Download Manual for Course Coordinator                               

Proposal submission under GIAN phase IV:

Each proposal will be submitted to and thoroughly reviewed by a Sectional Committee. Selected proposals will be forwarded to the GIAN Implementation Committee. The GIAN Implementation Committee will give final approval of the proposals. Each approved proposal will be publicized on-line in the GIAN portal.

Each institute is permitted to offer maximum 50 courses with maximum 2 courses per host faculty/course coordinator.

Conduct of Courses

For Host Institute:

  1. Host Institution will insure the conduct of the courses, which will include contact and arrangements for international experts, collection and disbursement of funds, arrangements for classes, accommodation, provision of certificates, credit transfer issues, creation of content and archival/maintenance of repository, linking with GIAN portal, submission to National Digital Library, etc.
  2. Local hospitality for international experts will be arranged by the Host Institution.
  3. Host Institution will maintain their local GIAN portal which will be connected to the main GIAN portal. It is expected that each such course will be transmitted on-line and/or video recorded for others to view later through the local and national GIAN portal and the National Digital Library.
  4. Typically many such courses may offer not only participation certificates but also allow participants to acquire credits. The Host Institution will allow for transfer of credits if required by institutions of participating institutions.
  5. Development of Repository: Host Institution will seek prior approval from all speakers for dissemination, archival and creation of repository of the activities conducted. A digital repository of the activities under GIAN will be kept. All permitted courses will be archived by the host institution and made available for dissemination. One copy will also be provided to the National Digital Library. Subsequently these may be used as part of various activities under various on-line programes of MHRD like SWAYAM.

Swayam Guidelines for MOOC Creation:

The detail guideline is available at GIAN ( and Swayam portal ( As per this guideline, the MOOC courses can be either credit (must run as credit course in a semester) or non-credit course. These courses are to be created using four quadrant approach:
Quadrant-I is e-Tutorial; which shall contain: Video and Audio Content in an organized form, Animation, Simulations, video demonstrations, Virtual Labs, etc, along with the transcription of the video. Quadrant-II is e-Content; which shall contain; self instructional material, eBooks, illustrations, case studies, presentations etc, and also contain Web Resources such as further references, Related Links, Open source Content on Internet, Video, Case Studies, books including e-books, research papers & journals, Anecdotal information, Historical development of the subject, Articles, etc. Quadrant-III is the Discussion forum for raising of doubts and clarifying them on a near real time basis by the Course Coordinator or his team. Quadrant-IV is Assessment, which shall contain; Problems and Solutions, which could be in the form of Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the blanks, Matching Questions, Short Answer Questions, Long Answer Questions, Quizzes, Assignments and solutions, Discussion forum.

GIAN to MOOC conversion:

Since GIAN courses can be both credit and non-credit courses, the following methodology will be implemented to convert GIAN to MOOC courses:
GIAN courses will delivered in such a way so that Quadrant-I mentioned above is completed. The Course Coordinator under the supervision of Local Coordinator, GIAN will be responsible for creating this Quadrant as per Swayam guidelines and also the following guidelines:

  1. GIAN courses will be delivered jointly by the foreign faculty and at least one host faculty as per the existing guidelines of GIAN.
  2. The foreign faculty should be made aware of the copyright issues as mentioned in the copyright section below and written consent in this regard should be obtained.
  3. The course brochure should be uploaded in the GIAN portal and participants will register and attend the course.
  4. The course structure should be based on half hour lecture module as per MOOC (NPTEL).
  5. The video recording of the courses should be done during the class in presence of the participants with the recording quality as per Swayam Guidelines. The extra funding, if needed, for video recording may be provided by the National Coordinator, GIAN.
  6. The contents created in the Quadrant-I will be sent to the National Coordinator, SWAYAM through Natonal Coordinator, GIAN for arriving at a decision of running the course either as credit or non-credit course.
  7. The National Coordinator Swayam, based on the decision to run a course as credit or non-credit course, will instruct the host faculty to complete the other three quadrants of the course.
  8. The host faculty will be responsible for completing the other three quadrants and offer the completed GIAN course as MOOC course, conduct examination and award credits to the students.
  9. Once this is completed, the GIAN course will be offered as MOOC course as per existing SWAYAM MOOC framework.


  1. The Course Coordinator and the resource faculty of the GIAN course shall follow copyright laws for any readings, images, and video clips used as core and supplementary reading in case of licensed material if used and submit an undertaking to that effect to the LC, GIAN.
  2. All contents (text, audio, video, animation, quiz etc.) developed with the funding of GIAN will be the property of GIAN and SWAYAM.
  3. All courses and contents posted in GIAN and SWAYAM will be copyrighted to SWAYAM. Ministry will, from time-to-time, announce policies for access and charges, if any (for certification) and will also publish appropriate Open Educational Resources policy in consultation with other national and international bodies.
  4. The Course Coordinator and the resource faculty shall be given explicit permission for creating books and other distribution materials ever for commercial purposes with the explicit undertaking that contents published in SWAYAM shall remain there.
  5. The terms of service should be clearly laid out so as to address the following key points by the CC:
    • Any disclaimers should be clearly spelt out.
    • User /student/ institutions should be informed about the usage rights of the course content available on SWAYAM.

For Course Coordinator:

Course coordinator will insure the conduct of the courses, which will include call for participation, registration, selection of participants, conduct of examinations etc. Course coordinator will also insure arrangements for international expert, arrangements for classes, accommodation, provision of certificates, creation of content etc.

  1. Credit System: The courses will primarily be credit based.
    • 1 credit course: will typically cover 12 to 14 hours over a period of at least one week covering 5 working days.
    • 2 credit course: will typically cover 24 to 28 hours over a period of at least two weeks covering 10 working days.
    For alternative credit structures, such normalized credit equivalence should be explained in the proposal.
    Note: The course can also be designed spanning the semester in accordance with the credit system of the host institute for it’s regular course.
  2. Change of date of courses after approval: Change of date for the approved courses is allowed. However, the final starting date should be informed to GIAN within 15 days after receiving the approval letter.
  3. Number of foreign experts per course: Only one foreign expert per course is allowed.
  4. Consent form for Video recording and broadcasting: Consent for video recording and broadcasting of the courses may be obtained from the foreign experts. They may be informed that video recording of the courses shall be broadcasted nationally/within the Institute. The video recording of the courses can also be linked to the National Digital Library which will be accessible to anyone. If it is possible consent for live streaming of the courses may be obtained. If any foreign expert is not willing to consent for video recording of the courses the same may be discussed with the National Coordinator. Course proposals should have mass appeal and shall be amenable for conversion to MOOC.Necessary consent for this purpose from the foreign faculty /expert should be explicitly included in the proposal.
  5. VISA guidlines for Foreign Experts: Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has issued new VISA guidelines on 10th November 2016 for VISA to the foreign experts coming under GIAN program. As per these new guidelines, following information/documents MUST be shared to the GIAN foreign experts by the Course-Coordinator.
    VISA Type: Business VISA
    Documents required for obtaining VISA:
    • Invitation letter extended by the Director, IITG*.
    • Ministry of home affair's documents (please contact CET office to get a copy).
    • Copy of the sanction letter issued by National Coordinator-GIAN (IIT Kgp) to the Director, IIT Guwahati (please contact CET office to get a copy).
    • Copy of the Course Brochure.
    *Note: To apply for 'Invitation Letter' please submit
    • A request letter to the Director through Head, CET with the following enclosures at CET office:
      1. Copy of the brochure.
      2. Copy of relevant pages of the passport of the foreign faculty member.
    • Download the standard "Invitation Letter Format". Customize the parts covered in angled bracket with relevant information of your course. Please send the duly customized 'Invitation Letter' to
  6. Registration to the Course:
    • Registration on GIAN portal for all participants: A token (one time) registration fee of ₹ 500/- (non-refundable) will be charged from all participants in order to avoid casual and bogus registration on the portal in large numbers and to ensure that the registration is done by genuine users who want to enrol for courses facilitated by GIAN programme. Once registered, he/she can apply for any number of courses. However, mere registration to GIAN portal will not ensure selection as participant in a course.
    • Course fee for non-students: As per the guidelines given in the course format or as decided by the course coordinator/host institution.
    Note: Registration fee for the course will be taken cared by the host institute (rules/ regulations/ planning).
  7. Selection of the participants for the course: Please note that, the courses offered by a host institution should be made available for participation from other Institutions. In general it is not expected that more than 50% participants will be from the Host Institution.
    When the number of applicants is very high, course coordinator will shortlist/select the applicants based on the CV of the candidates in the portal for his/her course. This may be done in consultation with the local coordinator. However reason for not shortlisting/selecting a candidate should be recorded for replying to future queries in this regard. Course coordinator, while releasing the select list, should maintain a wait-list also so that if any drop out of the selected participants can be made up from the wait list.
    The course coordinator, then can directly communicate with the shortlisted participants and pass on entire information (how to pay fees, accommodation, how to reach, where to reach, course execution related info etc.) by email from the portal.
  8. Development of Course website: If course coordinator wishes to make a website for his course, he/she can make it, integrate it to CET GIAN website and link to his/her course. This website may contain all the info, he/she wishes to pass on to the registered participants. In this ways, he/she will request all the registered participants to visit the website through CET and get all the details.
  9. Feedback from Foreign Experts/Course participants: Feed Back from the foreign experts as well as course participants should be made mendatory.Participants should give online feedback through the GIAN portal only.
  10. Course evaluation: There should be evaluation and grading of the performance of the participants wanting to obtain credit for these subjects. The performance evaluation of the student has to be made following the usual steps of evaluation prescribed for a regular subject by the host Institute.
    The students can also obtain academic credits for these subjects based on the evaluation and grading process and agreed credit transfer mechanism between that host institute and the home Institutes of the students. The home university of the student will be mainly responsible for transferring academic credits. The host Institute will only provide information on the grading system, subject syllabus, and the academic policy.
    Evaluation as per Institution academic norms is mandatory at the end of the course. Student participants may be willing to obtain academic credit from a course. For courses offering credits, it should follow all standard norms of the Host Institution including continuous evaluation through assignments, quizzes, etc. and examinations like class tests, terminal examinations.
  11. Submission of final report: A course completion report including the revised proposal, if any, should be submitted by the course coordinator to the local coordinator.The completed courses, for which MOOC conversation is approved, should be converted to MOOC courses within three months either using thier own capability or utilizing resources of nearby institutes having MOOC conversation facility.
  12. Financial guidelines, Fund distribution and utilization certificate: For one week course the budget is maximum 8000 USD and the budget is limited to a maximum 12000 USD for two week course. The break-up heads for utilizing the fund are:
    1. Honorarium and travel of foreign experts/faculty
    2. Honararium for the host faculty and local coordinator
    3. Video recording of the course
    4. Contingencies and miscellaneous expenses, if any.
    • A maximum of Rs. 1.98 lakhs (for one week course, 12-14 lectures) and Rs. 2.98 lakhs for (2 weeks course, 24-28 lectures) can be spent for items (b), (c) and (d) only. Remaining amount should be used for (a) honorarium and travel expenses of foreign experts/faculty.
    • For the courses which may have some lab components, the consumables etc. can be purchased from the contingency amount or from the amount raised from course registration fee.
    • The National faculty / host faculty may get honorarium at the rate of 3000/- per lecture hour and 2500/- per tutorial hour for a course, subject to a maximum of total 12 lectures/tutorials.This should be within the approved maximum allotment of 8000/12000 USD for a course.
    • Food, transport and accommodation of course participants will be borne by the individual course participants themselves.
    • After completion of the course, a statement of expenditure and utilization certificate in respect of the fund sanctioned duly signed by the Finance Officer of the Institute will be sent to the National Coordinator within 30 days, through Local Coordinator, GIAN.
  13. Payment to Foreign Experts:
    • Tax to be deducted at source (minimum 10 %) on the honorarium part only. A statement of tax deduction/tax deduction certificate will be given to the foreign experts by IITG to enable him/her to file tax return/declaration in his/her parent country.
    • Bank Transaction should be made through bank transfer preferably towards end of the course. Transaction charges payable to bank to be borne by this amount only.
    • Foreign faculty needs to certify that he/she has not received financial support for the travel from any other source.
    • If a foreign faculty is planning to deliver lecture in two courses or courses at different institutions during a single visit to India, in such cases it may be ensured that travel expenses are not paid twice or by both the institutions for the single journey performed by the foreign expert. However, domestic travel may be supported for moving from one Institute to another Institute.
    • Visa fee and travel expenses incurred for getting visa for foreign expert can be claimed from the travel fund.

Form No Description PDF format Doc format
Course Proposal Format
Consent form by Host Faculty
Foreign Faculty Consent form
Brochure (Sample copy)
Form A Check list for event
Form B GIAN invitation letter to foreign faculty to apply for VISA
Form C Bill of honorarium to the external expert
Form D GIAN TA form
Form E GIAN course evaluation form
Form F Settlement of accounts
Form G Format for course completion report    
Form H UC GIAN    
  GIAN certificate of participants
(Certificate of participation will be issued from the office of the Local Coordinator, GIAN (Head, Centre for Educational Technology))
Grade Card for the participants, who would like to earn credit from the GIAN course, will be prepared in Academic Section and passed on to the Office of the Head, CET subject to the completion of following procedures/requirements:
  1. Following details need to be sent to the Academic Section through the Head, CET either during the execution or on the last date of the GIAN course:
    1. Course Title
    2. Course Duration
    3. Total number of Contact Hours with Lecture Hour per Week and
    4. Course enrolment number with details of the Course Code
    5. Assigned Credit
    6. List of registered participants
    7. Participant’s photographs (Passport size, Hard copy)
    8. Participant’s nationality
    9. Copy of Participant’s Passport/Aadhaar/PAN Card No.
  2. Within 5(five) working days after completion of the GIAN course, the Couse Instructor will have to submit Grades to Academic Section through the Head, CET.
  3. After receipt of Grades, within 10 (Ten) working days, the Academic Section will prepare Grade cards signed by Asst. Registrar/Dy. Registrar/Academic Registrar and send the same to Head, CET.
  4. Office of the Head, CET will distribute/transmit Certificates and Grade Cards to concerned participants and maintain records for future reference/correspondence.

Prof. T. V. Bharat

GIAN Local Coordinator &
Head, Centre for Educational Technology
IIT Guwahati, Guwahati - 781039

Email :
Phone : +91-361-258-3001
Fax : +91-361-2690762

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