Prof. Subrata Kumar Majumder



Key Research Areas :Applied multiphase flow process system, Process intensifications in Chemical and environmental Processes, Micro-nanobubble technology and its applications in wastewater treatment, and enhanced oil recovery, Mineral and coal beneficiation by flotation and extraction, Fluidization and its application.

Personal Webpage



Mailing Address:

Prof. Subrata Kumar Majumder, Department of Chemical Engineering, 

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,

Guwahati-781039, Assam, India.

Phone: +91-361-2582265; +91-361-2582300; Fax: +91-361-2582291

Email: ;

Awards & Recognitions

Awards  and Honours

1. Industry Link: 
  Mentor of Minimines-A fast growing Clean Technology Company. Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batery.
2. Society recognitions
  • Fellow of Council of Engineering and Technology (India), Kolkata, India (Membership No.: LF 30061)
  • Fellow of the International Society for Research and Development, 8A Kapteinsvigein, London, UK (Fellow ID No: F-3140900396)
  • Fellow of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (Membership No. LF 32569)
  • Member of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (Membership no. 009902903623)
  • Life Member of Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers (Membership No. LM 754)
  • Member of American Chemical Society (Membership No. M-30549375)
  • Member of Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society (Membership No. M-101119)
  • Senior Member of International Association of Engineers, Japan (IAE) (Membership No. M-153874)
  • Member of Institute of Engineers (India) (Membership No. M-151053-8)
3. Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Award for Outstanding Researchers Award 2024 by ARA (India)
4. Dr. A. V. Rama Rao Best Research Award 2022 was awarded by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers in CHECON 2022, Kanpur, India
5. Dr. A. V. Rama Rao Best PhD thesis Award 2022 was awarded to my PhD student Dr. Somen Mondal by Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers in CHECON 2022, Kanpur, India
6. Best PhD thesis award in Chemical Engineering received by my PhD student Somen Mondain 23rd Convocation of IIT Guwahati held on 16th July, 2021

Best Paper Award, International Conference on Advance Materials, Energy, and Environmental Sustainability (ICAMEES–2018), organized by University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Dehradun, India.

9. Postgraduate Research Excellence Awards 2019, organized by Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and Engineers Australia, Perth, Australia.
10. Guest Editor, American Journal of Fluid Dynamics , Special Issue on Experimental and modelling of bubbly flow for industrial applications published by Scientific & Academic Publishing Co., CA, 91731, USA.
11. Expert member of CSIR,  New Delhi , engaged to evaluate the project proposal  for grant of approval, etc.
12. Expert member of AICTE, the E-Gov. Bureau, AICTE, New Delhi engaged to process applications for grant of approval, etc.
13. IIME AWARD on beneficiation in year 2008 from Indian Institute of Mineral Engineers (IIME)
14. Editorial Board Member of the  Journal of Science and Technology, Scientific and Academic Publishing, USA, 2012 onward
15. Advisory Board Member of Excelling Tech Publishers, London, UK., 2012 onward
Important invited Seminar
Seminar in Title of Paper/ Invited talk  or Chairing Session if any
Third International joint symposium on Advances in Sustainable Polymers organized by Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan and IIT Guwahati, August 4 to 6, 2016, proceedings, pp 233-234. Rheological behavior of microbubble suspension potential for food processing
Fifth International conference on Biological, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (BCES-2016), March 24-25, 2016, Holiday Inn Express London - Heathrow T5; London Rd, Slough SL3 8QB, United Kingdom. Studies on Flow Characteristics of Coal-Oil-Water Slurry System
Annual International conference on Aeronautical, Automative and Manufacturing Engineering (ICAAME-2016), March 24-25, 2016, Holiday Inn Express London - Heathrow T5; London Rd, Slough SL3 8QB, United Kingdom. Oily Wastewater Treatment by Ionic Microbubble in a Plant Prototype
Annual International conference on Innovative Technologies and Advanced Computing (ICIAC-2016), March 24-25, 2016, Holiday Inn Express London - Heathrow T5; London Rd, Slough SL3 8QB, United Kingdom. Phase interactions in flotation columns based on Mixing Characteristics
Surfactant Mediated Pollutant Removal Techniques” during 19-23 January, 2016, Centre for the Environment, IIT Guwahati under KIC-TEQIP Surfactant aided stability, holdup and lifetime of soft particle of gas
Surfactant Mediated Pollutant Removal Techniques” during 19-23 January, 2016, Centre for the Environment, IIT Guwahati under KIC-TEQIP Kinetics of ionic soft particle of gas for fine particle separation
Conference on Environment, Agricultural and Civil Engineering (ICEACE-2016), March 24-25, 2016, Holiday Inn Express London - Heathrow T5; London Rd, Slough SL3 8QB, United Kingdom. Process Intensification of Oily Wastewater Treatment by Ionic Microbubble in a Plant
Chemical Engineering Congress-2015, IIT Guwahati Rheology of Ionic Microbubble
Seminar in (NECMICO-14during 30-31st October, 2014 at CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat Recovery of fine particle by using ionic microbubble flotation
Seminar in in Petro Tech at Guwahati, Assam from 21-22 January, 2013 Hydrocarbon Industry Growth: Prospects and Challenges in North East
Seminar in “Hydrocarbon Industry Growth: Prospects and Challenges in North East” conducted by Indian Oil Bongaigaon Refinery and Petro Tech at Guwahati, Assam from 8-9th December, 2011 Hydrocarbon Industry Growth: Prospects and Challenges in North East
Invited seminar lecture in the QIP short-term course on "Recent Advancements in Microfluidics" at IIT Guwahati Generation of micron size soft particle and their characteristics
Invited seminar on in the conference ICSP 2009, IT BHU A modified reactor for gas-liquid separation process
Invited Seminar on” in the conference of International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT-2008) on 23rd April, 2008 at The residency Tower in Trivandrum, Kerala, India Studies on Flow Characteristics of Coal-Oil-Water Slurry System
Invited Seminar on  in the conference of International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT-2008) on 23rd April, 2008 at The residency Tower in Trivandrum, Kerala, India Phase interactions in flotation columns based on Mixing Characteristics
Seminar on in Intensive Teaching Workshop (ITW) at BITS, Pilani, March, 2006. Dimensional Analysis
Seminar on in Intensive Teaching Workshop (ITW) at BITS, Pilani, March, 2006 Basic fundamental of hydrostatic pressure
Seminar on in Indo-US conference-CHEMCON-2004 at Grand Hayat, Mumbai, India A Model for pressure drop in Two-phase Ejector Induced downflow Bubble Column
Seminar on  in conference- CHEMCON-2003 at RRL, Bhubaneswar Theoretical Study of Bubble Formation due to Pressure Distribution and Energy Dissipation in an Ejector Induced Bubble Column
Seminar on in conference-ISTAM-2002 at IIT Guwahati, India Ejector Efficiency in a Gas-Non-Newtonian Liquid Downflow Bubble Column Reactor”