Prof. Subrata Kumar Majumder



Key Research Areas :Applied multiphase flow process system, Process intensifications in Chemical and environmental Processes, Micro-nanobubble technology and its applications in wastewater treatment, and enhanced oil recovery, Mineral and coal beneficiation by flotation and extraction, Fluidization and its application.

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Mailing Address:

Department of Chemical Engineering, 

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,

Guwahati-781039, Assam, India.

Phone: +91-361-2582265; +91-361-2582300; Fax: +91-361-2582291

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1. Prakash, R, Majumder, S. K., Lee, J., Nedeltchev, S. , "Quality of Mixedness Using Information Entropy in a Counter-Current Three-Phase Bubble Column", Processes, 2024, 12, 281-297, pr12020281 [2024]

2. Dubey, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Stability analysis of CO2 microbubble for CO2 sequestration and mobility control in enhanced oil recovery", Chemical Engineering Journal, 500, 156595, [2024]

3. Dubey, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Carbon dioxide (CO2) Microbubble Suspension and Stabilization for Advancing Tertiary Oil Recover", Energy & Fuel, 38, 12, 11330-11355, [2024]

1. Machale, J; Al-bayati, D; Almobarak, M; Ghasemi, M; Saeedi, A; Sen, T; Majumder, S. K.; Ghosh, P., "The Role of Adsorption of a Natural Surfactant at Oil–Water Interface in Enhanced Oil Recovery: Interfacial Rheology, and Structural, and Emulsifying Analyses", Chemical Engineering Communications, 210, 12, 1-15, [2023]

2. Dubey, Stuti and Majumder, S. K, "Characterization and Evaluation of the Rheological Behavior of a Natural Surfactant (Acacia concinna)", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 62, 43, 18047-18062, [2023]

1. Mondal, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Mixing Characteristics for the single and air-water two-phase flows in multichannel-based miniaturized fixed-bed devices", AIChE Journal, 68, 4, e17594, [2022]

2. Bhattacharya, S., Das P., Bhowal A., Majumder S. K., "Metal-oxide coated Graphene oxide nano-composite for the treatment of pharmaceutical compound in photocatalytic reactor: Batch, Kinetics and Mathematical Modeling using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Network", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Accepted, In press, https://10.1007/s11356-021-18227-2 [2022]

3. Prakash, R., Sangtam, B.T., Hembrom, K., and Majumder, S. K., "Bubble size analysis in a two-phase countercurrent flow in the narrow rectangular column", Physics of Fluids, 34, 043305, [2022]

4. Prakash, R., Hembrom, K., and Majumder, S. K., "Interpretation of Induction Time and Particle Recovery in a Microstructured Counter-current Flow Column", Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 176, 2022, 108931-108931, [2022]

5. Fahad, M. K., Prakash, R. and Majumder, S. K., "Investigation of the Induction Time and Recovery in a Flotation Column: A Kinetic Analysis", Separation Science and Technology, 57, 18, 2937-2954, [2022]

6. Sangtam, B. T. and Majumder, S. K. , "Prediction of organic and inorganic gas hydrates equilibrium conditions in the presence and absence of thermodynamic inhibitors", Petroleum Science and Technology, 42, 10, 1175-1192, [2022]

1. Mondal, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Cationic surfactant-aided surface modification of the activated carbon-based materials for the enhancement of phenol adsorption-capacity determined by Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy", Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 43, 13, 1968-1982, [2021]

2. Mondal, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Lead adsorption in a serpentine millichannel-based packed-bed device: Effect of hydrodynamics and mixing characteristics", AIChE Journal, 67:e17238, [2021]

3. Thokchom, A. K., Medhi, B. J., Majumder, S. K. and Singh, A. , "Analysis of circulation reversal and particle transport in evaporating drops", Microgravity Science and Technology, 33, 20, 1-9, [2021]

4. Machale, J; Al-bayati, D; Almobarak, M; Ghasemi, M; Saeedi, A; Sen, T; Majumder, S. K.; Ghosh, P., "Interfacial, Emulsifying, and Rheological Properties of an Additive of a Natural Surfactant and Polymer, and its Performance Assessment for Application in Enhanced Oil Recovery", Energy & Fuels, 35, 6, 4823-4834, [2021]

5. Sangtam, B. T, Prakash, R., Majumder, S. K., "Drop sizes and its distribution in jet-driven liquid–liquid mixing column: substantial application for the liquid–liquid extraction process", Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 172, 186-203, [2021]

6. Patel, S, Majumder, S. K., Ghosh, P., "Ozonation of diclofenac in a laboratory scale bubble column: Intermediates, mechanism, and mass transfer study", Journal of Water Process Engineering, 44, 102325, 1-13, [2021]

7. Sangtam, B. T., Prakash, R. and Majumder, S. K. , "Mixing Characteristics of a Liquid–Liquid Dispersion in a Jet-Driven Mixing Column: Developed for the Separation of Organic Pollutants", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 60, 49, 18166-18182, [2021]

1. Prakash, R., Majumder, S. K., Singh, A., "Bubble-Slurry Interfacial Shear Stress and Frictional Pressure Drop in a Microstructured Column in the Presence and Absence of a Surface-Active Agent", Powder Technology, 366, 761-775, [2020]

2. Fahad, M. K., Prakash, R., Majumder, S. K., Ghosh, P., "Dispersion Characteristics in a Gas–Liquid–Coal Slurry Flotation Column and its Analysis by the Velocity Distribution Model", Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, In Press, [2020]

3. Mondal, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Heat transport based on hydrodynamics and the local entropy generation rate in straight and serpentine rectangular packed narrow channels, Experimental", Applied Thermal Engineering, 171, 115057, [2020]

4. Prakash, R., Majumder, S. K., Singh, A., "Bubble Size Distribution and Specific Interfacial Area in Two-Phase Microstructured Bubbling Bed", Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 156, 108-130, [2020]

5. Mondal, S. Patel, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Naproxen removal capacity enhancement by transforming the activated carbon into a blended composite material", Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 231(37), 37, 1-16, [2020]

6. Mondal, S. Patel, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Bio-extract Assisted In-situ Green Synthesis of Ag-RGO Nanocomposite Film for Enhanced Naproxen Removal", Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 3(2), 2, 274-289, [2020]

7. Sangtam, B. T. Majumder, S. K., "Entrainment Characteristic of Liquid-Liquid Dispersion in a Jet-driven Mixing Column: Substantial for Process Intensification in Liquid-Liquid Extraction", Chemical Engineering Processing: Process Intensification, 153, 2020, 107927, [2020]

8. Prakash, R., Majumder, S. K., Singh, A., "Dispersion Characteristics in a Counter-Current Microstructured Three-Phase Bubble Column and Its Analysis by Velocity Distribution Model Based on the Turbulence and Circulation", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59, 6, 8093-8111, [2020]

9. Mondal, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Copper Adsorption Based on Hydrodynamics and Mixing Characteristics on the Amine-Functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxide Coated Glass Beads in a Multichannel Packed Bed Device", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59, 25, 11864-11879, [2020]

10. Mondal, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Fabrication of the polysulfone-based composite ultrafiltration membranes for the adsorptive removal of heavy metal ions from their contaminated aqueous solutions", Chemical Engineering Journal, 401, 126036, [2020]

11. Patel, S, Mondal, S., Majumder, S. K., Das, P.; Ghosh, P., "Treatment of a pharmaceutical industrial effluent by a hybrid process of advanced oxidation and adsorption by activated char", ACS Omega, 5, 50, 32305-32317, [2020]

12. Prakash, R., Majumder, S. K., , "Effect of Particle Size and Concentration on Bubble Size Distribution and Aspect Ratio in a Counter-current Microstructured Three-Phase Bubble Column", Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 90, 105-116, [2020]

13. Bhattacharya, S, Banerjee, P., Das, P., Bhowal, A., Majumder, S. K., Ghosh, P, "Removal of carbamazepine from its aqueous solution using graphene oxide nanoplatelets: Process modelling and optimization", Sustainable Environment Research, 30, 17, 1-12, [2020]

14. Prakash, R., Bhattacharyya, A., Majumder, S. K., 2020, "Experimental Investigation and its Analysis of Gas Holdup in a Three-phase Counter-current Microstructured Bubble Column", Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 43, 2, 243-258, [2020]

15. Machale, J., Majumder, S. K., Ghosh, P., Sen, T. K., Saeedi, A., "Impact of Mineralogy, Salinity, and Temperature on the Adsorption Characteristics of a Novel Natural Surfactant for Enhanced Oil Recovery", Chemical Engineering Communications, 209, 2, 143-157, [2020]

1. Ruby, K. and Majumder, S. K., "Effect of Salt on Stability of Microbubble in Presence of Micro-nano Particles", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 58, 18881-18895, [2019]

2. Machale, J.; Majumder, S. K.; Ghosh, P.; Sen, T., "Development of a Novel Biosurfactant for Enhanced Oil Recovery and its Effect on the Rheological Properties of Polymer", Fuel, 257, 116067, [2019]

3. Fahad, M. K., Prakash, R., Majumder, S. K., Ghosh, P., "rictional Pressure Drop in a Flotation Column: An Experimental Investigation in a Continuous Mode and its Prediction by General Model", Multiphase Science and Technology, 31(3), 3, 235-254, [2019]

4. Patel, S., Agarwal, R., Majumder, S. K., Das, P., Ghosh, P, "Kinetics of Ozonation and Mass Transfer of Pharmaceuticals Degraded by Ozone Fine bubbles in a Plant Prototype", Heat and Mass Transfer, 56, 385-397, [2019]

5. Mondal, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Honeycomb-Like Porous Activated Carbon for Efficient Copper (II) Adsorption Synthesized from Natural Source: Kinetic Study and Equilibrium Isotherm Analysis", Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7(4), 103236, [2019]

6. Fahad, M. K., Prakash, R., Majumder, S. K., Ghosh, P., "Gas holdup in the gas-liquid-coal slurry flow in a flotation column in presence of surface-active agent", Multiphase Science and Technology., 31(3), 199-214, [2019]

7. Patel, S., Majumder, S. K., Das, P, and Ghosh, P., "Ozone microbubble-aided intensification of degradation of pharmaceuticals in a plant prototype.", Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7(3), 103102, [2019]

8. Goshika, B. K. and Majumder, S. K., "Frictional pressure drop of gas-liquid-liquid dispersion in an ejector induced down flow column", Multiphase Science and Technology, 31(2), 151-174, https://10.1615/MultScienTechn.2019028722 [2019]

9. Mondal, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Synthesis of phosphate functionalized highly porous activated carbon and its utilization as an efficient copper (II) adsorbent", Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 365(5), 701-712, https://10.1007/s11814-019-0260-8 [2019]

10. Machale, J., Majumder, S. K., Ghosh, P. and Sen, T., "Role of chemical additives and their rheological properties in enhanced oil recovery", Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 20180033, (Online) 2191-0235, (Print) 0167-8299, [2019]

11. Prakash, R., Majumder, S. K., Singh, A., "Particle-Laden Bubble Size and Its Distribution in Microstructured Bubbling Bed in the Presence and Absence of a Surface Active Agent", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58(8), 10.1021/acs.iecr.8b05625, 3499-3522, [2019]

1. Bhattacharya S., Banerjee, P., Bhattacharya S., Ratour, R. K.S., Majumder, S. K., Das, P., Datta, S., "Comparative Assessment on the Removal of Ranitidine and Prednisolone Present In Solution Using Graphene Oxide (GO) Nanoplatelets", Desalination and Water Treatment, 132, 287-296, [2018]

2. Mondal, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Single and aqueous-organic two-phase frictional pressure drop and local entropy generation in rectangular millichannel: Experiment and its analysis.", Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, 134, 72-85, [2018]

3. Prakash, R, Majumder, S. K., Singh, A., "Gas holdup and frictional pressure drop contributions in microstructured two-and three-phase bubbling bed with Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids: Effect of coarse and fine particles with surface active agent", Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, 133, 40-57, [2018]

4. Patel, S. and Majumder S. K., "Prediction of transient pressure change during natural gas hydrate formation", Petroleum Science and Technology, 36(21), 21, 1820-1828, [2018]

5. Dhir, K. and Majumder, S. K., "Model of transient CO2 gas hydrate particle size distribution at its equilibrium condition", Petroleum Science and Technology, 36(21), 21, 1733-1740, https://doi/10.1080/10916466.2018.1509089 [2018]

6. Goshika, B. K. and Majumder, S. K., "Dispersion of liquid-liquid phase by a jet-induced gas-liquid-liquid mixing column developed for separation of organic pollutants", Separation Science and Technology, 54(4), 535-548, [2018]

7. Sangtam, B. T. and Majumder, S. K., "A new empirical correlation for prediction of Gas hydrate dissociation Equilibrium", Petroleum Science and Technology, 36(18), 1432-1438, [2018]

8. Mondal, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Studies on the copper extraction in a channel-based packed extraction device", Minerals Engineering, 126, 194-206, [2018]

9. Ruby, K and Majumder, S. K., "Studies on stability and properties of micro and nano-particle-laden ionic microbubbles", Powder Technology, 335, 77-90 [2018]

10. Prakash, R, Majumder, S. K., Singh, A., "Flotation technique: Its mechanisms and design parameters", Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, 127, 249-270 [2018]

11. Mondal, S. and Majumder, S. K., "Frictional pressure drop of aqueous-organic two-phase flow through packed and unpacked rectangular serpentine millichannel", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 94, 215-230 [2018]

12. Goshika, B. K. and Majumder S. K., "Entrainment and holdup of gas-liquid-liquid dispersion in an ejector-induced downflow gas-liquid-liquid contactor", Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification, 125, 112-123 [2018]

1. Prakash, R. and Majumder, S. K., "Analysis of Particle Recovery in Flotation Column Based on Information Entropy Theory", Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals , 70(2), 403-410 [2017]

2. Thandlam A. K., Das, C. and Majumder S. K., "Flow Pattern-based Mass and Heat Transfer and Frictional Drag of Gas-Non-Newtonian Liquid Flow in Helical Coil: Two- and Three-phase Systems", Heat and Mass Transfer, 53(4), 1183-1197 [2017]

3. Thandlam. A. K. and Majumder S. K., "Dynamic interaction model to analyse hydrodynamics of gas-non-Newtonian-liquid plug and slug flow in vertical helical coil pipe (VHCP).", International Journal of fluid Mechanics Research, 43(4), 1-27 [2017]

4. Yadav, G. and Majumder, S. K. , "Behaviour of rheology of nanofluid during convection in pipe", American Journal of Nanotechnology, 7(1), 1-12 [2017]

5. Khuntia, S., Majumder S. K. and Ghosh P., "Catalytic ozonation of dye in a microbubble system: Hydroxyl radical contribution and effect of salt", Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 4, 2250-2258 [2017]

1. Kumar, G and Majumder S. K., " Process intensification of oily wastewater treatment by ionic microbubble in a plant prototype", Int'l Journal of Research in Chemical, Metallurgical and Civil Engg. (IJRCMCE), 3(1), 2349-1450 [2016]

2. Thandlam, A. K., Tyouharia A. and Majumder S. K., "Frictional Pressure Drop of Gas-liquid-solid three-phase flow in Helical Coil", Elixir Chemical Engineering, 92, 38927-38932 [2016]

3. Thokchom A. K., Majumder S. K. and Singh A, "Internal Fluid Motion and Particle Transport in Externally Heated Sessile Droplets", AIChE J., 62(4), 1308-1321 [2016]

4. Parmar, R. and Majumder, S. K., "Mineral beneficiation by ionic microbubble in continuous plant prototype: Efficiency and its analysis by kinetic model", Chemical Engineering Science, 142, 42-54 [2016]

5. Khuntia, S., Majumder S. K. and Ghosh P., "Adsorption of As (V) on zirconium based adsorbents", Desalination and Water Treatment, 57, 1766-1778 [2016]

1. Thokchom A. K., Majumder S. K. and Singh A, "Internal Fluid Motion and Particle Transport in Externally Heated Sessile Droplets", American Journal of Chemical Engineers Journal, 10.1002/aic.a5098 [2015]

2. Yadav, G. and Majumder, S. K., "Behaviour of rheology of nanofluid during convection in pipe, American Journal of Nanotechnology", Manuscript number is 32-AJNT [2015]

3. Dasari, A., Goshika B.K, Majumder, S. K., Mandal, T. K., "Viscous oil-water flow through an inclined pipeline: Experimentation and prediction of flow patterns, Multiphase Science and Technology", Article ID: MST-13562, 13562 [2015]

4. Parmar R., Majumder S. K., "Dispersion characteristics of ionic microbubble suspension in continuous plant prototype developed for mineral beneficiation", Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 95, 43-53 [2015]

5. Khuntia S., Majumder S. K. and Ghosh P., "Quantitative Prediction of Hydroxyl Radical Generation from Ozone Microbubbles", Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 98, 231-239 [2015]

6. Khuntia S., Majumder S. K. and Ghosh P., "Quantitative Prediction of Hydroxyl Radical Generation from Ozone Microbubbles", Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 98, 231-239 [2015]

7. Naidu K. R., Mandal T. K. and Majumder S. K., "Analysis of Frictional Pressure Drop based on Flow Regimes of Oil-water Flow in Pipeline", Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 74, 180-184 [2015]

8. Parmar R., Majumder S. K., " Terminal rise velocity, size distribution and stability of microbubble suspension", Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 10(3), 450-465 [2015]

9. Thandlam A. K., Mandal T. K. and Majumder S. K., "Flow pattern transition, frictional pressure drop, and holdup of gas non-Newtonian fluid flow in helical tube", Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 10(3), 422-437 [2015]

10. Parmar R., Majumder S. K. and Pallab Ghosh, "Flotation of fine particles from binary mixture by ionic microbubbles", Chemexpress, 8(2), 133-137 [2015]

11. Naidu K. R., Mandal T. K. and Majumder S. K., "Hydrodynamics of Oil-Water Two-component Multiphase Flow in Pipeline", Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences [2015]

12. Naidu K. R., Mandal T. K. and Majumder S. K., "Drag reduction of oil-water two-component viscous flow in pipeline", Research Journal of Applied Sciences [2015]

1. Parmar R., Majumder S. K., " Lifetime of microbubble-an interpretation", Chemexpress, 9(1), 46-54 [2014]

2. Khuntia S., Majumder S. K. and Ghosh P., "Oxidation of As (III) to As (V) using Ozone Microbubbles", Chemosphere, 97, 120-124 [2014]

3. Khuntia S., Majumder S. K. and Ghosh P., "A Pilot Plant Study of the Degradation of Brilliant Green Dye using Ozone Microbubbles: Mechanism and Kinetics of Reaction", Environmental Technology, 36(3), 336-347 [2014]

4. Khuntia S., Majumder S. K. and Ghosh P., "A Pilot Plant Study of the Degradation of Brilliant Green Dye using Ozone Microbubbles: Mechanism and Kinetics of Reaction", Environmental Technology, 36(3), 336-347 [2014]

5. Giri A. K. and Majumder S. K., "Pressure Drop and its Reduction of Gas-Non-Newtonian Liquid Flow in Downflow Trickle Bed Reactor (DTBR)", Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 92(1), 34-42 [2014]

6. Thandalam A. K., Mandal T. K. and Majumder S. K., "Frictional pressure drop in vertical helical coil reactor (HCR) based on flow regime", Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9(4), 97-101 [2014]

7. Parmar R., Majumder S. K.,, "Hydrodynamics of micro bubble suspension flow in pipes", Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research, 53(9), 3689-3701 [2014]

8. Deka P., Naidu, K. R., Mandal, T. K. and Majumder S. K., "Flow pattern shifting and drag reduction in oil-water flow in pipe", International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology, 22, 245-252 [2014]

1. Sivaiah M. and Majumder S. K.,, "Mass transfer and mixing in an ejector-induced downflow slurry bubble column", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52(35), 35, 12661-12671 [2013]

2. Prakash R and Majumder S K, "Quality of mixing and its effect on particle separation in a flotation column", Mineral Processing: Innovative Processing for Sustainable Growth, 6, 3107-3116 [2013]

3. Parmar R., Majumder, S. K., "A Stochastic Analysis of Liquid Mixing in Bubble Column", American Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 3(3), 75-79 [2013]

4. Ratkovich N., Majumder S. K., Bentzen T. R., "Empirical correlations and CFD simulations of vertical two-phase gas-liquid (Newtonian and non-Newtonian) slug flow compared against experimental data of void fraction", Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91(6), 988-998 [2013]

5. Sivaiah M. and Majumder S. K., "Fluid dynamics in ejector-induced efficient slurry bubble column", International Journal of Innovation, 4(3), 1-7 [2013]

6. Sivaiah M. and Majumder S. K., "Hydrodynamics and Mixing Characteristics in an Ejector-Induced Downflow Slurry Bubble Column [EIDSBC]", Chemical Engineering Journal, 225, 720-733 [2013]

7. Sivaiah M. and Majumder S. K., "Dispersion characteristics of liquid in a modified gas-liquid-solid three-phase down flow bubble column", Particulate Science and Technology, 31, 210-220 [2013]

8. Khuntia S., Majumder S. K. and Ghosh P., "Removal of Ammonia from Water by Ozone Microbubbles", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, 318-326 [2013]

9. Parmar R., Majumder S. K., "Microbubble generation and microbubble-aided transport process intensification -a state-of-the-art report", Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensifications, 64, 79-97 [2013]

1. Khuntia S., Majumder S. K. and Ghosh P., "Microbubble-aided Water and Wastewater purification: A Review", Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 28(4-6), 191-221 [2012]

2. Sivaiah M., Parmar R. and Majumder S. K., "Hydrodynamics of Bubbly Flow in a Modified Reactor", International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering, 6(9), 894-897, [2012]

3. Sivaiah M. and Majumder S. K., "Gas holdup and frictional pressure drop of gas-liquid-solid flow in a modified slurry bubble column", International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 10(A72), 1-29 [2012]

4. Ratkovich NR, Bentzen T.R, Majumder SK, Rasmussen MR, "Experimental and CFD simulations of vertical two-phase slug flow for gas-Newtonian and –non-Newtonian liquids, I: 3rd EBECEM - Brazilian Meeting on Multiphase Flow and Phase Change Heat Transfer.", Forskning - peer review Konferenceartike l i proceeding, VBN Publication. [2012]

5. Sivaiah M., Parmar R. and Majumder S. K., "Gas entrainment and holdup characteristics in a modified gas-liquid-solid down flow three-phase contactor", Powder Technology, 217, 451-461 [2012]

6. Patel S. K. and Majumder S. K., "Frictional pressure drop of an additive based non -Newtonian flow in packed bed", Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media- An International Journal, 3(3), 97-106 [2012]

1. Singh M. K and Majumder S. K., " Co- and Counter-current mass transfer in bubble column", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, 2283-2293 [2011]

2. Patel S. K. and Majumder S. K., "Interfacial stress in non-Newtonian flow through packed bed", Powder Technology, 211, 127-134 [2011]

3. Kumar K. and Majumder S. K., "Pressure field and energy distribution in froth flotation cell.", Chemical Technology-an Indian journal, 6(2), 2, 123-129 [2011]

4. Kumar K. and Majumder S. K., "Interfacial area density in flotation cell.", Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7(6), 865-872 [2011]

5. Patel S. K. and Majumder S. K., "Reduction of drag in non-Newtonian flow through packed bed", Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 6(2), 147-151 [2011]

6. Joshi R. and Majumder, S.K., "CFD Simulation of hydrodynamics of bubbly flow in bubble column", Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 6(1), 47-57 [2011]

7. Majumder S. K., Ghosh S., Mitra A. K. and Kundu G., "Frictional pressure drop of Gas-Newtonian and gas-non-Newtonian slug flow in vertical pipe", International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 9(A109), 1-17 [2011]

8. Patel S. K. and Majumder S. K., "Non-Newtonian flow behavior on frictional pressure in packed bed", International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 9(A28), 1-13 [2011]

1. Singh M. K. and Majumder S. K., " Theoretical study on effect of operating parameters on mass transfer in bubbly Flow", Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 5(2), 163-170 [2010]

2. Majumder S. K., Ghosh S., Mitra A. K. and Kundu G.,, "Gas-Newtonian and gas-non-Newtonian slug flow in vertical pipe: Part-I: Gas holdup characteristics.", International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 8(A117), 1-23 [2010]

1. Manish P, Majumder S. K., "Quality of mixing in downflow bubble column based on information entropy theory", Chemical Engineering Science, 64(8), 1798-1805 [2009]

1. Majumder S. K, "Analysis of dispersion coefficient of bubble motion and velocity characteristic factor in down and upflow bubble column reactor", Chemical Engineering Science, 63, 3160-3170 [2008]

2. Majumder S. K., "Efficiency of non-reactive isothermal bubble column based on mass transfer", Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 3(4), 440-451 [2008]

1. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "Energy Efficiency of Two-phase Mixing in a Modified Bubble Column", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 85(3), 280-289 [2007]

2. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D, "Pressure drop and bubble-liquid interfacial shear stress in a modified gas-non-Newtonian-liquid downflow bubble column", Chemical Engineering Science, 62, 2482-2490 [2007]

3. Majumder S. K., andKundu G, "Mixing Characteristics of slurry in annular and non-annular floatation column", I.E (I) Journal-CH, 87, 16-21 [2007]

4. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "Prediction of intensity of liquid axial dispersion in a modified downflow bubble column", ,I.E (I) Journal- CH, 87, 28-33 [2007]

1. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "Prediction of pressure drop in a modified downflow bubble column reactor", Chemical Engineering Science, 61, 4060-4070 [2006]

2. Majumder, S. K., "A note on Mass Transfer in Isothermal Two-phase Bubble Column Reactor", Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1(4), 491-494 [2006]

3. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "Bubble size distribution and interfacial phenomena in ejector induced downflow bubble column", Chemical Engineering Journal, 122(1-2), 1-10 [2006]

4. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "Efficient dispersion in a modified two-phase non-Newtonian downflow bubble column", Chemical Engineering Science, 61(20), 6753-6764 [2006]

5. Purkait M. K., Majumder S. K. and Das S. K., "Hydrodynamic studies of two-phase co-current up flow through helical coils", International Journal of Chemical Science, 4(3), 481-494 [2006]

1. Majumder, S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "Mixing mechanism in ejector induced downflow bubble column", Chemical Engineering Journal, 112(1-3), 45-55 [2005]

2. Majumder, S. K., Kundu, G. and Mukherjee, D., "Theoretical study of bubble behaviour due to pressure distribution and energy dissipation in an ejector induced bubble column", I.E (I) Journal- CH, 86, 29-33 [2005]

1. Parmar, R. and Majumder S. K., "Performance of ionic microbubble suspension for mineral processing in a plant prototype", 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2016), Firenze, Italy [2016]

2. Majumder, S. K. and Kumar, G., "Process Intensification of Oily Wastewater Treatment by Ionic Microbubble in a Plant Prototype", Conference on Environment, Agricultural and Civil Engineering (ICEACE-2016), Holiday Inn Express London - Heathrow T5; London Rd, Slough SL3 8QB, United Kingdom.2012 [2016]

1. Goshika, B. K. and Majumder S. K., "Studies on gas holdup in a modified gas-aided extraction column", CHEMCON 2015, IIT Guwahati, India [2015]

2. Khuntia, S. Majumder S. K. and Ghosh, P., "Calculation of hydroxyl radical concentration-An indirect method", International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering (ICACE), ICACE [2015]

3. Goshika B.K. and Majumder S. K., "Gas-liquid-liquid flow hold up in an ejector induced down flow bubble column", International Conference on New Frontiers in Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering (INCEEE), National Institute of Technology, Warangal-506 004, Telangana, India. [2015]

4. Parmar R. and Majumder S. K., "Aluminium oxide recovery by using microbubble flotation", International Conference on New Frontiers in Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering (INCEEE), National Institute of Technology, Warangal-506 004, Telangana, India. [2015]

5. Parmar R. and Majumder S. K., "Recovery of fine particle by using ionic microbubble flotation, (NECMICO-2014)", CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat., CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat. [2015]

1. Thandalam A. K., Mandal T. K. and Majumder S. K., "Experimental investigation of flow patterns and pressure drop for air-water two phase flow in vertical helical circular tube", International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering-INDIA (ICCBPE-IN, 2013), NIT Warangal, A.P. India Paper No. 66., Paper No. 66 [2013]

2. Parmar R. and Majumder S. K., "Flow behavior of microbubble-liquid mixture in pipes", International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering-INDIA (ICCBPE-IN), NIT Warangal, A.P. India Paper No. 65. [2013]

3. Khuntia S., Majumdar S. K. and Ghosh P., "Enhanced Oxidation of Ammonia Using Ozone Microbubbles, Technical Session 9, Separation Technology", International Conference On Frontiers In Chemical Engineering(ICFCE-2013), NIT Rourkela, India, Paper No. TS9/ST/8 [2013]

4. Sivaiah M, Rambhoopal N. K., Majumder S. K., "Surfactant effects on gas holdup in a gas-liquid-solid downflow plunging jet bubble column", International conference in advance chemical Engineering (ICACE)-2013, National Institute of Technology, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India [2013]

1. Sivaiah M, Parmar R. and Majumder S. K., "Energy efficiency of gas-liquid-solid mixing in a plunging liquid jet slurry bubble column, Power and Energy in NERIST (ICPEN)", 1st International Conference on Date of Conference : 2012, Arunachal Pradesh, India, IEEE conference publication, 1, 4 [2012]

2. Thokchom A. K., Majumder S K and Singh A., "Effect of external heating on fluid flow and particle transport in evaporating droplets", International Conference on Applications of Fluid Engineering (CAFE 2012), CAFE 2012, Noida, India [2012]

3. Sivaiah M. and Majumder S. K., "Effect of liquid property on gas holdup and pressure drop in a gas liquid solid downflow column reactor", CHEMCON-2012, Jalandhar, India [2012]

4. Prakash R and Majumder S K, "Quality of mixing and its effect on particle separation in a flotation column", 26th International Mineral Processing Congress, IMPC 2012: Innovative Processing for Sustainable Growth - Conference Proceedings, 3107, 3116 [2012]

5. Sivaiah M. and Majumder S. K., "Energy efficient entrainment of gas in a modified downflow three-phase reactor.", Proceedings of International conference on computational electronics and nanotechnology, Amity Univeristy, Rajasthan, 330, 337 [2012]

1. Pradip B. N., Prakash M., Kumar K. and Majumder S. K., "A modified reactor for gas-liquid separation process", ICSP 2009, IT BHU, Varanasi, India, 473, 482 [2009]

1. Majumder S. K. and Kundu G., "Phase interactions in flotation columns based on Mixing Characteristics.", Proc. of International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology, MPT-2008, 76 [2008]

1. Sukla S., Majumder S. K., "Ejector-induced downflow bubble column- A novel contactor for gas-liquid system.", 8th International Conference (GLS-8), GLS-8, New Delhi, India [2007]

1. Majumder S. K., Kundu, G. and Mukherjee, D., "Mixing of Gas-Liquid in a Downflow Bubble Column Reactor (BCR).", ACHEMA-2006, Exhibition Centre Frankfurt, Germany [2006]

2. Majumder S. K., "Blowers and Compressors. Lecture Notes for Chemical Engineering for Academic Refresher Course Programme-III for Hindustan Zinc Limited", Udaipur- Organized by Practice School Division, Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Rajssthan, India, 73, 85 [2006]

1. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., " Intensity of Dispersion of Two-phase in a modified Bubble Column", I.S.T.A.M, I.S.T.A.M, 41, 42 [2005]

2. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "A Novel Device for Efficient Dispersion of Gas-Liquid Two-phase.", Proceedings of XXI N.C.C.E. & Seminar on ICI Vision 2020, Proceedings of XXI N.C.C.E. & Seminar on ICI Vision 2020, 285, 292 [2005]

1. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "Mechanism of Dissolution of Dispersed Phase in Isothermal Two-phase Bubble Column Reactor.", Proceedings of 16th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA, Prague, Czech Republic, E3. [2004]

2. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "A Model for pressure drops in Two-phase Ejector Induced downflow Bubble Column.", Indo-US conference, INDO-US conference at Mumbai, India [2004]

3. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "Axial Dispersion in Ejector Induced Downflow Bubble Column Reactor", I.C.T.A.C.E.M-2004, I.C.T.A.C.E.M-2004, 25, 28 [2004]

4. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "Dispersion Coefficient of Bubble Motion in Ejector Induced Downflow Bubble Column Reactor.", CRSYS 2004, CRSYS 2004, 102, 108 [2004]

1. Majumder S. K., Chandna K. De, D. S. and Kundu G., "Studies on Flow Characteristics Of Coal-Oil-Water Slurry System.", Proceedings of 2nd Asian Particle Technology Symposium (APT), Malaysia, Edited by Prof. Wan Ramli Wan Daud. [2003]

2. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "Studies on Two-Phase Flow in a Modified Bubble Column Reactor.", Annual report-CSIR, CSIR, New Delhi [2003]

3. Majumder S. K., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., " Theoretical Study of Bubble Formation due to Pressure Distribution and Energy Dissipation in an Ejector Induced Bubble Column.", CHEMCON, 2003, CHEMCON, 2003, MT-1 [2003]

1. Majumder S. K., Mandal A., Kundu G. and Mukherjee D., "Ejector Efficiency in a Co-Current Gas-Non-Newtonian Liquid Downflow Bubble Column Reactor", ISTAM-2002, ISTAM-2002 (an international meet), 64, 71 [2002]

1. Khuntia, S., Ghosh, P., Majumder, S. K., "Removal of Ammonia, Arsenic and Dyes from Water by Ozone Microbubbles", LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 10: 365977877X,, 13: 978-3659778773, 10: 365977877X,, 13: 978-3659778773 (2015)

2. Majumder, S. K., "Hydrodynamics and transport processes of inverse bubbly flow, Subjects: Technology & Engineering, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering", Elsevier, 13: 978-0128032879, 10: 0128032871, 13: 978-0128032879, 10: 0128032871 (2016)

3. Thandlam, A.K., Mandal, T. K., Majumder, S.K., "Flow Pattern-based Transport Processes in Helical Coil", Lambert Academic Publishing, GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, 13: 978-3-659-944451, 10: 3659944459, 13: 978-3-659-944451, 10: 3659944459 (2016)

4. Majumder, S. K., "Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in Downflow Slurry Bubble Column;", Apple Academic Press, Inc. and CRC Press, 9781771886734 (2018)

5. Deepmoni Deka, Subrata Kumar Majumder, Mihir Kumar Purkait, "Sustainable Environment Proceedings of NERC 2022;", Springer, ‎ 9811984638 (2023)

6. Subrata Kumar Majumder, "Mechanical and Solid-Fluid Operations: Characteristics and Handling of Solids;", Volume 1, 1st edition, Routledge and CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), ISBN 9781032944982 (2025)

7. Subrata Kumar Majumder, "Mechanical and Solid-Fluid Operations Flow Past Immersed Body and Motion of Particles; ", Volume 2, 1st edition, Routledge and CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), ISBN 9781032946634 (2025)

8. Subrata Kumar Majumder, "Mechanical and Solid-Fluid Operations Separation of Particulate Materials: ", Volume 3, 1st edition, Routledge and CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), ISBN 9781032945484 (2025)

1. Pradip, B. N., Prakash, M., Kumar, K. and Majumder, S. K., "A modified reactor for gas-liquid separation process", Separation Processes-Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development,Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Edited by Mishra et al., 978-81-8424-499-1 (2009)

2. Khuntia S., Sinha M.K., Majumder S.K., Ghosh P., "Calculation of Hydroxyl Radical Concentration Using an Indirect Method-Effect of pH and Carbonate Ion", Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering,Springer, Singapore , Print ISBN: 978-981-10-1632-5, Online ISBN 978-981-10-1633-2, Print ISBN: 978-981-10-1632-5, Online ISBN 978-981-10-1633-2 (2016)

3. Parmar, R. and Majumder, S. K., "Flow behavior of microbubble-liquid mixture in pipes", Chemical and Biochemical Engineering: Trends and Developments,Apple Academic Press, Taylor & Francis Group USA, Edited by Editors: ShirishSonawan, PhD, Y. PydiSetty, PhD, SrinuNaikSapavatu, PhD., 9781771880770 (2016)

4. Majumder, S. K., "Energy efficiency of gas-liquid two-phase contacting devices", Energy Efficiency,Intech Publishers, USA, 979-953-307-780-1 (2016)

5. Sivaiah, M and Majumder, S. K., "Gas holdup in bubble column", Advance chemical Engineering,Apple Academic Press, Distributor by Taylor & Francis Group, USA (2016)