Prof. Subrata K Majumder


PhD, FCET(I), FISRD (London), FERC (USA), FIIChE, MAIChE, LMIIME, MIAE(Japan), MACBEES (Asia-Pacific)

Key Research Areas :Applied multiphase flow process system, Process intensifications in Chemical and environmental Processes, Micro-nanobubble technology and its applications in wastewater treatment, and enhanced oil recovery, Mineral and coal beneficiation by flotation and extraction, Fluidization and its application.

Personal Webpage


Research Projects


Title : Studies on efficacy of upgradation and utilization of north eastern coal and biomass for gasification in a plant prototype and its scale up
Duration : 2022-2025
Funding agency : CPRI
Budget : 72.52 Lakhs
PI : Dr. Pankaj Kalita
Co-PI : Prof. Subrata Kumar Majumder

Title : Sustainable, biodegradable and affordable substitutes for single use plastics using Stubble Aggregate
Duration : 2021-2024
Funding agency : DST-WMT
Budget : 150 Lakhs
PI : Prof. Tamal Banerjee
Co-PI : Prof. Subrata Kumar Majumder

Title : Microwave melting of glass: A potential method for tailoring glass properties
Duration : 2019-2021
Funding agency : CSIR, collaboration with CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder

Title : Development of a New Integral Approach for the Treatment of Phenolic Wastewater Using Bioremediation in Combination with Nano-Composite by Developing Microstructure Bioreactor
Duration : 2017-2020
Funding agency : MOES (Ref. MOES/36/OOISP/PAMC/2012/PC-IV/Vol-II)
Budget : 68 Lakhs
PI : Prof. Subrata K. Majumder

Title : Removal of pharmaceutical derivatives present in waste water by advanced oxidation integrating with microstructure and rotating packed bed of grapheme (G)/Graphene oxide (GO)/GO-metal nanocomposites.
Duration : 2017-2020
Funding agency : DST-WTI (Ref. DST/TM/WTI/2K16/20 (C)-A)
Budget : 48 Lakhs
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder

Title : Process Intensification of Cleaning of Oily Wastewater Effluent By Developing Plant Prototype of Microbubble Flotation Unit.
Duration : 2015-2018
Funding agency : MEFC, Govt. of India (Ref.: 159/2015/RE)
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder

Title : Studies on process intensification of liquid-liquid extraction by developing jet-driven extraction column
Duration : 2014-2017
Funding agency : DST(Ref. No: EMR/2014/001202)
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder

Title : Process intensification of foam suppression in a three-phase fluidized bed
Duration : -
Funding agency : CSIR (Ref. No.5299/NS-EMRII)
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder

Title : Process intensification of flotation by ionic microbubbles
Duration : -
Funding agency : CSIR(Ref. No.: 22(0572)/12/EMR-II)
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder

Title : Flow characterization and intensification of pressure drop reduction of heavy crude oil-water two-phase flow through inclined conduit.
Duration : -
Funding agency : CSIR(Ref.: 2151/15-EMR II)
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder

Title : Flow behavior of heavy oil-water in pipe network and in an inclined pipeline.
Duration : -
Funding agency : CSIR (Ref.: 2152/15-EMR II)
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder

Title : Process intensification in drag reduction in high viscous multi-phase flow through pipeline
Duration : -
Funding agency : CSIR(Ref.: 22(0522)/10/EMR-II)
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder

Title : Development of Plant Prototype for Purification of Industrial Wastewater by Microbubbles
Duration : -
Funding agency : DST/WTI, (Ref.:DST/TM/WTI/2K10/266/(G)
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder

Title : Studies on gas-liquid two-phase flow in a bubblecolumn reactor
Duration : -
Funding agency : CSIR (Ref.: 01(1780)/02-EMR-II)
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder

Title : Development of course “ Mass Transfer Operation-I (Web Course) under)
Duration : -
Funding agency : National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder

Title : Development of Virtual lab on Hydrodynamics and Transport phenomena in Packed Bed and Heat Exchangers
Duration : -
Funding agency : MHRD under National Mission on Education through ICT (CET/P/RB/2)
PI : Prof. Subrata K Majumder