
Patents Filed / Awarded

IDAuthor(s)Details of PatentYear
IDAuthor(s)Details of PatentYear
1Senthilmurugan Subbiah, Rashmi Dutta Baruah, et al.,A System and Method for Activity Identification and Problem Prediction During Oil and Gas Well Drilling, India, 2019110405952019
2Samit Bhattacharya, Subrata TikadarSystem and Method for Providing A Sensitive Classroom, India, 201831024866 2019
3Dr. Pradip Kr. Das, Mr. Nishant SinghalMethod and System for Nasal Residual Signal-based Speaker Characterization, India, # 198/KOL/20142014
4Prof. Shivashankar B. Nair, Dr. W. W. Godfrey, Mr. Shashi S. JhaA Technique for Synchronizing Task execution by a set of Asynchronous Nodes, India, 4157922012
5Prof. Shivashankar B. Nair, Dr. W. W. Godfrey, Dr. Shashi S. JhaA Mobile Agent Framework for an Internet of Things, India, 377728, https://search.ipindia.gov.in/PatentSearch/PatentSearch/ViewPDF2012
6Prof. Anupam Basu and Dr Samit BhattacharyaSystem for an Intuitive, Customizable, Multilingual and Reconfigurable Augmentative Communication, Indian Patent, 2336822009