and Electrical Engineering
At Present we have 16 No.of Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Machine Learning, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Signal Processing, Embedded Systems.
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Quantum computation, Quantum error correction, Coding theory
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Gyrotrons, Vacuum Electronic Devices, Orbital angular momentum (OAM) communication, Metamaterial structures.
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Optimal control Singular descriptor systems/Differential algebraic systems Linear systems Model order reduction Multiagent systems Behavioral theoretic approach to control Graph Theoretic approach to control
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Communication, Error Correcting Codes and Information Theory.
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Energy Harvesting RF Circuit Design Microstrip Antennas
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing, Ultrasound Elastography and Photoacoustic Tomography, Deep Learning for Medical Imaging, Medical Image Reconstruction, Biomedical Ultrasound and Optics, Inverse Problems
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Wireless communications and networks; Deep learning for wireless communications and signal processing; Adversarial machine learning; Security and robustness of deep learning based wireless systems; Large-scale sensing using radio signals; Joint sensing and communications; Buffer-aided relaying networks; Markov chains and their applications
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: 1. Applications of machine learning in power electronics: condition monitoring, predictive maintenance and model-free control. 2. Model Predictive Control of power electronic systems. 3. Solid-state transformers. 4. Electric vehicle chargers.
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Robust control, Negative-imaginary systems, Passivity-based control and Dissipativity, Vibration control of flexible structure systems, Cooperative control of multi-agent systems (including multi-robot systems), Control of Smart/Micro-grid systems using Cyber-Physical Systems approach.
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Solid State Devices, Flexible and Wearable Electronics, Electronic Sensors Design & Development, Density Functional Theory, Electronic Materials, Sensor Interface Circuits
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Signal Processing for Wireless Communication MIMO Systems Adaptive and Statistical Signal Processing
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Information theory, Error correcting codes.
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Power system state estimation, Cyber-security in power systems, Applied signal processing for power system monitoring, Synchrophasor technology applications, Stability and control of networked microgrids
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Large scale antenna systems, Signal processing for large scale antenna systems; Mobile Edge computing; Ultra-dense networks; Orthogonal time-frequency-space modulations etc.
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Non-volatile memory, Spintronics, MRAM (SOT,STT), Race-track memory, HDD (Hard disk drives), SSD (Solid state drives), Quantum computing, Neuromorphic memory.