and Electrical Engineering
Key Research Areas : High Voltage and Insulation Engineering, High Power Microwave and Pulse Power, Renewable Energy and Storage
Phone No: +91-361-2582530 (O) | Email: sknayak@iitg.ac.in| Room No: 0006
Personal WebsiteRoom No. 006, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, North Guwahati – 781 039, Assam, Phone: +91- 361 258 2530, Fax:
Post Doc (2009) , School of Electrical Engineering, KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Ph.D (2009) , Electrical Engineering , Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
M.S (2003), High Voltage Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Bachelor of Engineering (1999), University College of Engineering, Burla
Dr. Sisir Kumar Nayak joined the institute in 2011.
Professor (Sept 2021 – till date)
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
North Guwahati – 781 039, Assam
Associate Professor (Jan 2017 - Aug 2021)
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
North Guwahati – 781 039, Assam
Asst. Professor (Aug 2011 – Jan 2017)
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
North Guwahati – 781 039, Assam
Visiting Faculty (July 2010 – Aug 2011)
School of Electrical Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Samantapuri, Bhubaneswar – 751 013, Odisha
Research Associate (May 2010 - July 2010)
Super Computer Education and Research Center
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore, India
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (April 2009 - Dec 2009)
Division of Electromagnetic Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering,
KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
EE101- Electrical Sciences (Tutorials)
EE102: Basic Electronics Laboratory
EE 370- Electrical Power Systems
EE 340- Electromagnetic Field Theory
EE 571 - Insulation and High Voltage Engineering
1. Baruah, Niharika, Rohith Sangineni, Mrutyunjay Maharana, and Sisir Kumar Nayak, "Alternative Liquid Dielectrics for High Voltage Transformer Insulation Systems: Performance Analysis and Applications ", Processing and evaluation of natural esters , Wiley, IEEE Press ,pp.11 [2021].
1. Kulkarni, Shashank S., Niraja P. Sanghai, Chayanika Baishya, Amarnath Kumar, and Sisir Kumar Nayak, "Random forest regression for radiation pattern prediction of planar metasurface reflector antenna", AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications , vol.174 [2024]. , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeue.2023.155018
2. Rohith Sangineni, Manas Chakraborty, Sisir Kumar Nayak, "
Gassing Tendency of Fresh and Oxidative Aged Mixed Insulating Oils on Electric Sparking
", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation [2024]. , https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/103826553. D. Senthil Kumar, Saket Khandekar, Srinivas Nekkenti, Manik Kumar Das, U. Shanmuganathan, and Sisir Kumar Nayak, "
Design, development and characterization of Blumlein Pulse Forming Line based pulsed power system for High Power Microwave source research
", Next Energy , vol.3 [2024]. , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nxener.2024.1001104. D. Kanumuri, A. Kumar, N. Baruah and S. K. Nayak,, "Influence of Thermal Ageing on DC Conductivity and Breakdown Strength of Natural Ester Oils for HVDC Applications", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation [2024]. , https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10562322
5. D. Kanumuri, N. Baruah, A. Kumar and S. K. Nayak,, "Effects of Oxidative Aging on Dielectric Strength of Natural Ester Oil under DC Voltage Stresses", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation [2023]. , 10.1109/TDEI.2023.3277416
6. M. Chakraborty, R. Sangineni, N. Baruah and S. K. Nayak, ""A Sandwich Layer Method for Moisture Extraction in Transformer Insulating Oils Using Metal Organic Frameworks," ", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement [2023]. , doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3298388
7. Shivam Tripathi; Sarthak Chopra; Himanshu Sekhar Sahu; Mahesh K. Mishra; Shashank Kumar; Sisir Kumar Nayak, "
A Novel MPP Estimation Technique for DDM PV Array Under Different Solar Irradiance Conditions
", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy ,pp.1-14, [2023]. , 10.1109/TSTE.2023.32948098. Shivam Tripathi; Himanshu Sekhar Sahu; Shashank Kumar; Sisir Kumar Nayak; Mahesh K. Mishra , "
Maximum Energy Harvest from a TCT Connected PV Array under Non-homogeneous Irradiation Conditions
", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics [2023]. , 10.1109/JESTPE.2023.33077349. Rohith Sangineni; Thirumurugan Chandrasekaran; Sisir K. Nayak, "
Study of Partial Discharges in Fresh and Oxidative Aged Mineral-Natural Ester Blended Oils
", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation [2023]. , 10.1109/TDEI.2023.330853110. Maity, Budhadeb, and Sisir Kumar Nayak, "Design of compact microstrip-fed triple-band slot antenna with defected ground structure for wireless communications.", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications [2022].
11. B. Maity and S. K. Nayak, "Compact Quad-Band CP Series-Fed Circular Slit Microstrip Array Antenna Using Machine Learning", IEEE Access , vol.vol. 10, , (DOI - 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3199656) ,pp.116650-116661, [2022].
12. Maharana, Mrutyunjay, Niharika Baruah, Sisir Kumar Nayak, Niranjan Sahoo, Kai Wu, and Lalit Goswami, "Electrohydrodynamics Analysis of Dielectric 2D Nanofluids", Nanomaterials , vol.12 , (DOI - 09) ,pp.1489 [2022].
13. R. Sangineni, S. K. Nayak and M. Becerra, "A Non-intrusive and Non-destructive Technique for Condition Assessment of Transformer Liquid Insulation", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation [2022]. , 10.1109/TDEI.2022.3157912
14. R. Sangineni, S. K. Nayak and M. Becerra, "Magnetic Profiling of Conducting, Semi-conducting, and Insulating Nanoparticles and their Nanofluids Possessing Potential Transformer Application", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation [2022]. , 10.1109/TDEI.2022.3224891
15. N. Baruah, S. K. Nayak and S. K. Pratihar, "Quantitative Effect of Aging Duration on Dielectric Parameters Based on Frequency Response", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement , vol.71 ,pp.1-9, [2022]. , 10.1109/TIM.2021.3127306
16. Chaudhary U., Tripathy P., Nayak S.K., "Application of Thyristor Bridge-Type Non-Superconducting FCL with Buck Series Charging to Improve the FRT Capability of the DFIG System", Electric Power Components and Systems , vol.48, issue 18 , (DOI - 10.1080/15325008.2021.1906788) ,pp.1898-1911, [2021].
17. Sahu H.S., Mishra M.K., Kumar S., Kumar Nayak S., "A Novel Approach for Direct MPP Estimation of a PV Module under Different Irradiation Conditions", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion , vol.36, issue 4 , (DOI - 10.1109/TEC.2021.3072453) ,pp.3127-3136, [2021].
18. Kulkarni S.S., Baghel A.K., Nayak S.K., "Graded refractive index metamaterial for enhanced far-field wireless power transfer efficiency in S-band", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications , vol.138 , (DOI - 10.1016/j.aeue.2021.153859) [2021].
19. Baghel A.K., Kulkarni S.S., Nayak S.K., "A high gain aperture match parabolic horn antenna with stable phase center and higher FBR in S-band", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters , vol.63, issue 8 , (DOI - 10.1002/mop.32869) ,pp.2179-2185, [2021].
20. Sethia G., Nayak S.K., Majhi S., "An Approach to Estimate Lithium-Ion Battery State of Charge Based on Adaptive Lyapunov Super Twisting Observer", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers , vol.68, issue 3 , (DOI - 10.1109/TCSI.2020.3044560) ,pp.1319-1329, [2021].
21. Baruah N., Nayak S.K., Pratihar S.K., "Quantitative Effect of Ageing Duration on Dielectric Parameters based on Frequency Response", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement , (DOI - 10.1109/TIM.2021.3127306) [2021].
22. Baruah N., Sangineni R., Chakraborty M., Nayak S.K., "Investigation of natural ester based insulating liquid using statistical hypothesis testing", IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials , vol.141, issue 10 , (DOI - 10.1541/ieejfms.141.560) ,pp.560-566, [2021].
23. Maity B., Nayak S.K., "Design of compact cpw-fed symmetrical staircase-shaped uwb antenna using transmission line model", Progress In Electromagnetics Research C , vol.115 , (DOI - 10.2528/PIERC21073002) ,pp.187-203, [2021].
24. Changmai P., Kumar S., Nayak S.K., Metya S.K., "Maximum Power Estimation of Total Cross-Tied Connected PV Cells in different Shading Conditions for High Current Application", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics , (DOI - 10.1109/JESTPE.2021.3105808) [2021].
25. Sethia G., Majhi S., Nayak S.K., Mitra S., "Strict Lyapunov super twisting observer design for state of charge prediction of lithium-ion batteries", IET Renewable Power Generation , (DOI - 10.1049/rpg2.12039) [2021].
26. Nayak S.K., Swain S.N., Achari T.S., Barik T.K., "Community Perception Regarding Mosquito-Borne Diseases in Some Selected Areas of Ganjam District of Odisha State, India", International Quarterly of Community Health Education , (DOI - 10.1177/0272684X211004943) [2021].
27. H. S. Sahu, M. K. Mishra, S. Kumar, and S. K. Nayak, "A novel approach for direct MPP estimation of a PV module under different irradiation conditions", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion [2021]. , 10.1109/TEC.2021.3072453
28. S. S. Kulkarni, A. K. Baghel, and S. K. Nayak, "Graded refractive index metamaterial for enhanced far-field wireless power transfer efficiency in S-band", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications [2021].
29. Baghel, Amit Kumar, Shashank Satish Kulkarni, and Sisir Kumar Nayak, "A high gain aperture match parabolic horn antenna with stable phase center and higher FBR in S‐band", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters [2021].
30. Papul Changmai, Shashank Kumar, Sisir K. Nayak, and Sanjeev K. Metya, "Maximum Power Estimation of Total Cross-Tied Connected PV Cells in different Shading Conditions for High Current Application", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics [2021]. , 10.1109/JESTPE.2021.3105808
31. Baruah N., Dey S.S., Nayak S.K., "Evaluation of dissolved gas analysis and long-Term performance of non-edible natural ester", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation , vol.27, issue 5 , (DOI - 10.1109/TDEI.2020.008768) ,pp.1561-1569, [2020].
32. Changmai P., Nayak S.K., Metya S.K., "Estimation of PV module parameters from the manufacturer's datasheet for MPP estimation", IET Renewable Power Generation , vol.14, issue 11 , (DOI - 10.1049/iet-rpg.2019.1377) ,pp.1988-1996, [2020].
33. Muralidhar P.V., Nayak S.K., Sahu T., "Implementation of fractional fourier transform in digital filter design", Journal of Communications , vol.15, issue 3 , (DOI - 10.12720/jcm.15.3.289-302) ,pp.289-302, [2020].
34. Rai S., Tripathy P., Nayak S.K., "Using sparsity to estimate oscillatory mode from ambient data", Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences , vol.44, issue 4 , (DOI - 10.1007/s12046-019-1071-7) [2019].
35. Maharana M., Baruah N., Nayak S.K., Meher N., Iyer P.K., "Condition Assessment of Aged Ester-Based Nanofluid through Physicochemical and Spectroscopic Measurement", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement , vol.68, issue 12 , (DOI - 10.1109/TIM.2019.2900883) ,pp.4853-4863, [2019].
36. Baruah N., Maharana M., Nayak S.K., "Performance analysis of vegetable oil-based nanofluids used in transformers", IET Science, Measurement and Technology , vol.13, issue 7 , (DOI - 10.1049/iet-smt.2018.5537) ,pp.995-1002, [2019].
37. Kumar S., Sahu H.S., Nayak S.K., "Estimation of MPP of a Double Diode Model PV Module from Explicit I-V Characteristic", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , vol.66, issue 9 , (DOI - 10.1109/TIE.2018.2877116) ,pp.7032-7042, [2019].
38. Baghel A.K., Kulkarni S., Nayak S.K., "Parabolic profile pyramidal horn antenna with lower phase centre variation and 3 dB beamwidth in S-band", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation , vol.13, issue 10 , (DOI - 10.1049/iet-map.2018.5824) ,pp.1626-1636, [2019].
39. Baghel A.K., Kulkarni S.S., Nayak S.K., "Linear-to-Cross-Polarization Transmission Converter Using Ultrathin and Smaller Periodicity Metasurface", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters , vol.18, issue 7 , (DOI - 10.1109/LAWP.2019.2919423) ,pp.1433-1437, [2019].
40. Baghel A.K., Kulkarni S.S., Nayak S.K., "Far-Field Wireless Power Transfer Using GRIN Lens Metamaterial at GHz Frequency", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters , vol.29, issue 6 , (DOI - 10.1109/LMWC.2019.2912056) ,pp.424-426, [2019].
41. Changmai P., Nayak S.K., Metya S.K., "Mathematical model to estimate the maximum power output of a total cross tied connected PV array during partial shading condition", IET Renewable Power Generation , vol.13, issue 14 , (DOI - 10.1049/iet-rpg.2019.0279) ,pp.2647-2655, [2019].
42. Maharana M., Baruah N., Nayak S.K., Sahoo N., "Effect of oxidative ageing on the thermophysical and electrical properties of the nanofluid with statistical analysis of AC breakdown voltage", IET Science, Measurement and Technology , vol.12, issue 8 , (DOI - 10.1049/iet-smt.2018.5253) ,pp.1074-1081, [2018].
43. Maharana M., Nayak S.K., Sahoo N., "Karanji oil as a potential dielectrics liquid for transformer", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation , vol.25, issue 5 , (DOI - 10.1109/TDEI.2018.007230) ,pp.1871-1879, [2018].
44. Maharana M., Bordeori M.M., Nayak S.K., Sahoo N., "Nanofluid-based transformer oil: Effect of ageing on thermal, electrical and physicochemical properties", IET Science, Measurement and Technology , vol.12, issue 7 , (DOI - 10.1049/iet-smt.2017.0475) ,pp.878-885, [2018].
45. Sahu H.S., Nayak S.K., "Estimation of maximum power point of a double diode model photovoltaic module", IET Power Electronics , vol.10, issue 6 , (DOI - 10.1049/iet-pel.2016.0632) ,pp.667-675, [2017].
46. Rai S., Lalani D., Nayak S.K., Jacob T., Tripathy P., "Estimation of low-frequency modes in power system using robust modified Prony", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution , vol.10, issue 6 , (DOI - 10.1049/iet-gtd.2015.0663) ,pp.1401-1409, [2016].
47. Sahu H.S., Nayak S.K., "Extraction of Maximum Power from a PV Array under Nonuniform Irradiation Conditions", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices , vol.63, issue 12 , (DOI - 10.1109/TED.2016.2616580) ,pp.4825-4831, [2016].
48. Sahu H.S., Nayak S.K., "Numerical approach to estimate the maximum power point of a photovoltaic array", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution , vol.10, issue 11 , (DOI - 10.1049/iet-gtd.2015.0923) ,pp.2670-2680, [2016].
49. Sahu H.S., Nayak S.K., Mishra S., "Maximizing the Power Generation of a Partially Shaded PV Array", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics , vol.4, issue 2 , (DOI - 10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2498282) ,pp.626-637, [2016].
50. Srinivasa Rao A.S., Mallikarjuna Rao P., Nayak S.K., "Design and analysis of non-uniform spacing broad-band antenna arrays using fractional fourier transform", International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation , vol.1, issue 1 ,pp.1-7, [2011].
51. Nayak S.K., Thomas Meledath J., "Lightning-induced current and voltage on a rocket in the presence of its trailing exhaust plume", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility , vol.52, issue 1 , (DOI - 10.1109/TEMC.2009.2034140) ,pp.117-127, [2010].
52. Muralidhar P.V., Srinivasa Rao A.S., Nayak S.K., "Spectral interpretation of sinusoidal wave using fractional fourier transfrom based FIR window functions", International Review on Computers and Software , vol.4, issue 6 ,pp.652-657, [2009].
53. Nayak S., Thomas M., "Electrical characterization of airborne vehicle exhaust plume", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation , vol.16, issue 2 , (DOI - 10.1109/TDEI.2009.4815160) ,pp.325-334, [2009].
54. Nayak S.K., Thomas M.J., "An integro-differential equation technique for the computation of radiated EMI due to corona on HV power transmission lines", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery , vol.20, issue 1 , (DOI - 10.1109/TPWRD.2004.838644) ,pp.488-493, [2005].
1. Saha C., Baruah N., Nayak S.K., "Implementation of Self-Organizing Map and Logistic Regression in Dissolved Gas Analysis of Transformer oils", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials , vol.2021-July , (DOI - 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493899) ,pp.131-134, [2021].
2. Chakraborty M., Baruah N., Kumar Nayak S., Maiti P.K., "Correlating UV Visible Spectral Response and Thermal Ageing of Blended Transformer Oil", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials , vol.2021-July , (DOI - 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493988) ,pp.127-130, [2021].
3. Dey S.S., Rohith S., Baruah N., Nayak S.K., "Study of Heat Transfer Property of the Transformer Oils on Addition of CuO Nanoparticles", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials , vol.2021-July , (DOI - 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493919) ,pp.218-221, [2021].
4. Kanumuri D., Sangineni R., Baruah N., Nayak S.K., "Study of magnetic properties of mineral oil based nanofluids", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials , vol.2021-July , (DOI - 10.1109/ICPADM49635.2021.9493922) ,pp.226-229, [2021].
5. Baruah N., Sangineni R., Chakraborty M., Nayak S.K., "Estimation of Dielectric Parameters of Aged Natural Ester based Insulating Liquid using Open Beaker Oxidative Ageing technique", Proceedings of the Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition - Asia, ECCE Asia 2021 , (DOI - 10.1109/ECCE-Asia49820.2021.9479131) ,pp.1833-1838, [2021].
6. Pradhan S., Nayak S.K., "Windings of a Power Transformer, Its Frequency Response and FEM Analysis", 3rd International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Clean Energy Technologies, ICEPE 2020 , (DOI - 10.1109/ICEPE50861.2021.9404477) [2021].
7. Chaudhary U., Tripathy P., Nayak S.K., "Impact of unsteady aerodynamic loads on a large-scale horizontal axis wind turbine rotor in axial motion", Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering , (DOI - 10.1007/978-981-15-5693-7_8) ,pp.99-112, [2020].
8. Baghel A.K., Kulkarni S.S., Nayak S.K., "Enhancement of received power in far-field microwave wireless power transfer", 2020 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference, WPTC 2020 , (DOI - 10.1109/WPTC48563.2020.9295611) ,pp.102-105, [2020].
9. Chakraborty M., Baruah N., Sangineni R., Kumar Nayak S., Kumar Maiti P., "Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) of Thermally Aged Blended Transformer Oil", Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP , vol.2020-October , (DOI - 10.1109/CEIDP49254.2020.9437452) ,pp.204-207, [2020].
10. Baruah N., Sangineni R., Chakraborty M., Nayak S.K., "Data Driven Analysis of Aged Insulating Oils by UV-Vis Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)", Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP , vol.2020-October , (DOI - 10.1109/CEIDP49254.2020.9437375) ,pp.451-454, [2020].
11. Rohith S., Baruah N., Chakraborthy M., Nayak S.K., "Effect of magnetic properties of liquid dielectric on the leakage flux of power transformer", Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP , vol.2020-October , (DOI - 10.1109/CEIDP49254.2020.9437533) ,pp.123-126, [2020].
12. Baruah N., Sangineni R., Chakraborty M., Nayak S.K., "Statistical analysis of natural ester based insulating liquid using hypothesis testing", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials , vol.2020-September ,pp.347-350, [2020].
13. Maity B., Nayak S.K., "CPW-Fed Double Circular Ring Slot Wideband Antenna for WLAN/WiMAX Applications", 2020 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, WiSPNET 2020 , (DOI - 10.1109/WiSPNET48689.2020.9198327) ,pp.122-125, [2020].
14. Maity B., Nayak S.K., "Compact CPW-Fed Multiband F-Shaped Slot Antenna for Wireless Communications", 2020 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, WiSPNET 2020 , (DOI - 10.1109/WiSPNET48689.2020.9198560) ,pp.92-96, [2020].
15. Maity B., Nayak S.K., "Wideband CPW-fed U-Shaped Antenna array for WLAN and WiMAX applications", 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2020 , (DOI - 10.1109/ICCCNT49239.2020.9225562) [2020].
16. Sangineni R., Baruah N., Nayak S.K., "Analysis of electric field in liquid dielectric on addition of nanoparticles", Materials Today: Proceedings , vol.43 , (DOI - 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.09.828) ,pp.3603-3609, [2020].
17. Baghel A.K., Kulkarni S.S., Nayak S.K., "Simple way of Frequency Tuning using Pin Diode of Transmission type Digital Metasurface", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems, COMCAS 2019 , (DOI - 10.1109/COMCAS44984.2019.8958455) [2019].
18. Kulkarni S.S., Baghel A.K., Nayak S.K., "Square Slotted Patch Antenna for 2.45 GHz Far-field Wireless Power Transfer", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems, COMCAS 2019 , (DOI - 10.1109/COMCAS44984.2019.8958143) [2019].
19. Baghel A.K., Kulkarni S.S., Nayak S.K., "Efficient Modeling of DC-RF module of Space Solar Power Satellite with Improved Antenna design and Metasurface", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems, COMCAS 2019 , (DOI - 10.1109/COMCAS44984.2019.8958029) [2019].
20. Nayani P.S., Kumar Bhaghel A., Nayak S.K., "Dual Band Metamaterial Split Ring Resonator as a Perfect Absorber at GHz Frequency Range", 2019 Global Conference for Advancement in Technology, GCAT 2019 , (DOI - 10.1109/GCAT47503.2019.8978454) [2019].
21. Baruah N., Maharana M., Dey S.S., Nayak S.K., "Behavioural assessment of aged natural ester based nanofluid using statistical technique", Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP , vol.2019-October , (DOI - 10.1109/CEIDP47102.2019.9009770) ,pp.653-656, [2019].
22. Maharana M., Baruah N., Nayak S.K., Wu K., "Insulation Monitoring of Oxidative Aged Nonedible Ester Based Dielectric Fluid by Suitable Dissolved Gas Analysis", Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP , vol.2019-October , (DOI - 10.1109/CEIDP47102.2019.9009956) ,pp.649-652, [2019].
23. Dey S.S., Rohith S., Baruah N., Maharana M., Nayak S.K., "Investigation of thermal conductivity of semiconducting nanofluid for transformer", Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP , vol.2019-October , (DOI - 10.1109/CEIDP47102.2019.9009744) ,pp.109-112, [2019].
24. Baruah N., Maharana M., Dey S.S., Nayak S.K., "Nanoparticle polarization effect on the permittivity of the dielectric liquid", Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids , vol.2019-June , (DOI - 10.1109/ICDL.2019.8796533) [2019].
25. Maharana M., Baruah N., Nayak S.K., Sahoo N., Chakrobarty M., "Investigation of AC breakdown strength and frequency varied dielectric response of the non-conventional vegetable oil", Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids , vol.2019-June , (DOI - 10.1109/ICDL.2019.8796833) [2019].
26. Baruah N., Maharana M., Nayak S.K., "An Electrode Model to Ascertain the Effects of Voltage and Tip Radius with Gap Distance on Electric Field of Transformer Oil", 2nd International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Smart Technology, ICEPE 2018 , (DOI - 10.1109/EPETSG.2018.8658753) [2019].
27. Pradhan S., Nayak S.K., "Winding Dislocation of a Power Transformer and its Analysis to Locate and Estimate the Deformation", 2nd International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Smart Technology, ICEPE 2018 , (DOI - 10.1109/EPETSG.2018.8659337) [2019].
28. Kulkarni S.S., Kumar Nayak S., "Ring Fractal Patch Antenna for GPS Applications", 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology, I2CT 2019 , (DOI - 10.1109/I2CT45611.2019.9033530) [2019].
29. Baruah N., Maharana M., Nayak S.K., "Investigation of the electric field variation on surface of nanoparticle added to transformer oil", Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC , vol.2018-October , (DOI - 10.1109/APPEEC.2018.8566656) ,pp.306-310, [2018].
30. Maharana M., Baruah N., Nayak S.K., Sahoo N., "Nanofluid and transformer oil impregnated aged kraft paper: Analysis of its mechanical strength", Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC , vol.2018-October , (DOI - 10.1109/APPEEC.2018.8566647) ,pp.302-305, [2018].
31. Maharana M., Baruah N., Nayak S.K., Sahoo N., "Electro-Mechanical and Chemical Strength Analysis of Thermally Aged Nanofluid Impregnated Kraft Paper", Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP , vol.2018-October , (DOI - 10.1109/CEIDP.2018.8544795) ,pp.121-124, [2018].
32. Maharana M., Baruah N., Nanda A., Nayak S.K., Sahoo N., "Thermoelectrically Enhanced Nanofluid is a Suitable Replacement for Transformer Oil", 2018 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, EIC 2018 , (DOI - 10.1109/EIC.2018.8481034) ,pp.204-207, [2018].
33. Baghel A.K., Nayak S.K., "Improving radiation efficiency using metasurface in pyramidal horn antenna", AIP Conference Proceedings , vol.2005 , (DOI - 10.1063/1.5050764) [2018].
34. Sahu H.S., Kumar S., Nayak S.K., "Maximum Power Point Estimation of a PV Array by Using Improve Bisection Method", ITEC Asia-Pacific 2018 - 2018 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific: E-Mobility: A Journey from Now and Beyond , (DOI - 10.1109/ITEC-AP.2018.8432595) [2018].
35. Baruah N., Maharana M., Dey S.S., Nayak S.K., "Enhancement of Heat Transfer property in Insulating fluids using Nanoparticles", 8th IEEE Power India International Conference, PIICON 2018 , (DOI - 10.1109/POWERI.2018.8704463) [2018].
36. Baghel A.K., Nayak S.K., "Negative refractive index metamaterial for enhancing radiation directivity in S-band", 2018 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics, ICMAP 2018 , vol.2018-January , (DOI - 10.1109/ICMAP.2018.8354474) ,pp.1-2, [2018].
37. Kumar Nayak S., Nayani P.S., Kumar Baghel A., "Metamaterial split ring resonator using thin ferrite slab at GHz frequency", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems, ICCES 2017 , vol.2018-January , (DOI - 10.1109/CESYS.2017.8321257) ,pp.163-166, [2018].
38. Sethia G., Majhi S., Nayak S.K., "Estimation of state of charge of Li-ion battery in EVs using relay feedback approach and super twisting sliding mode observer", 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2017 , vol.2018-January , (DOI - 10.1109/CDC.2017.8264405) ,pp.5038-5043, [2018].
39. Rai S., Tripathy P., Nayak S.K., "An efficient wavelet based technique for oscillatory mode identification of ambient data via RD and TLS-ESPRIT", 2016 National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2016 , (DOI - 10.1109/NPSC.2016.7858942) [2017].
40. Maharana M., Baruah N., Nayak S.K., Sahoo N., "Comparative study of mechanical and electrical strength of kraft paper in nanofluid based Transformer oil and mineral oil", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials , vol.2 , (DOI - 10.23919/ISEIM.2017.8166573) ,pp.646-649, [2017].
41. Maharana M., Nayak S.K., Sahoo N., Chakraborty M., "Comparative statistical analysis on AC breakdown voltage of thermally aged nanofluid with mineral oil", 2017 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference, EIC 2017 , (DOI - 10.1109/EIC.2017.8004601) ,pp.221-224, [2017].
42. Nizami T.K., Karteek Y.V., Chakravarty A., Alam N., Nayak S.K., "Relay approach for parameter extraction of li-ion battery and SOC estimation using finite time observer", 2017 Indian Control Conference, ICC 2017 - Proceedings , (DOI - 10.1109/INDIANCC.2017.7846452) ,pp.59-64, [2017].
43. Rai S., Nayak S.K., Tripathy P., "A nonlinear filtering technique along with RD and TLS-ESPRIT for mode identification of ambient data", 12th IEEE International Conference Electronics, Energy, Environment, Communication, Computer, Control: (E3-C3), INDICON 2015 , (DOI - 10.1109/INDICON.2015.7443566) [2016].
44. Chaudhary U., Nayak S.K., "Micro and small-scale HAWT blades airfoils study through CFD for low wind applications", 12th IEEE International Conference Electronics, Energy, Environment, Communication, Computer, Control: (E3-C3), INDICON 2015 , (DOI - 10.1109/INDICON.2015.7443703) [2016].
45. Sahu H.S., Nayak S.K., "A novel approach to extract maximum power from partially shaded PV array", 2015 IEEE Power, Communication and Information Technology Conference, PCITC 2015 - Proceedings , (DOI - 10.1109/PCITC.2015.7438188) ,pp.337-342, [2016].
46. Rai S., Tripathy P., Nayak S.K., "A robust TLS-ESPIRIT method using covariance approach for identification of low-frequency oscillatory mode in power systems", 2014 18th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2014 , (DOI - 10.1109/NPSC.2014.7103887) [2015].
47. Chaudhary U., Mondal P., Tripathy P., Nayak S.K., Saha U.K., "Modeling and optimal design of small HAWT blades for analyzing the starting torque behavior", 2014 18th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2014 , (DOI - 10.1109/NPSC.2014.7103886) [2015].
48. Sahu H.S., Nayak S.K., "Improvement in the power generation of a PV array under partial shading conditions", 2014 18th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2014 , (DOI - 10.1109/NPSC.2014.7103845) [2015].
49. Saha P., Kumar S., Nayak S.K., Sahu H.S., "Parameter estimation of double diode photo-voltaic module", 2015 1st Conference on Power, Dielectric and Energy Management at NERIST, ICPDEN 2015 , (DOI - 10.1109/ICPDEN.2015.7084502) [2015].
50. Chaudhary U., Tripathy P., Nayak S.K., "Application of bridge-type FCL for betterment of FRT capability for DFIG-based wind turbine", Proceedings of 6th IEEE Power India International Conference, PIICON 2014 , (DOI - 10.1109/34084POWERI.2014.7117687) [2014].
51. Sahu H.S., Nayak S.K., "A novel approach to improve power output of PV array under different shading conditions", Proceedings of 6th IEEE Power India International Conference, PIICON 2014 , (DOI - 10.1109/34084POWERI.2014.7117652) [2014].
52. Sahu H.S., Roy S., Nayak S.K., "Estimation of Maximum Power Point of PV array using datasheet values for microgrid integration", 2014 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, ISGT ASIA 2014 , (DOI - 10.1109/ISGT-Asia.2014.6873887) ,pp.754-759, [2014].
53. Sahu H.S., Nayak S.K., "Power enhancement of partially shaded PV array by using a novel approach for shade dispersion", 2014 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, ISGT ASIA 2014 , (DOI - 10.1109/ISGT-Asia.2014.6873842) ,pp.498-503, [2014].
54. Nayak S.K., Thomas M.J., "Lightning induced voltage on a rocket and its exhaust plume", Proceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility ,pp.402-409, [2006].
55. Nayak S.K., Thomas M.J., "Effect of line length on the radiated electromagnetic interference due to corona on HV transmission lines", IPEC 2003 - 6th International Power Engineering Conference ,pp.271-276, [2003].
56. Nayak S.K., Thomas M.J., "A novel technique for the computation of radiated EMI due to Corona on HV transmission lines", IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility , vol.2 ,pp.738-742, [2003].
57. Nayak S.K., Thomas M.J., "Computation of EMI fields generated due to corona on high voltage over head power transmission lines", Proceedings of the International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility , vol.2002-January , (DOI - 10.1109/ICEMIC.2002.1006454) ,pp.15-19, [2002].
Subhendu Sekhar Sahu, Deepak Kanumuri, Sisir Kumar Nayak, “Method and apparatus for Analyzing Partial Discharges in Liquid Insulation and Solid Insulation” Indian patent application number: 202431074410. (filed on 01/10/2024).
Deepak Kanumuri, Niharika Baruah, Ambuj Kumar and Sisir Kumar Nayak," APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR MEASURING AND ANALYSING BREAKDOWN AND PRE-BREAKDOWN PHENOMENA ALONG THE SURFACE OF OIL-IMMERSED SOLID INSULATION FOR OIL-FILLED POWER EQUIPMENT" Indian patent application number: 202433034553. (filed on 01/05/2024).
Niharika Baruah, Rohith Sangineni, Deepak Kanumuri and Sisir Kumar Nayak, " Long term accelerated multi-stress ageing chamber for transformer insulation", Indian patent application number: 202331008919. (filed on 10/02/2023).
(Granted)-Shashank Satish Kulkarni, Amarnath Kumar, Anurag Ramrao Lambor, Sisir Kumar Nayak and D. Senthil Kumar, " A Planar Meta-Surface Sub-Reflector-Based Cassegrain Reflector System for Transferring and Harvesting of Power and Energy" Indian patent number: 437297.
(Granted)- Shashank Satish Kulkarni, Amarnath Kumar, Niraja Pravin Sanghai, Anurag Ramrao Lambor, Sisir Kumar Nayak and D. Senthil Kumar, "An Electric Field Enhancement System for Automated Mobile Vehicle Charging" Indian patent number: 433790.
(Granted)- Deepak Kanumuri, Niharika Baruah, Ambuj Kumar and Sisir Kumar Nayak, "An Apparatus for Analysing Breakdown and Pre-Breakdown Phenomena in Liquid Dielectrics" Indian patent number: 432202.
Manas Chakraborty, Rohith Sangineni, Niharika Baruah and Sisir Kumar Nayak, "Sandwiched non-heating filtration process for removal of moisture and Dissolved gases in transformer insulating oils using Metal Organic Framework (MOF)" Indian patent application number: 202231042371.
(Granted) Rohith Sangineni, Shashank Satish Kulkarni and Sisir Kumar Nayak, "Design and development of an electromagnetic interference free non-intrusive test setup for condition assessment of insulating oils using antenna" Indian patent number: 503817.
Amit Kumar Baghel, Shashank kulkarni, Sisir Kumar Nayak, and Senthil Kumar, “Aperture matched parabolic pyramidal horn antenna”, Indian patent application number: 201931023910, Date of publication: 12/07/2019.
Shashank Kulkarni, Amit Kumar Baghel, Sisir Kumar Nayak, and Senthil Kumar, “Far field wireless power/energy transfer/harvesting to/for manned and/or unmanned systems using metamaterial”, Indian patent application number: 201931023905, Date of publication: 12/07/2019.
(Granted)- Amit Kumar Baghel, Shashank Kulkarni, Sisir Kumar Nayak and Senthil Kumar, “Parabolic Pyramidal Horn antenna”, Indian patent number:385322.
(Granted)-Mrutyunjay Maharana, Alakesh Nanda, Sisir Kumar Nayak and Niranjan Sahoo, “Natural and force convection imposed accelerated thermal ageing simulator to predict the life of the insulating oil before using in transformer”, Indian patent number: 494139.
(Granted)- Moon Moon Bordeori, Mrutyunjay Maharana, Sisir Kumar Nayak and Niranjan Sahoo, “Design and development of automated open beaker oxidative ageing assessment apparatus”, Indian patent number: 475075.
(Granted)- Mrutyunjay Maharana, Sisir Kumar Nayak and Niranjan Sahoo, “Non-edible vegetable oil based dielectric liquid and use thereof in power dissipation transformer”, Indian patent application number: 201831013006, Date of publication: 05/04/2018. ( IN ORDER FOR GRANT UNDER SECTION 43, AWAITING NBA APPROVAL).
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati, Assam, India.PIN-781 039. Email: eeeoff@iitg.ac.in Telehone: +91-361-2582550 Fax: +91-361-2582542 +91-361-2690762
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