and Electrical Engineering
Key Research Areas : Wireless Sensor Networks, Coding Theory, Wireless Communications.
Phone No: +91-361-2582522 (O) | Email: sonali@iitg.ac.in| Room No: 0201
Courses (July - Nov 2011): 1) EC632: MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS
Courses (Jan - May 2011): 1) EC360: EMBEDDED SYSTEMS
1. Chouhan S., "Energy optimization techniques for wireless sensor networks", Green Mobile Devices and Networks: Energy Optimization and Scavenging Techniques ,pp.153-173, [2016].
1. Pawar A.R., Kashyap S., Chouhan S., "Impact of Max-Min Power Control, Channel Estimation and User Grouping Strategies on Uplink Massive MIMO-NOMA Systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology , vol.70, issue 8 , (DOI - 10.1109/TVT.2021.3093716) ,pp.7858-7869, [2021].
2. Resmi N.C., Chouhan S., "An Enhanced Methodology for Energy-Efficient Interdependent Source-Channel Coding for Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking , vol.4, issue 4 , (DOI - 10.1109/TGCN.2020.3008079) ,pp.1072-1080, [2020].
3. Kumar S., Chouhan S., "Performance analysis of SIMO spectrum sharing networks over correlated ??-?? shadowed fading relying on MRC reception", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications , vol.82 , (DOI - 10.1016/j.aeue.2017.08.005) ,pp.104-108, [2017].
4. Resmi N.C., Chouhan S., "A Novel Interdependent Source-Channel Coding Technique for Enhanced Energy Efficiency in Communication over Wireless Sensor Networks", Wireless Personal Communications , vol.96, issue 3 , (DOI - 10.1007/s11277-017-4068-8) ,pp.3727-3743, [2017].
5. Kumar S., Chouhan S., "Performance Analysis of MIMO Spectrum-Sharing Networks with Pre-Whitened Interfering Signals under Outdated Channel Information", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters , vol.5, issue 2 , (DOI - 10.1109/LWC.2015.2512869) ,pp.156-159, [2016].
6. Kumar S., Chouhan S., "Performance analysis of cognitive decode-and-forward dual-hop relay networks over ??????? shadowed channels", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications , vol.70, issue 9 , (DOI - 10.1016/j.aeue.2016.06.010) ,pp.1241-1248, [2016].
7. Chouhan S., Balakrishnan M., Bose R., "System-level design space exploration methodology for energy-efficient sensor node configurations: An experimental validation", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems , vol.31, issue 4 , (DOI - 10.1109/TCAD.2011.2176729) ,pp.586-596, [2012].
8. Bose R., Chouhan S., "Alternate measure of information useful for DNA sequences", Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics , vol.83, issue 5 , (DOI - 10.1103/PhysRevE.83.051918) [2011].
9. Chouhan S., Bose R., Balakrishnan M., "Integrated energy analysis of error correcting codes and modulation for energy efficient wireless sensor nodes", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications , vol.8, issue 10 , (DOI - 10.1109/TWC.2009.090279) ,pp.5348-5355, [2009].
10. Chouhan S., Bose R., Balakrishnan M., "A framework for energy-consumption-based design space exploration for wireless sensor nodes", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems , vol.28, issue 7 , (DOI - 10.1109/TCAD.2009.2018865) ,pp.1017-1024, [2009].
11. Chouhan S., Bose R., Balakrishnan M., "A framework for energy-consumption-based design space exploration for wireless sensor nodes", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems , vol.28, issue 1 ,pp.1017-1024, [2009].
1. Chouhan S., Taye T., "Low Complexity Antenna Selection Scheme for Spatially Correlated Multiple Antenna Cognitive Radios", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing , vol.1049 , (DOI - 10.1007/978-981-15-0132-6_19) ,pp.275-283, [2020].
2. Venkatesh B., Bala Sai Krishna N., Chouhan S., "Distributed Optimal Power Allocation Using Game Theory in Underlay Cognitive Radios", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing , vol.1049 , (DOI - 10.1007/978-981-15-0132-6_21) ,pp.295-304, [2020].
3. Gurajapu S., Raj S., Chouhan S., "Spectrum allocation and power management using markov chains and beamforming in underlay cognitive radios", 2019 27th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2019 , (DOI - 10.23919/SOFTCOM.2019.8903786) [2019].
4. Chouhan S., "Energy optimal partial computation offloading framework for mobile devices in multi-access edge computing", 2019 27th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2019 , (DOI - 10.23919/SOFTCOM.2019.8903763) [2019].
5. Roy S., Chouhan S., "Novel density aware energy efficient (DAEE) routing algorithm for mobile Ad-Hoc networks", 2018 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies, GUCON 2018 , (DOI - 10.1109/GUCON.2018.8675009) ,pp.1116-1121, [2019].
6. Resmi N.C., Chouhan S., "Energy Efficient Communication with Interdependent Source-Channel Coding: An Enhanced Methodology", Proceedings of IEEE Sensors , vol.2018-October , (DOI - 10.1109/ICSENS.2018.8589643) [2018].
7. Roy S., Chouhan S., "REDEAR: Relative Density Aware Routing Algorithm for Energy Efficiency in MANETs", International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems, ANTS , vol.2018-December , (DOI - 10.1109/ANTS.2018.8710112) [2018].
8. Soni A., Jharia P., Chouhan S., "Energy Contribution of Control Packets of AODV in Various Mobility Models in MANET", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering , vol.462 , (DOI - 10.1007/978-981-10-7901-6_72) ,pp.661-668, [2018].
9. Josephine S., Chouhan S., Mahanta A., "Estimation of integration interval for energy detectors in UWB using compressed sensing", 2016 8th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, COMSNETS 2016 , (DOI - 10.1109/COMSNETS.2016.7440020) [2016].
10. Kumar S., Chouhan S., "Outage probability analysis of cognitive decode-and-forward relay networks over k - ?? Shadowed Channels", 2015 21st Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2015 , (DOI - 10.1109/APCC.2015.7412552) ,pp.433-437, [2016].
11. Singh R., Chouhan S., "A cross-layer MAC protocol for contention reduction and pipelined flow optimization in wireless sensor networks", 2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems, ReTIS 2015 - Proceedings , (DOI - 10.1109/ReTIS.2015.7232853) ,pp.58-63, [2015].
12. Patra A., Chouhan S., "An approach to improved energy efficient hybrid clustering in wireless sensor networks", 2014 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, SPCOM 2014 , (DOI - 10.1109/SPCOM.2014.6983962) [2014].
13. Kumar S., Chouhan S., "Spectrum sensing in MIMO cognitive radio with temporally and spatially correlated signal", 2014 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems, ISWCS 2014 - Proceedings , (DOI - 10.1109/ISWCS.2014.6933437) ,pp.664-669, [2014].
14. Patra A., Chouhan S., "Energy Efficient Hybrid multihop clustering algorithm in wireless sensor networks", Proceeding - IEEE COMNETSAT 2013: IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite , (DOI - 10.1109/COMNETSAT.2013.6870861) ,pp.59-63, [2013].
15. Chouhan S., Balakrishnan M., Bose R., "An experimental validation of system level design space exploration methodology for energy efficient sensor nodes", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design , (DOI - 10.1145/1594233.1594321) ,pp.355-358, [2009].
16. Chouhan S., Balakrishnan M., Bose R., "A framework for energy consumption based design space exploration for wireless sensor nodes", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design , (DOI - 10.1145/1393921.1394009) ,pp.329-334, [2008].
• Microsoft Outstanding Young Faculty Award 2010
• Awarded India4EU postdoctoral fellowship
• Reviewer, IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati Guwahati, Assam, India.PIN-781 039. Email: eeeoff@iitg.ac.in Telehone: +91-361-2582550 Fax: +91-361-2582542 +91-361-2690762
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