शासी मंडल


डॉ. राजीव आई. मोदी

Chairman & Managing Director,
Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

सदस्य, पदेन

प्रो. देवेन्द्र जालिहाल

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

सदस्य-आईआईटी परिषद के नामांकित व्यक्ति

एएस/जेएस (टीई)

Ministry of Education, Shastri Bhawan
New Delhi

डॉ प्रहलाद रामा राव

Former Vice-Chancellor,
Defense Institute of Advanced Technology and
Former Director,DRDO, , New Delhi- 110 011

प्रो. एस. के. श्रीवास्तव

Former Vice Chancellor
North Eastern Hill University, Shillong-793 022

प्रो. वरदराज बी. बापट

Faculty in Accounting and Finance
SJM School of Management,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai - 400 076

असम सरकार के सदस्य-नामित

श्री नारायण कोंवर

Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Assam,
Department of Higher Education
Dispur, Guwahati - 781 006

उत्तर पूर्व क्षेत्र के सदस्य-नामित

प्रो. बिजॉय कुमार उपाध्याय

Professor at Tripura Institute of Technology

विद्या परिषद् के सदस्य-नामित

प्रो. एम. गुरु प्रेम प्रसाद

Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

प्रो. चंदन मुखर्जी

Department of Chemistry,
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati


श्री कृष्ण कुमार तिवारी

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati