Centre for Sustainable Polymers

Head of the Centre

Amit  Kumar

Department of Chemical Engineering

  hocsp @ iitg.ac.in

Contact Address

Centre for Sustainable Polymers
Technology Complex
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati - 781039

 +91 7896123664

 csp_office @ iitg.ac.in

Website : https://www.cfsuspol.com

About Centre for Sustainable Polymers


The Centre will strive to provide quality graduate-level education and multidisciplinary research in the field of sustainable polymers, and to become an internationally recognized hub for the development of innovative low-cost sustainable polymer-based technologies and products for engineering, commodity and biomedical applications.


To foster the development of research and education in the multi-disciplinary area of Sustainable Polymers at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.
To create and nurture an environment conducive to collaborative research and teaching by providing appropriate facilities and expertise.
To provide faculty, staff and students with state-of-the-art facilities for carrying out research and education in areas fundamentally important to the Centre.
To cater to the training and research needs of the Indian polymer sector giving a special emphasis on creating a pollution-free environment using sustainable polymers.
To provide scientific expertise on sustainable polymers to various research institutions and industrial partners on one platform.
To train the industrial workforce and create awareness on the benefits of sustainable polymers in society.
To emerge as a leading international research centre in Sustainable Polymers.