Rohini Mokashi-Punekar 

Rohini Mokashi-Punekar 

Education: PhD
+91 361 2582555
Room No: 105
Personal Website

Research Interests: Translation, Postcolonial Studies, Culture Studies, Indian Writing in English and Modern British Literature.

Journal Publications

1. Rohini Mokashi Punekar and Snigdha Deka, "Re-imagining a Muslim Courtesan as a Virangana vis-a-is Kenize Mourad’s In the City of Gold and Silver", Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics, vol.44, Issue no.4, pp.45-56, ISBN.ISSN: 0252-8169 [2022]

2. Rohini Mokashi Punekar and Rajashree Bargohain, "Poetry, Identity and the geography of culture: Representations of landscape in poetry in English from Northeast India", Asian Ethnicity, vol.23, Issue no.1, pp.47-65 [2020], DOI: 10.1080/14631369.2020.1727311

3. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Mahatma Jotiba Phule: Satyashodhak Samaj and Sarvajanik Satya Dharma", Cafe Dissensus, Issue no.27 [2016]

4. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Education and its Contestatory Histories: Jotiba Phule Interventions in Nineteenth Century Maharashtra", dialog, Issue no.29, pp.46-64 [2016]

5. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, Arpana Nath, "The Mother-Daughter Relationship: Motherhood and Sexuality in Manju Kapur's Difficult Daughers", IUP Journal of Commonwealth Literature, vol.IV, Issue no.1, pp.22-31 [2012]

6. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "The Poetry of Vikram Seth: Anti-romantic, Postmodern or Simply Kitsch?", JSL, vol.xiv, Issue no.3, pp.39-46 [2011]

7. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Is it Possible to be Dalit in Medieval India?", JSL, vol.xv, pp.25-38 [2011]

8. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Chokhamela the Dalit poet-saint", Samaj Prabodhan, vol.xx, Issue no.2, pp.14-29 [2011]

9. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, Kalpana Bora, ""Maximum City": Mumbai, Spatial Politics and Representation", Spaces and Flows: an International Journal of Urban and Extra Urban Studies, vol.!, Issue no.3, pp.151-166 [2011]

10. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "The Real Seat of Taste: Food, Consumption and Communication in Gandhi", The Book Review, vol.XXXII, Issue no.13, pp.5-15 [2008]

11. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, Abhigyan Prasad, "Imperial Frontier to National Border: Narration, History and Identity in Ghosh's The Glass Palace", JSL, vol.ix, pp.40-52 [2008]

12. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Bhakti as Protest (Reprinted)", Journal of Sikh Studies, vol.XXIX, Issue no.1, pp.29-36 [2005]

13. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Repositioning Borders: a reading of the Glass Palace", Critical Practice, vol.X, Issue no.1, pp.52-59 [2003]

14. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "The Poetry of Chokhamela: an Introduction", The Book Review, vol.XXV, Issue no.2, pp.6-12 [2001]

15. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Gandhi in South Africa", Journal for Contemporary Thought, Issue no.13, pp.87-98 [2001]

16. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Chokhamela: Five Poems", Chandrabhaga, vol.New Series, Issue no.3, pp.123-126 [2001]

17. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Of Uncritical Largess: Redefining the Postcolonial", Journal for Contemporary Thought, Issue no.9, pp.121-128 [1999]

Book Chapter

1. Rohini Mokashi Punekar and Snigdha Deka, "Re-imagining a Muslim Courtesan as a Virangana vis-a-vis Kenize Murad's In the City of Gold and Silver (2013) (Reprinted)" , Life Writing, Representation and Identity , Routledge , [2024]

2. Rohini Mokashi Punekar and Snigdha Deka, "Woman Protestor as Depicted in Mamoni Raisom Goswami's The Bronze Sword of Thengphakhri Tehsildar (2009)" , Female Narratives of Protest , Routledge India , [2023]

3. Rohini Mokashi Punekar, "Breath" , Reclaiming the Disabled Subject: Representing Disability in Short Fiction Vol. 1 , Bloomsbury India , pp.202-219 [2022] ISBN 9789354353307

4. Rohini Mokashi Punekar, "Translating Stigma in the Postcolonial Context: and analysis of Bharath Sasne's short story 'Mai Dukh ki Lambi Raat'" , Disability in Translation: The Indian Experience edited by Someshwar Sati and G.J.V. Prasad , Routledge: London and New York , pp.220-230 [2020] ISBN: 978-0-8153-6984-4

5. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Language as Contestation: Phule's Interventions in Education in Nineteenth Century Maharashtra" , A Multilingual Nation , Oxford University Press ISBN.9.78E+12, [2018]

6. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Modern Quests, Ancient Lore: Reading Poetry in English from Northeast India" , Emergent Identities Literature , Headword , [2016]

7. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Dissenting Voices: Continuities in the Varkari Tradition" , Devotion and Dissent in Indian History , Cambridge University Press ISBN.9.79E+12, [2014]

8. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "The Bharuds of Eknath: Performance, Humour and Satire" , Indian Satire in the Period of First Modernity , Harrassowitz Verlag ISBN.978-3447065375, [2012]

9. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Chokhamela" , Brill's Encyclopedia of Hinduism , Brill , vol.IV ISBN.978-90-04-17895-3, [2012]

10. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Absence as Presence: the construction of "subalternity", in Amitav Ghosh's The Calcutta Choromosome" , Subaltern Vision: a study in Postcolonial Indian English Novel , Cambridge Scholars Publishing ISBN.978-1443836654, [2012]

11. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Chokhamela" , The Oxford Anthology of Bhakti Literature , Oxford University Press ISBN.978-0198069126, [2011]

12. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Chutneyfying English: the Phenomenon of Hinglish" , Views from a Different India: Not Hinglish but Nagamese , Penguin Books ISBN.978-0143416395, [2011]

13. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, Arpana Nath, "Fasting, Feasting: Food, Consumption and the Politics of Power" , The Writer's Feast: Food and the Cultures of Representation , Orient Blackswan ISBN.978-8125041955, [2011]

14. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Devdasi" , The Historical Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex work , Greenwood Press ISBN.978-0313329685, [2006]

15. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Kanhopatra" , The Historical Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex work , Greenwood Press ISBN.978-0313329685, [2006]

16. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Kanakadasa: The Philosopher-Poet of the Haridasa Tradition of Karnataka" , Bhakti in Current Research , Manohar ISBN.978-8173046940, [2006]

17. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "The Humble Administrator's Garden: Mapping Spaces" , Vikram Seth: The Literary Genius A Critical Response , Prestige Books ISBN.978-8175511682, [2005]

18. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Bhakti as Protest" , Culture and the State: Alternative Interventions , CRC Humanities Studio ISBN.9.78E+12, [2003]

19. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "The Self, the Poem and the World: Jayant Mahapatra" , Modern Indian Poetry in English: Critical Studies , Creative Books ISBN.978-8186318775, [2000]


1. Rohini Mokashi Punekar, "The Third Eye and Other Works: Mahatma Phule's Writings on Education", Orient Blackswan [2023]

2. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "Vikram Seth: An Introduction", Cambridge University Press, ISBN.978-8175965898 [2008]

3. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, Eleanor Zelliot, "Untouchable Saints: an Indian Phenomenon", Manohar, ISBN.978-8173046445 [2005]

4. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "On the Threshold: Songs of Chokhamela", Alta Mira Press, ISBN.978-0300165227 [2005]

5. Rohini Mokashi-Punekar, "On the Threshold: Songs of Chokhamela (1st edition)", The Book Review Literary Trust, ISBN.8188434027 [2002]


Creating Digital Learning Environment for Design in India : E-Kalpa
Funding Agency : MHRD
Principal Investigator: Ravi Mokashi-Punekar
Co-investigator: Rohini Mokashi- Punekar
Duration/Starting Year: 0000-00-00 to 0000-00-00
Status: Ongoing


Anthology of abhangas from Varkari Bhakti
Funding Agency : Indian Council for Historical Research
Principal Investigator: Rohini Mokashi- Punekar
Co-investigator: NA
Duration/Starting Year: 01-01-2014 to 31-12-2016
Status: Completed

Sl.No Name Thesis Title PhD Status
1 Rajashree Bargohain Echoes from the Hills: Poetry in English from Northeast India
2 Kalpana Bora Metropolis Bombay: Spatial Representations in Contemporary Indian Fiction in English
3 Monalisha Saikia Reconstruction of Culture and Immigrant Identity in Selected Novels of Bharati Mukherjee.
4 Arpana Nath Mothers and Daughters: A Study of Selected Fiction by Indian Women Novelists in English
5 Sneha Roy SOAS
6 Adeep Hussain
7 Himaxee Bordoloi Children's Literature in Assam: A Study APR2
8 Sneha Roy SOAS
Sl.No Name Year Dissertation Title
1 Myuri Borah 2012 Dr. Rammanohar Lohia?s Views on Caste and the Impact on Indian Society
2 Yogesh Mishra 2012 Dalits in Contemporary India: The Public Sphere and Social Media

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Sl.No Name Year
No Data Available!
Sl.No Program Name Email Year Thesis/Project Title Affiliation

Awards and Achievements

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Sl.No Name of Faculty and co-researcher Title Application No Date of Award Year Status


Title: Feminist Fiction as Gender Positioning System

Name of Conference: Feminist and Queer Spatialities: Care, Connection and Change

The School of Geography, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Aug 21, 2024 - Aug 22, 2024 No.of Partcipants: 25 International
Title: Partition and Poetry in Northeast India

Name of Conference: Asian Studies Annual Conference

Centre for Advanced Study in South Asia, Khatmandu, Nepal Oct 18, 2025 - Oct 18, 2027 International
Title: Poetry of Witness in Northeast India

Name of Conference: 14th ESSE Conference

Masaryk University, Czech Republic, Brno, Czech Republic Aug 29, 2018 - Sep 2, 2018 International
Title: Imperial Frontiers to National Borders: Narration, History and Identity in Ghosh’s The Glass Palace

Name of Conference: Northeast India and its Transnational Neighbourhood

IIT Guwahati, Guwahati Jan 8, 2017 - Jan 8, 2018 International
Title: Views from a Different India: Not Hinglish but Nagamese

Name of Conference: Chutnefying English: the Cultural Politics of Hinglish

MICA, Mumbai, Mumbai Jan 9, 2011 - Jan 9, 2012 International
Title: Dissenting Voices: Continuities in the Varkari Tradition

Name of Conference: Devotion and Dissent in Indian History

Centre for Historical Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Mar 11, 2009 - Mar 13, 2009 International
Title: Retrieving Voices of Protest: Approaches to Marginality

Name of Conference: Indian and Cross-Cultural Approaches to Marginality

Centre for English Studies, School for Languages and Literature, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Mar 9, 2022 - Mar 9, 2024 International
Title: Postmodern and/or Kitsch: the Poetry of Vikram Seth

Name of Conference: Indian English Poetry: the Last Twenty Five Years

Indian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies and NEHU, Shillong Oct 9, 2029 - Oct 9, 2031 National
Title: Glocal Bombay: Spatial Politics and Representation

Name of Conference: Conflict, Belonging and Multiculturalism

Sri Venkateshwara College, University of Delhi, New Delhi Nov 5, 2009 - Nov 7, 2009 National
Title: The Bharuds of Eknath: Performance, Humour and Satire

Name of Conference: Indian Satire in the First Period of Modernity

University of Bonn, Germany Jul 10, 2026 - Jul 10, 2029 International
Title: Maximum City: Mumbai, Spatial Politics and Representation

Name of Conference: Spaces and Flows: an International Conference on Urban and Extra-Urban Studies

University of California, Los Angeles, USA Dec 10, 2004 - Dec 10, 2006 International
Title: Performance and satire in Medieval Indian Literature: the case of Eknath’s Bharuds

Name of Conference: Social Imagination in Comparative Perspective: Languages, Cultures and Literatures

Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar and Comparative Literature Association of India, Gandhinagar, Gujarat Mar 3, 2011 - Mar 6, 2011 International
Title: Defilement and Sacrality: the poetry of Chokhamela

Name of Conference: The Body in Culture: Culture of the Body

School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Mar 11, 2003 - Mar 11, 2004 International
Title: The Cultural Citizen in Bharati Mukherjee’s Novels

Name of Conference: Contemporary English Studies: Society, Culture and Language

Assam University, Silchar Mar 13, 2006 - Mar 13, 2008 International
Title: Locating Polyphony: A Study of the Ramayana in Assam

Name of Conference: Bakhtin in India: Exploring the Dialogic Potential in Self, Culture and History

Central University of Gujarat, India Aug 13, 2019 - Aug 13, 2021 International
Title: Envisioning a Modern Assamese Society: A Study of Jyotiprasad Agarwalla’s Khanikar

Name of Conference: Modernity and Indian Theatre

Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam Sep 13, 2027 - Sep 13, 2028 National
Title: Anthropocentrism or Biocentrism: Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide as Green Postcolonialism

Name of Conference: Towards Ecocultural Ethics: recent trends and future directions

BITS, Goa Campus, Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, USA Oct 14, 2009 - Oct 14, 2011 International
Title: The City at the Margins: A reading of Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance

Name of Conference: Space, Place, Travel, Displacement, Exile

IACLALS, BITS, Goa Campus, Goa Feb 15, 2012 - Feb 15, 2014 International
Title: Modern Quests, Ancient Lore: Reading Poetry in English from Northeast India

Name of Conference: Emergent Identities: Its Literary Representations

Department of English, Mizoram University, ICSSR, Mizoram Mar 15, 2004 - Mar 15, 2006 National
Title: Language as Contestation: Jotiba Phule’s Interventions in the Bilingual Public Sphere of 19th century Maharashtra

Name of Conference: Annual Conference of the American Comparative Literature Association

ACLA, University of Harvard, Boston, USA Mar 16, 2017 - Mar 16, 2020 International
Title: Jotiba Phule’s Inversion of the Aryan Theory of Race in Gulamgiri

Name of Conference: Violets in a Crucible: Translation in the 19th century

University of Grenoble, Alps and Jawaharlal Nehru University, Grenoble, France Jun 22, 2016 - May 24, 2016 International


Name of Conference: IACLALS Annual Conference 2017 on Location, Identity, Solidarity: Hegemonic Formations and Contestations (With a Special Focus on the North East)

Feb 15, 2017 - Feb 17, 2017 National


Title: Gandhi and Womens Empowerment

Name of Invited Lecture:

Handique Girls College, Guwahati Mar 19, 2008 - Nov 30, -0001 International
Title: Education and its Contestatory Histories

Name of Invited Lecture:

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur Feb 19, 2028 - Nov 30, -0001 International
Title: Gandhi, Science and the Machine

Name of Invited Lecture:

Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati, Guwahati Sep 18, 2028 - Nov 30, -0001 International

Name of Invited Lecture: Prospects for English Studies in Higher Education in India

The Open University, London in School for Languages, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Apr 12, 2005 - Apr 12, 2006 International

Name of Invited Lecture: Prospects for English Studies: India and Britain Compared

The Open University, London, New Delhi Feb 13, 2015 - Feb 13, 2016 International


Title: Translating Stigma in the Postcolonial Context

Name of Workshop: IATIS South Asian Regional Workshop on Translating Disability Across Cultures: The Translation and R

Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Sep 16, 2014 - Sep 16, 2016 National


Name of Workshop: Theory after Derrida

Jun 20, 2005 - Jul 19, 2005 National


Title: Review Committee Meeting

Name of Others: Review Committee at IISER Bhopal

IISER, Bhopal Aug 29, 2024 - Aug 30, 2024 No.of Partcipants: 5 National


Name of Seminar: National Seminar on Translation and Assamese Literature: History and Theory

Mar 7, 2014 - Mar 8, 2014 National


Name of Short-term Course: Short-term QIP course ‘Integrating Humanities and Social Sciences in Technical Education’

Nov 7, 2005 - Nov 11, 2005 National