
ACS Chem. Neurosci., 2020, 11, 3277–3287
Amyloid targeting ‘artificial chaperone’ impairs oligomer mediated neuronal damage and mitochondrial dysfunction associated with Alzheimer's disease.

ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2023, 6, 10, 4383–4391
Self-Assembly Driven Formation of Functional Ultralong “Artificial Fibers” to Mitigate the Neuronal Damage Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease

ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2024, 15, 2, 268–277
Amyloid Targeting Red Emitting AIE Dots for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Application against Alzheimer’s Disease

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16, 16, 20034–20054
Conjugated Polyelectrolytes: Illuminating the Path to Neurodegenerative Disorders Detection and Treatment
Published Article
Mondal, S.; Vashi, Y.; Ghosh, P.; Roy, D.; Barthakur, M.; Kumar, S.; Iyer, P. K. Amyloid Targeting "Artificial Chaperone" Impairs Oligomer Mediated Neuronal Damage and Mitochondrial Dysfunction Associated with Alzheimer's Disease.
Published Article
Subrata Mondal, Yoya Vashi, Priyam Ghosh, Pankaj Kalita, Sachin Kumar, and Parameswar Krishnan Iyer* The Self-Assembly Driven Formation of Functional Ultra-long ‘Artificial Fiber’ to Mitigate Neuronal Damage Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease
Published Article
Priyam Ghosh, Kamal Shokeen, Subrata Mondal, Thirukumaran Kandasamy, Siddhartha S. Ghosh, Sachin Kumar, Parameswar K. Iyer* Amyloid Targeting Red Emitting AIE Dots for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Application Against Alzheimer’s Disease
Submitted Article
Priyam Ghosh, Sayantani Mukhopadhyay, Thirukumaran Kandasamy, Siddhartha S. Ghosh, Parameswar K. Iyer* Lysosome Targeting Hydroxyquinoline-derived Small Molecule towards Early-Stage Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Applied Patent
Ghosh, P.; Shokeen, K.; Mondal, S.; Kumar, S.; Iyer, P. K.; “PHENYL ACRYLONITRILE COMPOUNDS WITH METAL-FREE & METAL BOUND AMYLOID-(Aß). (Ref. No. 202331022938, Appl. No. TEMP/E-1/26416/2023-KOL.)
Applied Patent
Ghosh, P.; Iyer, P. K.; Multi-targeted Small Molecule Fluorescent Probes for Potential Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Review Article
Conjugated Polyelectrolytes: Illuminating the Path to Neurodegenerative Disorders Detection and Treatment. Priyam Ghosh and Parameswar Krishnan Iyer* ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16, 16, 20034-20054
Review Article
Unique Biophysical Signature of Amyloids: A Therapeutic Perspective. Subrata Mondal, Kavita Narang, Priyam Ghosh, Sayan Roychowdhury, Atul Kumar Dwivedi, Stoyan Smoukov,* Parameswar K. Iyer * (Under Revision)
Book Chapter
Analytical Techniques in Identifying and Purifying the Proteins. Priyam Ghosh, Hirokjyoti Roy, Sayantani Mukhopadhyay, Subrata Mondal, Siddhartha S. Ghosh, Parameswar K. Iyer*
In Lantibiotics as Alternative Therapeutics; Elsevier, 2023; pp 473–489.
Book Chapter
Sensors Based on Polymer Nanomaterials. Mst Nasima Khatun, Moirangthem Anita Chanu, Debika Barman, Priyam Ghosh, Tapashi Sarmah, Laxmi Raman Adil, Parameswar Krishnan Iyer* (Accepted)
Book Chapter
Role of Amyloid Beta in Neurodegeneration and Therapeutic Strategies for Neuroprotection
Priyam Ghosh, Kavita Narang, and Parameswar Krishnan Iyer* In Neuroprotection; Springer US: New York, NY, 2024; pp 337–354.